You know how good it is to sleep when it's rainy. Those drops are so monotonous, you listen to the sound of them hitting your window and you fall asleep in no time. But for me it's also important that there is no thunder, only rain. And I wanted to command my own rain. So I bought a pair of sleep earphones like this
There are others also for sleep, but this particular model combines excellent sonics and a great comfort. They are very small and soft so you can sleep on your side and you don't feel them. They are also quite cheap.
The very first night I simply found a lot of videos with rain on youtube and spent a restful night driving the earplugs from my phone. That's my favourite:
The next day I just downloaded what I liked in mp3 and then uploaded it into my old ipod shuffle. There are numerous online services to convert a youtube link to mp3. If you have issues with downloading too long videos, just try something shorter and then play them continuously (the authors of 8-10 hours videos do it anyways). For me it works better when I play only one record continously, because your brain may not understand why you just teleported from a forest into a room, then into a tent lol.
Previously I had to use really airtight earplugs just not to hear external sounds and thus fall asleep. Now instead of the earplugs I use the earphones and play the sound of rain through them. Much better solution.
After that I ordered 3 more pairs, as you can accidentally tear off a wire in your sleep.