I finally sent my spit test so now I'm wondering how many of you have shared data with this project.
This was the reply I received as soon as Fedex delivered my package (for free): "Dear Lucinda, Thank you for sending us a sample of your saliva. We're writing to let you know that we have received it. Our next step will be to send out a request to your hospital(s) and clinic(s) to send us a copy of your medical records. Once we have received and reviewed your records, we may also send a request to your hospital(s) for a portion of your stored tumor sample so that we can analyze it. Please contact us via this email address info@mbcproject.org or at 617-800-1622 if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, The MBCproject team"
It couldn't have been easier to contribute my spit test as all I had to do was follow the very clearly worded instructions. This seems to be a very worthwhile undertaking for MBC patients. Please click "mbcproject.org/"