I’m have leg pain since my last falsodex injection. Bone scan showed uptake in the knee and femur , left iliac. Is anyone else dealing with this. I’m on Ibrance but most likely a change. ? Thanks.
bone spread to femur in leg and knee - SHARE Metastatic ...
bone spread to femur in leg and knee

I have extensive mets in skull, all spine, ribs shoulders, collar bone and pelvis....I have been diagnosed for almost 4yrs (in May) and have always been told that all mets are head and torso. I have never been shown my scan images but was sent the images from my last full body bone scan a few weeks ago and I was surprised to see a very bright uptake in my right foot. I have been having pain in that area since before Christmas...and thought I had may be sprained it. My oncologist made no reference to this in my last meeting...the scan images were sent to me after that meeting or I would have brought the matter up with her.
She mentioned no change to my meds ...Ibrance, letrozole, Zometa and Zoladex...and has actually said I will be reducing my visits to her to being 6 monthly and also doing the same with the Zometa?? I've requested to be sent earlier bone scan imagery so I can see if the foot thing is new or was just never mentioned.
I remember reading posts from others with bone mets where they've said that there is some fluctuation between one scan to another and that sometimes an area is highlighted that wasn't there before and come the next scan it's gone again?? So I'm hoping that this is the case with me too.
Make sure you get it checked out good because I had leg pain and did physio for it.
Then my femour broke because the cancer ate through the bone, i had surgery and am in physio now. Theresa
If an orthopedic oncologist hadn't told me how serious my humerus was, I would have waited on the corrective surgery and it would have broken! Now I have plate and screw in my right arm but no PT.
how did they diagnose the break in your femur - did you have an MRI or bone scan - I have bone Mets in right iliac bone- and lots of groin pain- did your bone scan show the break- and what was surgery like- I have some arthritis as well- I was glad to read that you can have surgery for the bone-
oh my dear…you have to be your own advocate, researcher and doctor in this big business medicine model. Since you have a definitive result from the scans, please press to have something done. Is the progression due to drug resistance? You haven’t said how long you’ve been on the faslodex and IBrance . you may need to be tested for any mutations…when I had to stop IBrance and anastrozole, it was determined I had the PIK3CA mutation so on to Piqray. But was it drug resistance as well? Either way, progression caused a pathological fracture in my right ilium….after 8 months of non-union I finally had screws put in. BUT, every step of the way I DID RESEARCH ON THE MEDS AND PROCEDURES AVAILABLE, I questioned and discussed with the oncologist what would be needed, what next med is best, and why it is needed.
So, yes, bone progression is common when the meds fail. Ask to be tested for mutations. Don’t accept no action. Best wishes for a long, long journey❤️🩹❤️🩹
Hi thank you. I’ve been on Ibrance/falsodex over a year. I was tested for a mutation and didn’t have one. Fractured iliac? How are you doing after the surgery. ?Discussion on next treatment after scan. What are you on now? I have enlargement in left iliac
Well the screws are in there to both stabilize and improve the union of the fractured ilium. It’s been just over two weeks and I’m missing my naproxen since it retatrds bone mending. I see the surgeon soon and if the fracture is mending I hope he lets me go back to naproxen. I hope you get some actionable results from the next scans 🙏🙏
Are you sure there is a definitive result from the scan? There is uptake, but is it necessarily a met? What is the SUV? Any other indication of a tumor in the area? I agree -- pursue this stat, and if it is progression, get a blood biopsy, but is the oncology radiologist or your med oncologist seeing that?