Hi, I am on Xeloda sice 2.5 years. I have HFS, but my worst issue is dhiarrea. Anyone else experiencing this?
Hi, I am on Xeloda sice 2.5 years. I have HFS, but my worst issue is dhiarrea. Anyone else experiencing this?
Well nice to hear from you and that is great the 2.5 years and still going. Sorry about the diarrhoea… I have been on xeloda for 9 months and mostly I work the orthorhombic way with worry about constipaton but I have had some diarrhoea… after taking miralax and fiber gummies. I really dislike having HFS which keeps me from walking much.. just puffy sore feet and can’t wear most shoes sneaker… only a few pair of sandals can be tolerated.. not even socks these days… maybe I should give up and go onto another therapy but this is third line and I don’t want to wish them all to go by too fast.
Oh yea girl! Xeloda is a good med but the side effects freaked me out a bit. HFS! My feet turned black on the bottom. Some hair thinning. Oh yea the mouth sores were interesting. Let’s not forget about the GI stuff - diarrhea. Having said this, hang in there! Xxxx
How did you handle the diarrhea?
Hi Beebop, dissenten, diet and psyllium seed husks help. However starting on they day 10 (second week of treatment) I always get issues. Now I want to try 10 days on / 5 off and see if it gets better (did not discuss with my onc yet though).
Yay to the 2.5 years on Xeloda.
I am not on Xeloda but Herceptin/ Prejeta caused terrible diarrhea. Even though it is not the same treatment, I will share what I did for my bowel. The MDs and nurses at Onc centre had no suggestions, I just don't think they get how impactful it can be.
First, I created a chart with 4 columns I had a column for THE DAY FOOD EATEN GI SYMPTOM (diarrhea, stomach cramps etc MED taken ie Imodium/ Tylenol etc if any .
I tracked the days I had diarrhea to figure out if there was a pattern - for me I learned there was an obvious pattern with day 2, 9 and 10 being terrible. The food diary showed I had food triggers that made thing worse, for me they were - yogurt, nuts, cauliflower (a cruciferous veg) and greasy foods like potato chips. I treated my gut similar to inflammatory bowel disease and very loosely followed a FODMOP diet. (downloaded the Monash University FODMOP diet app) Like with IBS I avoided foods with insoluble fibre and ate foods that are sources of soluble fibre which are known to help with diarrhea as they soak up extra water in the gut. I occasionally took a prophylactic Imodium (like when flying) or when by my pattern I knew I was likely to have loose BM and had to leave the house . Taking the Imodium prophylactically occasionally was ok'd by my Onc. Things have improved markedly. I almost never think about it now, though still have occasional issues, nothing as bad as it previously was I still avoid certain food but no longer consult my FODMOP app for everything. I will avoid things like pizza the day before a flight, but I am happy that things have improved so much. It took at least 3 months of avoiding food triggers to see improvement. Again- I know it is not the same treatment but hope you get relief. I was willing to try anything to get improvement.
Recently I had a bean and chick pea salad - followed by diahrea Sure enough when I looked it up on my App, beans and chick peas are high in FODMOP in the amounts I ate. My point is diet for me, makes a difference.
Hi, I t’s very impressive that you’ve been on xeloda for 2 1/2 years. I have been on it for four months, but my tumour markers have just gone up. I hope you don’t mind me asking but have you found that your tumour markers have gone up and down over the 2 1/2 years? Many thanks Jo