Debulking surgery was SEPTEMBER 28th
Got a reversible iliostomy but all visible cancer removed
Just got CA125 checked it’s up about 25points
It’s that normal?
Debulking surgery was SEPTEMBER 28th
Got a reversible iliostomy but all visible cancer removed
Just got CA125 checked it’s up about 25points
It’s that normal?
Yes defo normal. Ca125 is an inflammatory marker so your major surgery would cause inflammation. I’m sure it’s that and you should see it start coming down.
It does fluctuate, mine has gone up but not above 14 but my Dr. ..said no worries as long as we stay below 38.
Why 38?
After both my original surgery and after my surgery for recurrence , my CA125 went up quite a bit. Both times , it dropped considerably after 1 to 2 chemo treatments . I would say no need to panic