I forgot to mention that my diagnoses was given to me 2 days before christmas so didnt tell my daughter as to not spoil her christmas .Now treatment date is close reallity has just hit me its going to be hard battle but the hair loss &having to cut my hair upsets as i know it needs to be done
metastatic breast cancer: I forgot to... - SHARE Metastatic ...
metastatic breast cancer
Keep up your courage as you begin your treatments. I'll say a prayer for you that things will go well. About your hair loss, how about finding a few hats that appeal to you? That might be a nice change to make in between wearing your wig. Also, when you get your wig, if it's not quite the style you wear yours, you can put it on and go to the hairdresser's and have her cut and style it the way you like. Food for thought.
Sending you many good wishes and positive thoughts! Kats3
I too have MBC that has spread to my lungs back in September 2015. I did not shave my head and it did fall out in big clumps and was devastating to me. My hair was one of my best features - very long, thick, dark brown and shiny. it has grown back short, curly and salt and pepper. I was on Taxol and Herceptin and tumors did shrink and I felt good but tired a lot. My treatment now is Herceptin. Every three weeks with nightly pill of Anastrozole. Through it all my side effects have been minimal. I take one day at a time and try to make each day count with my family and friends. The only good thing so far is the love and support I have been shown. God bless you through this and keep in touch.
I don't blame you. Do you like your doctors or are you happy with them? Is this your first BC diagnosis?
Oh so sorry! Just before Christmas! Just be brave because it can be done! the hair loss takes some patience, but however you handle you still will be beautiful!
You have the best of both worlds right now. Cut your hair mid length and spend the money go get it cut right. Wear for a week or two. If stylist was any good then, go back and get a bob and make it inverted in back. Do it quite edgy. Be daringly fun with it. Then when you shave the rest no worries.
Is the chemo that strong again? Is there nothing else for you? Can you get a second opinion? Not second guessing any doctor but, there are so many treatment paths.
I know it is devistating for the hair loss I went 9 months without. I hated wigs too hot, itchy, yuk. I had two for some occasions. On the whole I went bald. If I was going through this then I was darn sure I did not care what others thought. It was winter too so there was one hat made of lightweight polar fleece it kept me warm Day and night.
You might talk to your doctor about a cold cap It is suppose to help stop hair loss It is expensive and various women have various levels of success for some thinning to no loss.
One of the volunteers her at SHARE used one and she said that it was a pain but if she had to use one again she would