Hey everyone, & blessings! When I had my last round of Chemo in Nov. 2021 my CA-125 test came few weeks later as 11 (yay!). Then in Dec. 2021 I had another CA-125 test came back as 12. I started my maintenance of Avastin 1/28/22, & received a CA-125 test that came back as 13. The CA-125 test is giving me high anxiety, to say the least! Because I'm worried that my CA-125 test keeps ticking up, & it's worrying me. I know it's still a low number, but I wish the number would just stabilize...Should I be worried?
CA-125 test : Hey everyone, & blessings... - SHARE Ovarian Can...
CA-125 test

Hi there, your numbers are still low even though they jumped up a little. My count fluctuates like that also, but it could just mean that you have some inflammation going on. I have mild arthritis and that could be a factor also. The CT scan is more of a positive marker for cancer. I believe if your number increased dramatically, the dr. would be more concerned. Sending best wishes for your numbers to stabilize. Donna U.S.
Pianoplayer....Oh thank you for the info! I have arthritis too, plus a bad ankle, & knee that needs surgery. But I have to wait awhile, due to the fact that I am currently undergoing Avastin maintenance. Thank you so much you have made me not worry so much about this situation. Blessing to you Donna.
Sorry about your ankle and knee. It’s hard enough just fighting cancer, let alone have other problems. I’ve been on Niraparib since July of 2020 and this has given me some side effects that haven’t always been comfortable. I suppose that Avastin has these also. I am 75 and wonder how long this ole body can keep fighting. I try and stay positive and am thankful that there are new clinical trials for us to try. Hope your knee and ankle feel better. Sending a hug, Donna xx
Before I knew that I had ovarian cancer I was going to have surgery on my ankle, then my knee later. But after I was diagnosed with cancer, all of that went on the back burner. I am just so glad that I have nice folks to talk to on this forum about things I worry about. And Donna hang in there, you got this, & again TY!
No, dont worry. Mine flip and flop too. They remain low, may be a 4 this time, then a 6 then a 5, and so on.When it suddenly jumps high, then worry. For now, relax.It's normal.
Thankyou for your sweet message. I agree that it helps to know that we aren’t alone with our journeys. Wishing you the best, youv’e got this too! 😊
I don’t think so. My onc told me to find the “about normal”. If it doubles or triples, then get concerned.
It won’t stablize to one number (just around that number). My oncologist told me to look for a doubling or tripling of your usual number as being a possible problem.
NO, do not worry. My numbers rise often and then drop back. Your oncologist will be the judge of when to be scanned. Over a period of time, mine went up 10 pts, had petscan and all was clean...did it again 3 months later, clean. There are so many contributing factors to rise in CA125. Dr. told me, when it jumps 100 pts...we will worry and take action. So try to relax. I (we) understand how stressful Cancer is, & stress is a factor in testing! Best Wishes.