Has anyone it had side effects on zometa
Zometa: Has anyone it had side effects... - SHARE Metastatic ...

just some tiredness the day after
started September 2020 and I felt sick,shivers and felt every ache in my body for first night after infusion. slight redness on my arms but disappeared after a few days. I thought the worst after reading all the info and feeling like this. However the Second month I had it it was given to me over 35minutes, no side effects this time other than tiredness a day later and I do get a feeling of my aches being heightened just the day after infusion and then it goes away. I think of it as the zometa finding the areas it needs to go to I've had great success with this and currently still have it monthly. good luck and don't over think it. kind regards Joanna
I’ve been on Zometa for just over 3 years (infusion every 12 weeks) and have had no side effects. You’ll do well!!
5 years later still no major side effects besides a little tiredness 😊
I was sick as a dog after the 1st infusion. In bed for 3 days, dizzy and nauseous for 10 days. I actually rescheduled a trip to Florida which was scheduled for 4 days after the infusion. I just couldn't get on a plane.
The 2nd time I took Benadryl before and after, drank tons of water, and took Tylenol after. The nurse slowed the drip. I was there almost an hour. Went home and straight to bed. 1 day and I was back to normal.
Next infusion in April... fingers crossed.
I've been getting it via IV for almost a year with no side-effects. I know they give me an anti-nausea drug at the same time, but I don't think that's needed. I wish you the same luck!