Hi all new to this side of the site just a quick question and bit of background. So I have had an extended uvula for near enough 3 years now it was caused by a virus i got at the time. It never went back up to normal always extended cant even see the tip when it touches the tongue. I also have thyroid issues currently I know that can affect sleep also but I have been trying to correct that with my dr for same amount of time. Thinking it was all my thyroid issues possibly been affected due to this uvula and causing me sleep apena. So went to the GP showed him it and he said yes its very much possible plus soft palate so he is referring me to an ENT who he said runs the sleep studies is that right? or they refer you the sleep study people? I have to wait an another couple months to even hear back from the ENT.
I did go to my old ENT about 2 years ago but i dont think it was as long as it is and i never thought to mention my sleep to her, she said she would be cautious to remove the uvula due to its role in the voice. Because I had thyroid cancer when i was 8.
But my question is this the right way to go about it to wait for this new ENT appointment then sleep studies. I defo wake up a lot during the night but i think i got that used to it but now its all catching up to me also im only 26. NHS Scotland. My gp did say they will defo do sleep studies by looking at my uvula.