Fever after starting Piqray - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Fever after starting Piqray

Fiercefighter13 profile image
26 Replies

Hi all, I'm on day 12 of Piqray, and for the last three nights, I spike a fever exactly 3.5 hours after taking my Piqray dose. My skin hurts, muscles hurt, joints hurt, eyes burn,I can barely move, until I go to bed and I wake up in the morning feeling like nothing happened, everything is back to normal until I take my dose again. I don't have any infections, have not been in contact with anyone, basically in three years, but more specifically in over two weeks since I was in oncology (only place I go). I don't have any symptoms of disease....no cough, no sore throat, no skin infections or openings, no nasal congestion, I basically feel great until I take my dose, then it's fever city for about 6 hours straight, and then I start over again the next day. Anyone else have this?! This is frustrating. Taking Tylenol tonight, I will call my doctor in the morning. I did as much research as I can (feeling cruddy) but can't find rhyme or reason to this. Thank you for reading my post, I hope someone can chime in with helpful information!! Take care all!!

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Fiercefighter13 profile image
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26 Replies
MyMiracle13 profile image

I might be on Piqray eventually so your experience has piqued my interest. Have you read the full prescribing information on Piqray if fever is a common or uncommon side effect? I think you can google Piqray side effects.

Fiercefighter13 profile image
Fiercefighter13 in reply to MyMiracle13

Hi MyMiracle13! Thank you for your inquiry. Well.....my story got more complicated after waking up this morning. It all started on Friday night about 3 1/2 hours after my Piqray dose time, I wasn't feeling great, and noticed spots coming up on my arms, some on my legs, and I was feeling chills. I didn't think much of it, since I know Piqray causes rashes and I thought I was chilled because it was cold out and raining. I started taking Claritin before starting Piqray and added Benadryl starting Friday when the spots started showing up. Saturday night, (about 3 1/2 hours after my Piqray dose) I spiked a fever of 102, which would not break with Tylenol (can't take Ibuprophen because my cancer made it to my stomach causing ulcerations). I had a few more spots appear on Saturday. Sunday morning the fever broke, and I thought o.k., I'll wait to talk to my doc on Monday. Sunday, about 3 1/2 hours after the Piqray dose I broke out in a pretty severe rash over about 50% of my body and spiked a fever of 103.5 and would not come down lower than 102 with Tylenol all night. Today I woke up with a hell of a rash over about 90% of my body, flat hot red rash all over head to toe, and blisters all over on top of that head to toe and shaking from the chills from the fever. My skin was stinging, and burning and aching and my joints hurt so bad I couldn't move to walk. My doctor ordered blood tests and urine tests and had me come in for those right away. She pulled me off Piqray immediately and said no more of that for me. Apparently this is some kind of a severe reaction and is a bad situation. My doctor put me on Methylprednisolone mega doses for 6 days and told me if it gets worse, I go straight to the hospital. The steroid stopped the progression of the rash (pretty much) and broke the fever within one hour. I don't think what happened to me is typical at all, but something to watch out for if you decide to try it. Also, I'm not diabetic, my fasting blood sugar is normally around 70, and today it was at 240!! That was shocking as well being that I never ever eat sugars and keep carbs to whole grains with complete meals with fats and proteins so, I guess my body was just not going to have this one. I never had any side effects to Ibrance, Letrozole, Faslodex, or even Verzenio (never got the runs from it). I was unimaginably shocked by my reaction to Piqray. But we are all different, and I think most of us react differently to each of these medications. Best of luck in your journey, take good care!

Hazelgreen profile image
Hazelgreen in reply to Fiercefighter13

Thanks for letting us know what a severe reaction to Piqray looks and feels like. It seems that it has been suggested as a possible future drug for many of us. I hope you are soon Back to your "new normal".



Fiercefighter13 profile image
Fiercefighter13 in reply to Hazelgreen

Thank you Cindy! The steroid seems to be alleviating the issue so far. From my research of the symptoms, I think I developed a condition called Serum Sickness. After looking at the chemical composition of Piqray, it makes sense. No fun at all, but for those who it works for, I’m glad. Unfortunately, not my cup of tea!

MyMiracle13 profile image
MyMiracle13 in reply to Fiercefighter13

I’m so sorry to hear of your severe reaction to Piqray. I did hear about it raising blood sugar levels but the rashes and fever I haven’t heard of. Just glad to know you are on the mend. Hope whatever your doctor puts you on next will not give you problems.

Fiercefighter13 profile image
Fiercefighter13 in reply to MyMiracle13

Thank you!! Saw my doctor just a few hours ago, looks like I'll be off Piqray forever, and we will be adding Anastrozole to the Faslodex and do a wait and see until January. That should give my body a nice rest from this fiasco, and it might to the trick with the cancer as well. If not, on to Xeloda in February! Thank you for your kind thoughts, take care!

Aprilfoolz1 profile image
Aprilfoolz1 in reply to Fiercefighter13

I'm so sorry you had this allergic reaction - sounds awful and serious. Hope you feel better and let us know what your onc discusses next for treatment . Sending you healing thoughts , prayers and love !

