My 2023 experiences make for dreadful stories but here goes.
1). 2/20- Had six cancerous lesions removed from liver. PET scan immediately following ablations showed one or two lesions left....................................................................................................................................... 2) 4/6- In an attempt to ablate remaining cancerous lesions, instrument slipped and made HOLE between liver and colon! Became a critical patient in hospital till I busted out of MSK hospital, on 4/16, on my eighty-sixth birthday. ...................................................................................................................... 3)5/1-Three weeks after surgical blunder, hole not closed, after swearing that I would never have radiation, got talked into radiation on skull by right eye. Asked to have extra protection for eye. Told that the big machine above my head programmed to protect eye. It didn't. Eye still burns. Hearing reduced. Cannot remember some words. In bed for majority of day, in pain. ................. ..4).7/19, 8/09-Start-up doses of Fulvestrant administered. Sunk into depths of illness. Could not eat. Lost 25 lbs. Went below 100 lbs. Family and I got worried. Stopped all treatments for six months to heal and rebuild, successfully! Changed oncologists.
5).1/25-Had Pet scan which revealed cancer is all three parts of spine, more in liver and activity in brain.
Today, I have been prescribed anastrozole and my oncologist wants me to begin Kisqali. I have the PIK3CA mutation. That indicates PIKRAY. My appointment with the oncologist is Tuesday. Pikray users, please respond with their experiences of side effects and outcomes of the treatment. I need to know more, in a hurry. Thank you so much, in advance.