Ive had dry eyes and dry mouth for couple mos now, getting extremely dry eyes and mouth now especially on waking, parched, but last few days my left jaw hurts on opening mouth, does subside a little as day goes on, havent been diagnosed yet for sjogrens but saw dr and have req to get bloodwork done next week , I will add was diagnosed with pmr 2016, still on pred 4 mgs, and also been sleeping on left side for mos and just had hip replacement 5 weeks ago, so wondering, could be arthritis as many joints hurt ie shoulders, hands fingers , so a lot of possibilities?
Is your jaw hurting sympton of sjogrens - Sjogren's Support
Is your jaw hurting sympton of sjogrens

GCA can affect the jaw. You mention PMR so may be relevant. Maybe contact GP and mention to rheumy
I have jaw pain that radiates into face, neck and ear at times. I believe that this is a symptom of Sjorgen's. I also grind my teeth so that's not helpful!
Thanks for all that information, I still couldnt master placing xylimelt tablet and getting it to stick to gum/tooth, I dont know what the trick is, read all instructions? This on top of hip replacement surgery is getting to me, as I said dr has given me req for bloodwork to test for sjogrens, is bloodwork how you were diagnosed?
Have you noticed your saliva gland raised at all????
I had an episode where it swelled- looked like I had half a ping pong ball on the side of my jaw. Was a blockage. Made my jaw ache. In the end easy fix- regular massage routine and facial stretch.