Hi lovely ladies,
After reading about Beth’s amazing travels in New Zealand, I hope to encourage you to follow your dreams with travel when you can. I am from the UK, and was crushed when I had to cancel my planned silver wedding anniversary trip to New England twice, the first time because of the pandemic, and in October last year because of progression and switching to oral chemotherapy (Capecitabine/Xeloda). The other place I have always wanted to visit is Iceland, so we decided to go there instead as a kind of “last big adventure” holiday and booked it for 9th March. In February I got scan results that showed progression, my travel insurance company withdrew cover and I thought it was all over for Iceland, but my wonderful husband said that we would not cancel but would pay the eye-watering insurance quote I could get and go anyway. My doctor agreed I could start on Exemestane (Aromasin) and add Everolimus (Afinitor) when I came home. So, after another fright when it looked like strikes in Reykjavik might cause cancellation, we did actually make it!
It was totally amazing- the scenery is incredibly beautiful and we had glorious sunshine every day, although the cold and wind was unbelievable at times. Despite being 61, overweight and struggling with breathlessness going up hills, I managed to hike on a glacier, visit an ice cave and enjoy seeing volcanoes, lava fields, waterfalls, lagoons and beaches. I will never forget it- we were even lucky enough to see the Northern Lights, which I hadn’t even dared to hope for.
If I can do it, anyone can- or try something else you have always wanted to do. We deserve to spoil ourselves! I hope this post will help to inspire you all.