Blood sugar / Heart rhythm: I have had... - Sjogren's Support

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Blood sugar / Heart rhythm

BusyBee247 profile image
6 Replies

I have had Sjogrens many years. Is it common to affect blood sugars Hypoglycemia & arrhythmia VTach specifically? Does Sjogrens progress with age?

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6 Replies
SusieW2 profile image

I was prone to hypoglycemia when I was pregnant. Don't know if there's any association.

I have certainly experienced Sjogren's progressing with age. My doctor's seem to be anticipating some future symptoms as they ask me about them. But they don't like to elaborate probably to avoid paranoia and phantom symptoms. As Sjogren's doesn't seem to follow the same pattern with everyone, there's merit to this.

harmony2 profile image
harmony2 in reply to SusieW2

I find hearing from others who can relate is a bit comforting. So...

Yes, I have a body which is very sensitive to lower blood sugars. I get migraine when I don’t eat enough protein, avoid much simple sugars (cannot have on an empty stomach or definitely get migraine); I have to keep my blood sugars more stable. I am not hypoglycaemic but this has been true since teen years.

Also, yes, to racing heart. However both my GP and an alternate who I saw when my gp was injured say that it’s harmless. (Good. I don’t fancy any more meds or treatment!)

Third yes: Rheumatologist is monitoring me for development of other connective tissue disease and/or auto-immune disorder(s) because they often come in multiples and my Sjogren’s (and Fibromyalgia) have worsened since early 2000’s. This does NOT mean it will worsen for others but I was diagnosed in my early 30’s and this is correlated with greater severity.


SusieW2 profile image
SusieW2 in reply to harmony2

I have some heart flutters but passed heart stress test. Good wishes for finding things that help you feel better. Maybe try alkaline water. Some find it helps. At least you'll be hydrated which is important with SS.

SusieW2 profile image
SusieW2 in reply to SusieW2

P.S. don't take alkaline water with your medications, might interact.

I was 36 when diagnosed with RA and secondary Sjogren's, it wasn't too bad in the early days. 68 now, and it's definitely got worse!!

I believe I’ve had Sjögren’s for decades and I had alopecia areate as a child and then again post gestationally plus diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in my late 30s - now 56. Mine is seronegative which seems to have a different pathogenesis - more often presents as neurological/ MS-like. Mine was actually diagnosed and treated as RA for four years. Lip biopsy confirmed long-standing Sjögren’s. This made sense of the awful small fibre neuropathy everywhere.

After a year of extra troubling tremors and shakes I realise I’m hypoglycaemic too. And my blood glucose testing has revealed that I’m now glucose intolerant/ prediabetic so I’m newly on the Mosley diet to try and prevent it progressing through losing weight about my very apple shaped middle.

I think this co-morbidity is mostly hereditary in my case because my diet is very wholesome and hasn’t changed in years. But as I’ve aged my ability to process carbs is inevitably lessening and a low carb diet is the only way. I do think my very active Sjögren’s plus overlap CTDs are contributing to my newly found glucose intolerance - or perhaps it’s the other way around - who knows?

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