Urgent!!! What drug is best fit for ch... - Sickle Cell Society

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Urgent!!! What drug is best fit for chest infection for SC patient

Drivee profile image
18 Replies

I am SC, and I am just getting to know there's a prevalent chest infection in SCD patients. My ignorance had almost caused me my life, cause I had Sepsis through the infection, but I am still alive. Now all I need to know is a drug that is best fit for the infection in the chest. I am currently using Penicillin V, but just hope to know if someone here have a better alternative as concerning chest infection.

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Drivee profile image
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18 Replies
Hazeleyes05 profile image

This question is for your doctor to answer, chest infection can't be treated at home. And what works for one person might not work for you.

Drivee profile image
Drivee in reply to Hazeleyes05

Thanks for the reply.

Drivee profile image
Drivee in reply to Hazeleyes05

But, in an environment that accessing doctor is not readily available, we'll try to survive... Won't we?

BristolOne profile image

Hi Drivee,

Penicillin V prescribed daily is what most SC people are on (as you indeed know). I doubt they will prescribe any other antibiotics, as you may quickly develop resistance to it, and then it will be no use to you when you really need it!

Try your doctor, but be aware that humans quickly develop resistance to antibiotics if used regularly.

My general philosophy is to keep away from sick people, and very crowded areas. Always wash your hands before eating. When I am in Nigeria, and I am out, I only eat hot foods or food with skin I can peel. At home I eat what I like.

Take care.

Drivee profile image
Drivee in reply to BristolOne

Thank you BristolOne. Thank you. I will try as much to inculcate this practices to living, but where I current live is exactly the opposite of these practices. While I hope to leave the environment in like 4 months, I will try as much as I can to infuse these. Thank you. And while that, does the body develop resistance against penicillin V too?

BristolOne profile image
BristolOne in reply to Drivee

I honestly hope not. At least not in the quantities they give SC people. I too have had chest infections that collapsed one of my lungs, which now no longer works at capacity. One of the antibiotics I was given then now no longer works.

Take care.

Drivee profile image
Drivee in reply to BristolOne

Thank you for your explanations. All noted

Della30 profile image

I don’t know which part of the world you are in but there pneumococcal 5 yearly injection (pnuemovax) to reduce susceptibility to infections.

Drivee profile image
Drivee in reply to Della30

Thank you for your response. I'm in Nigeria, in Africa. and I will make some research on that.

Della30 profile image
Della30 in reply to Drivee

Wish you all the best.

Finalybeingheard profile image

I recently had sepsis (two blood infections) one of them are only found in hospitals, and a staph infection in my urinary tract, which caused my spleen to enlarge, my lungs to not function properly and kidneys were affected, they had me on 4 different IV antibiotics until one eventually worked. Then when i was discharged, a few days later, i developed a gastro and colon infection called Cdifficile. very dangerous and contagious, very painful and very aggrivating, you are on the toilet non stop at least 20 times a day constant diarreah, its a very common infection in hospitals. its when all of your good bacteria is stripped from your entire body from antibiotics including your gut so your stomach and colon are constantly infamed; but the irony is in order to treat Cdiff you have to use guess what?? ANTIBIOTICS! unbelievable lol i am on a strict diet and lost about 10 pounds so far. I eat very little because my stomach is constantly hurting me and anything healthy that i eat is not staying in for long lol but for some miraculous reason, i survived and infection that has killed 11 milion people globally. I am truly blessed.

Faith is all i have and God's understanding is all i have to lean on.

Blessings everyone!

Drivee profile image

Just like me, you have survived a deadly disease that is hardly explainable the exact way you're feeling, even after being treated. it is truly only the God's grace that anyone can survive Sepsis. It is a year now since I was treated of Sepsis, but I'm still not the exact way I used to be. Just like you, The hospital didn't know or treat me of the urinary infection, and for a long time, I had Erectile Dysfunction, thank God now, I'm having the erection, but I haven't tried having sex with anyone. My girlfriend also left. Lol, tough times. I have been on Penicillin V, and i think it's working. but I would like to know the exact drug or injection that worked for your urinary Infection. Thank you as I await your reply.

LupusDiva45 profile image

Have you tried natural remedies like essential oils or herbs to help with the issue? I have had a lot of success with essential oils, and was diagnosed with COPD many years back. I don't use any medication for it anymore.

Of course, please check with your doctor if you're taking other medications before you start essential oils or herbal supplements.

Drivee profile image
Drivee in reply to LupusDiva45

Thank you, will check out

Tee2gifted profile image

If you are speaking of Acute Chest...Blood transfusions always brought my son back to health immediately after chest infections.

Finalybeingheard profile image

Im in hospital with pneumonia and im getting Rocephine every morning and erythromycin during the day.

Finalybeingheard profile image

I found that antibiotics really damages us and wipes out our Immune System, that can some other complications but i found that Rocephin by IV works great. But not too much. To avoid any type of infection like that, i keep my home clean everyone who comes over, must use hand sanitizer, my PSW cleans my home regularly. When i go out, i wear a mask.

Drivee profile image
Drivee in reply to Finalybeingheard

Thank you for the responses. I'll enquire about it

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