So I’m white English and my partner is mixed race Jamaican / German. He has trait with crisis. They say if one parent has it then the chance is slim to nothing for a child to have it. His mum had nothing while his dad has trait. Tomorrow I am having a C-section as our baby is breech. I fear our child will have trait and constantly am told my fear is unfounded but the professionals. I watch my partner in pain on a daily basis. He knew he had trait but no one ever said don’t deep sea dive or train as hard as he has. My partner is on opiods between 60 and 120 a day. So tell us where We go from here someone please. How do we get her tested? Since I got pregnant we were told I should have a medical abortion and he has 10 years to live. He changed his eating habits to vegan a long time ago and stays hydrated.
SCT: So I’m white English and my partner... - Sickle Cell Society

They usually test children now at birth,and I hope it skips your child.And I hope things get better with him.. Prayers your way.
Hi Tracy, All I can say is to hope and trust God for your Child and that God in His infinite mercies will make all things work together for your good and for the good of your baby and husband. With you being pregnant now is not the time to be filled with worry. Keep faith and stay strong. All will be well.
Do all the relevant test with a hope of expectation that all will be well.
Good luck.
Hello Tracy,
They're supposed to test your child at birth. Challenge them if they don't. Learning of the trait presence early is good. New research and information is available now and through this site you should be able to keep getting informed. Your husband should reduce physical activity especially in extreme heat or high altitudes. No deep sea diving anymore. I suffered with pain also throughout high school except I didn't know I had the trait so knowing is half the battle. Knowledge is power. He can live a healthy life but he must be careful that his oxygen levels are always good. Prayer is the best answer for your family. I pray you have healthy delivery with your baby SCT free. Be blessed!
Hi Tracy welcome to the group. There are a few things that are confusing to me and there are also some things that are not quite as bad as as you think. First you say that your partner is SCT and that because of that he has 10 years to live if I'm correct. I have never heard anything like that before. If he has 10 years to live I can assure you that it is not because he has SCT. I have full blown SCD and it doesn't even work that way for us as bad as our health is. You also said about having a termination because your child might have SCT. That again is absolutely incorrect. Like I said I have sickle cell disease and just like any other sickle cell disease patient I have to have children with someone who doesn't have SCT so the risk of having babies with sickle cell disease is zero. All my children as with children of people with sickle cell disease are SCT. That is great. A huge percentage of SCT don't have any health issues. SCD on the other hand are very sick people and parents who might be pregnant with SCD babies are told that they can terminate to avoid bringing the child to a world of suffering which I support 100%. From your post I have a feeling you don't know much about SCT and SCD so I will explain it to you in the easiest way. The most common genotypes are AA, AS and SS. When a woman conceives, the child picks one from each parent. If both parents are AA, all the child will be AA. If the parents are AA and As, the children will be a mix of AA and AS. If you have two parents with AS like mine, the children can be AA AS and SS. I am SS. My parents had 3 SS children and 1 AS There is no way to predict what a couple will have that is why AS are advised to stay away from other AS to avoid having SS kids. The AS are what is called SCT while the SS are what is called SCD. SCD have a range of medical problems from horrific pain, severe anaemia to organ damage due to the shape of the cells which leads shorter life spans. I really hope this helps.
Hi joe he is a sickle cell trait carrier he has AS and this caused him through a active life style to develope exstensive proximal deep vein thrombosis, meaning the middle section of he’s body was riddled with blood clots, which caused other problems like nerve damage and circulation pressure pains... He couldn’t walk for a year, so not only did he’s AS cause this it’s making him suffer through sever pains daily.... He is at the moment on 120mg of opiods a day and no sickle cell trait may not cause u to have 10 years to live but the stress put on your body by severe pains and the long term use of opiods and other strong medication caused the medical professional to make this prediction....