I am a 40 yo woman that has the sickle cell and alpha thalassemia traits. For the past 5 yrs, I have been experiencing unexplained extremely painful chest pains that kind of feel like Im being choked or something is "leaking" in the base of my neck and throat. "Popping" like pains throughout my chest and legs as well. I have had 2 years of urology appointments for the blood in my urine as well. The fatigue and migraines that accompany are unbelievable. They get so bad I loose vision. Extreme bone pain, like a hot sword is being driven into my leg and arm bones then ripped out. There are even times when my legs just won't cooperate and work properly. Plus I get this " short circuit, zapping feeling throughout my body that drives my kooky.
Im trying to be patient with my Hemologist, Rheumatologist, Cardiologist and Neurologist to complete a work up, but Im starting to feel like Im on the loosing end here. Has anyone else experienced any of this? I would like to "point them in the right direction" before things get too bad.