Has anyone had this? I have been on Fentynal for two months now and it does not relieve the pain in my fractured vertebrae. Now the dr wants to put this in my back. Two wires and a battery. I’m not sure about this at all. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Hugs!!
SCS Thearapy for pain: Has anyone had... - SHARE Metastatic ...
SCS Thearapy for pain

I am sorry you are in so much pain! I have 3 micro-fractures - C5,C7 andT2. I am on slow release hydro morphine 3mg - 1 pill morning and night with break through 1 mg if it starts bothering during the day. I usually end up taking 2 somewhere along the day. We are looking at increasing the dose. It works better than breakthrough alone.
Have you tried Ocecodon or OxeContin, same but different names.
It isn’t great but maybe better than surgery?
Hard decisions- you’re in my prayers.
Hugs Tammie
Hi Sharon
Just a thought, I don’t have a fractured vertebra but I have had 2 spinal surgeries because of the tumors on my spine. I now have rods and screws holding my spine together. After my most recent surgery I was given morphine for the pain and Gabapentin for the nerve pain. Well, one night I forgot to take the Gabapentin and I woke up in severe pain. I am now off the morphine but I still take the Gabapentin. I’m afraid of coming off the Gabapentin for fear of that awful pain. Sorry this is so long but what I’m trying to say is maybe you have nerve pain. The morphine did nothing for that kind of pain. Hopefully this helps you. So sorry you are in so much pain!! Sending hugs and prayers.
Thank you for your reply. I’ve been on gabapentin didn’t work, morphine didn’t work, not one opioid worked. I’m going to call a urologist today, as I have a bladder prolapse and not one doctor will even agree that is what’s causing the pain. I seem to think if that is our back in place the pain will go away. Thoughts?
Hi Sharon0122, I have a family friend who had a similar device placed after a devastating accident that messed up his back. He talked about this as a way to control pain that worked for him - he called it a TENS machine. He doesn't have cancer and is very athletic, but it sounds like it worked for him.
Was it surgically put in his body? I have a tens unit which is bought at the pharmacy no px needed. I’ve not used it. What my dr wants to do is surgically implant two wires in my spine and a battery in one of my buttocks. The battery can last 2-10 years, then has to be replaced. The function of this is controlled by my IPhone. I’m not sure I’m going to do this. It’s just too much. I have 7 fractured vertebrae and not sure this will even work. I had a kyphoplasy and that didn’t work. I’m getting very depressed. Thank you for your reply. Hugs!
No, it was not surgically implanted. If you don't even use the one from CVS, then having one implanted sounds like a huge lifestyle change. Maybe see if the one from CVS works first? I also have spinal fractures in almost every vertebrae of my spine and was wheelchair bound after my 2021 diagnosis. Physical therapy helped me with pain and getting out of the wheelchair. It was a lot of work, but so worth it. I still try to exercise as much as I can - walking almost every day, some kind of physical therapy exercise . Start small. Also, one other thing I learned: cold helps with the back pain, and heat does not. I bought ice packs for my back and it's really worked for relieving the bone pain. A lidocaine roll-on stick from CVS also helped. And I learned later that antihistamines like claritin or zyrtec also help with bone pain. Zyrtec works best for me. Wishing you the best of luck!
I’m so sorry to hear about your pain. I have major compression fracture in the thoracic area. The targeting radiation helped a lot to relieve the pain. No strong painkillers were needed after it
I also had a surgery to hold the vertebrae in place, but unfortunately too late to prevent a major spinal injury.
Wishing you all the best.