Worsening sleep. Help!: I am 67 and have... - Sleep Matters

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Worsening sleep. Help!

Jauny profile image
10 Replies

I am 67 and have suffered from insomnia occasionally probably since my son was born 40 yrs ago. In the early days it was occasional for a few nights but it has gradually got worse and worse to the point where I now get into phases where I only fall asleep about 5 or 6 am for 4 or 5 days consecutively and then have one good/ normal night. I also suffer from Restless Leg Syndrome which undoubtedly is a (probably major) contributory factor which I am trying to get on top of but so far to no avail. I have tried the Sleepyhead programme which had some effect but I never really got beyond 4 hrs or so sleep despite rigidly adhering to the harsh programme. However I could probably sleep all day! It is now badly interfering with my life as I sometimes fall asleep on my feet. Anybody got any ideas I could try? I've done all the usual stuff regarding conditions, no caffeine late on, a black out blind etc

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Jauny profile image
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10 Replies
handofhelp profile image

I've been through exactly what you're talking about for years and I felt in human. I think it's very complex and involves a lot of different physical health issues which aren't really covered under mainstream medicine except in very specific ways. One of the single most helpful aspects for main was that I had problems with iron and it wasn't discovered for a long time but iron is very complicated and anaemia doesn't always show up on tests because it can be affected by the liver and kidneys. Some people have problems with iron though so it's needs careful checking to make sure you're not going to be overdosing. I'm nearly 50 but I have aged quickly and I find that taking the equivalent of 65 mg a day has really helped me and I just keep an eye on symptoms in case I'm taking too much but I haven't in the past 9 years I've been doing it. It usually becomes apparent if you start getting side effects. I regularly have blood checks done with the GP though. It has improved my health exponentially. There are other things that play those such as blood sugar and diet and even kidney management such as fluids etc. I also developed other problems to do with the bowel and that seem to be related but patiently praying and working through different aspects of the health has made a real difference. I've noticed recently if I try and look after my daytime health my sleep improves and exercise really helps too but that's not a platitude as I'm sure you know having been through it yourself. A lot of people try to put it on mental health and I think that that's probably only part of it and maybe not always so as there's a whole new neurological system as well. I do pray that you get answers and I do hope that something helpful comes out of either this post or someone else's. Wishing you all the best and don't give up the fight. It can be won. I still have occasional episodes but I am largely much better. I have other physical health issues and also apnoea can make a difference too as apnoea can cause insomnia which a lot of people don't realise. Anyway that's all I can think of to share with you at the moment.

Jauny profile image
Jauny in reply to handofhelp

Thank you for your advice. i've recently started taking iron for my RLS as my serum ferretin was low at 22 but I haven't yet had a retest to see if the iron has improved it. I'm certainly not o

Jauny profile image
Jauny in reply to Jauny

Sorry don't know why that posted mid word! Not noticing any improvement in sleeping, I was trying to say! May have absorbency issues so I'm going to try a probiotic.

handofhelp profile image
handofhelp in reply to Jauny

Yes I think mine was at 22 when they first tested it but it was lower than that but missed. Healthy levels should really be between 100 and 200. I have RLS as well. The iron stuff will only help if the rest of your lifestyle choices are good too including diet and exercise. Gentle exercise. Blood sugar needs to be carefully handled and plenty of hydration. Keep going with the iron and the hydration will help with the issues you might have with the iron. I've also been diagnosed with MCI now as well and I've been trying a supplement called neuromind which is very well based in research and seems to be a very good balance I like it a lot. I take it with omega 3 as well. Electrolytes etc. Keep us posted here how you doing.

Jauny profile image
Jauny in reply to handofhelp

I do a good amount of exercise, I think, (swim 50 lengths once a week, do a circuit class once a week and also a body combat class. Also do a bit of walking , usually between 5and 10k steps a day) and although my diet is not perfect I try quite hard with it too. If something is good for me I'm quite good at trying to do it! What is MCI?

handofhelp profile image
handofhelp in reply to Jauny

That helps. Mild cognitive impairment. Pre Alzheimer's or the like.

Jauny profile image
Jauny in reply to handofhelp

Ah, of course. I suspect I'm on that path too!

handofhelp profile image

I should say I've also had every test known to man and also try to pretty much every remedy orthodox or unorthodox and some from a great deal of research and obscurity.

Molly_Malone profile image

Insomnia is the pits and I do hope you find a way out of it but apparently it becomes more of a problem as you age. Women do seem more prone to it than men.

Re restless legs: I don’t eat red meat and periodically get low in iron and end up suffering restless legs. Once I up my iron levels via food or supplements the restless legs disappear. I too suffer chronic insomnia and don’t sleep unless I take something. Unfortunately it’s made me dependent on sleeping pills but I try to alternate them with antihistamines and herbal sleeping supplements. I also drink herbal ‘sleep’ teas. They don’t make me sleep but do relax me. I find if I eat anything sugary in the hours before going to bed it stimulates my brain and stops me sleeping. I also find the anxiety around not sleeping when you go to bed makes it hard to fall asleep. It’s a vicious circle.

Jauny profile image

yes, I agree- it is a vicious circle. I've been taking iron supplements in case that is the problem and am now going to try magnesium and a probiotic as well... but I don 't hold out much hope. Even sleeping pills didnt work. Made me wired at night and then comatose in the day time!

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