Fiercefighter13 profile image
Fiercefighter13 in reply to Aprilfoolz1

Thank you Aprilfoolz1!! I do appreciate good thoughts, prayers and good energy, and love. I need it for sure right now. Saw my doctor. Looks like Piqray induced something called Serum Sickness, it's a type III allergy I guess? The rash is still spreading on day two of the steroids, and day two of no more Piqray. Looks like adding Anastrozole to Faslodex is my next stop on this journey for a few weeks.....if it works great, if not, onto Xeloda. Take good care!!

8576 profile image

Wow! What a reaction. You should have stopped taking it the first night with a reaction like that. Oh well, lesson learned. Hope you can find something that agrees with you.

Cheers, June S.

Fiercefighter13 profile image
Fiercefighter13 in reply to 8576

The rash was spotty and seemed pretty mild but kept slowly spreading from Friday night until Monday morning. The fever is what I really should have been alarmed about. Luckily, the wild rash broke out on Monday morning when I was able to call my doctor, and get off Piqray. I knew rashes were normal, so I didn't think too much of it until it went nuts on Monday, but ya, the fever should have been enough to call the on call doctor over the weekend. The problems with on call doctors, is that they are pretty useless unless it happens to be one's own doctor. I knew the on call would tell me to go to the hospital and I was trying to avoid that at all costs with Covid and a bad flu season ramping up. But yes, anyone with a rash and fever on any chemo meds should call their doctor ASAP!! Thank you for your input, wise words for sure!!

Beattheodds profile image

Yikes!! Side effects can be very severe with an allergic reaction looking just like yours. A good lessen for all of us on our own med journeys. Glad your recovering.

Fiercefighter13 profile image
Fiercefighter13 in reply to Beattheodds

Rash is still spreading after day 2 of steroids, but I'm holding on!! I think it's important for anyone trying Piqray to note, fever plus rash means call your doctor right away and before taking the next dose of Piqray!! Turns out its a type III allergy, called Serum Sickness, and it's awful!! Thanks for your kind words, take good care!

Totheriver profile image

so glad you are recovering. So scary!

Fiercefighter13 profile image
Fiercefighter13 in reply to Totheriver

Thank you! The rash is still progressing, today is day two of the mega doses of Methylprednisolone.....I may need I.V. steroids, but my doctor does not want me in the hospital so we are managing it day to day. I saw her today, and she told me no more Piqray for me ever, darn.......Each one of these medications is time, so less time for me I guess. Thank you though for your kind words!

mariootsi profile image

Happy you are feeling better. Piqray is in my future too! Good to get info on possible side effects.

Fiercefighter13 profile image
Fiercefighter13 in reply to mariootsi

Thank you for your good wishes. My doctor was never enamored with the use of Piqray, but it gives more time to some, so it was on the "try" list. I kind of knew it wouldn't be for me, but I wanted to try of course, because one never really knows until a real trial is done. Take care!

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to Fiercefighter13

You too

bubblystream profile image

I had fever starting day 10 for almost a week. The onc brought me in and tested me for COVID and 29 other possibilities. Everything came back neg. He sent me home on an antibiotic anyways. The next day I came down with rash over most of body and then mouth sores. By Friday they decided it was a side affect of Piqray.

It took a month to feel like myself again. Lost 13 pounds during that month. Rough start but rest of the year went well all things considered Fever only lasted 6 days


Fiercefighter13 profile image
Fiercefighter13 in reply to bubblystream

Hi!! Thanks for your reply, it’s very helpful! Did you stay on Piqray for that year or did they switch meds because of the fever and rash?

bubblystream profile image
bubblystream in reply to Fiercefighter13

I stayed on it for a year. This Sept one of my small liver spots grew from 1cm to 1.9 cm. So onc suggested I move to Taxel.

bubblystream profile image

Ps After 3 weeks the oncologist did reduce my dose from 300 to 250 mlg.

Fiercefighter13 profile image
Fiercefighter13 in reply to bubblystream

So good to know, this is very good information. I just came home from seeing my oncologist, who had contemplated keeping me off for 4 weeks then try again at a lower dose, but then she saw the rash. She decided between the extent of the rash (it's everywhere), how it's blistering, and the fever with joint swelling, that Piqray is not a good match for me. So we are discussing other options right now. Thinking of adding Anastrozole to the Faslodex and giving that till January to let my body rest, if that works, great, if not, on to Xeloda. I hate breast cancer, this is a rough road. Did you move on to Taxol? If so, how is that going? I'm grateful for your input, and wish you the best.

bubblystream profile image

I did move to taxol. Not as bad as I feared. Loss of hair is hardest part for me. I miss being on Piqray. It did not make me tired or brain fogged. Plus I am enjoying food once again way too much!

Fiercefighter13 profile image
Fiercefighter13 in reply to bubblystream

Awe, yes, but food is one of life's gifts!! Enjoy the foods you like, don't worry about that, life is too short to worry! I'm glad Taxol is easier for you than anticipated. I know the hair loss is so difficult, I wish I had words that could make that easier, but I do understand....take care friend!

Joannaaaa profile image

Hope your recovering well, sending best wishes to you

Fiercefighter13 profile image
Fiercefighter13 in reply to Joannaaaa

Thank you! Yes, seems that the Piqray fiasco has been dealt with, now on to new treatments!! Take care!!

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