Hi I've just started using a cpap machine last night was my first night, I felt like I was being suffocated managed for a round r hours , everytime I feel to sleep I no sooner was awake it felt like I couldn't breath and needed the mask off , is this normal I know I need to get used of using the machine. Please tell me your experience using the cpap .
Cpap machine : Hi I've just started using a... - Sleep Matters
Cpap machine

I have had my cpap machine for 8 years now and wouldn't be without it. I can remember the first couple of months I used it. It felt exactly as you described.. But do persevere. It will get easier
You might want to adjust the ramp time
Good luck... The benefits are enormous
I've been on a CPAP for around 20 years. As '49dibs' says persevere, it will get easier.
Hi I’m two months in and it has been difficult but I'm persevering as so many say it will make a difference….. eventually.
What I’ve learnt is it’s important to accept it won’t be right from day one it will take time and adjustments.
Yes it’s normal, I’m on my second mask got it last week. I had F&P full mask - under nose and over mouth and after first few hours of sleep woke up like suffocating. I had been given humidifier and heated tube for dry mouth - dry mouth resolved largely but the heat sort of exasperated the suffocation feeling.
I went last back week to hospital (lucky got a cancellation appt) - given a new mask - resumed full mask - over mouth and nose - I like it more than the other one but it’s not going well although last night was only second night.
last night terrible rattling and gurgling sound from tube and valve in mask - very loud. I filmed myself so hoping to get appointment to see what can be done. Kept me awake again and again.
I think I last the first few hours as that’s my dead to the world stage then I repeatedly wake up (this is my norm I hope changes once I find right mask). But after that mask starts leaking.as I open and close mouth the seal breaks. Loud hissing and farting noises - the mask not me.
If I had any advice, it’s only first night try for a few more nights see how get on, wear for as long as you can, take mask off and reset and start again. And if just not working definitely contact clinic. Mine - once you get through very helpful.
But as others here have advised me I will run out of options with NHS so I’m willing to buy and try an alternative which will be a nasal mask but will need a chin strap as I am a bit of a mouth breather.
Keep going, it seems to be worth it per lots of people who have seen benefits. But takes time.
as a fellow newbie very interested in how you get on.
Like you I have also just started to use the machine, I could not get on with the full face mask at all, I am a side sleeper and the mask kept leaking, i am using a under nose mask now and it seems to work for me, however I am only able to tolerate it for about two hours before i get the feeling of being suffocated, my aim is to build up slowly to 3 hours then onto 4 hours and then see how it goes.
Good luck to you all.
I tried it for three weeks. It was horrible. I have it back.
~It takes some time to adjust to the various masks to see what suits.
Been using CPAP 8 or so years and finally settled on less restrictive small mask/nasal pads/Briveda which just covers nose only as opposed to including mouth.
My heat setting with water chamber is set at 1 as heat too much to tolerate with ongoing inflamed sinus region.
All masks are expensive I found - I went privately.
It may take you a while to settle with the right mask.
Be patient and keep persevering as it is worth the effort~
Everyone is different but its not unusual to be strange and uncomfortable at first.
A key variables such as what pressure (or pressure range) you have been put on but lets assume you are not going to change that (I am self managed to have freedom to do this but if you have been through a clinic this will be discouraged).
Here are my tips
- you will go through something called body adaption as your body (brain) adapts to new environment and routine. Try to help that change with stopping late night alcohol/coffee/eating for a while, having a good sleep routine, a brisk walk in the evening etc. Your body should adjust though not everyone does. That said I believe most people who give up CPAP therapy might have a poor fitting mask, wrong pressure, more complex problems than pure getting used to it.
- Have an open window - when you wake up the night it can feel a bit hot and suffocating. If you do wake up don't just lie there, get up wash your face, change t-shirt if been sweating, try to reset, have a night light so that you are not full on full lights to fully wake up. - There is no harm in giving up early a few mornings, even it it means you have a final 1/3 of night with poor sleep. (there is of course harm but you now what I mean, better to migrate into a full nights sleep than give up altogether).
-Your machine may have a ramp mode, this can actually be counter productive as you set the mask and feeling with little pressure then it ramps up whilst you are asleep, causes ask leaks etc which can wake you up. As a comfort setting it is in the menu which patients can turn on/off. Try turning it off.
- Did your clinic discuss the ERP/ pressure support mode and whether they are willing for you to change it? Some clinics dont like you changing this, its worth looking into but too much to detail here. However this comfort setting can help initially though many advocate against it (everyones different). If it is off and ok to change, try to 1 then 2 setting (don't go from 0 to 3 overnight for example).
Finally you may be on a very high pressure setting or a variable setting (e.g. 4 to 20) and your machine is shooting up in pressure due to airflow feedback loop. This is going to be harder to get used (e.g beign on a pressure setting of 15 versus 7). For now there is not much you can do about that but something to discuss with your clinic assumgin they allow you to follow up.
If you continue to struggle there are plenty still things that may need to be addressed but thats a lot of detail for another day. Unfortunately both sleep disordered breathing and cpap therapy are highly personal and complex. The "overnight sleep test and sent home with a machine" is not the best approach but its all we really have with institutional healthcare with poor funding and training. You may need to be curious and master the subject yourself. Look at videos on you tube such as Vik Veers, CPAP reviews and LeftyLanky though you can consume a lot of time on this so not necessarily you first stop unless you just like watching this stuff.
good luck. its worth persevering.