Curious if anyone has had a "nail"( rod) inserted in their femur for bone stability. I'm having surgery next week and just looking for feedback. I have mets in bones and liver. Thanks.
Femur rod: Curious if anyone has had... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Femur rod
yes, I had bone cement used to fill a hole in my hip bone after radiation treatment killed off my breast cancer. Several rods or screws were inserted to stabilize my hip. I’m very happy with the results and don’t need to use a cane to walk.
Yes, I had an IM nail in the right femur after I found out I had MBC. It was before I started treatment. Wish I had never done it, the biggest reason was once I started the treatment (Letrozole), the tumors shrunk (NED) but now I am left with lymphodema in my right leg from the radiation I had to have after the IM nail, scars, and pain in my buttocks where the rod ends. No one told me to wait to see what the medication would do first. My situation is a whole story. If you have been on treatment and the bone mets have not decreased then have the surgery, if not, then wait.......
Yes, I was on crutches because of the pain in left thigh. MRI revealed MBC and the bone was just about to break so I had the rod put in immediately. I did have hip pain for a while resulting from bursitis / tendinopathy post surgery. After several months of physical therapy that did not correct the issue, I finally got a shot of cortisone to resolve the hip pain. Surgery was a year ago and my quads have lost some strength so I am in physical therapy again to gain strength and flexibility and I am getting back to my active lifestyle with my grandchildren! --Trish
...5 years ago at age 45, I was at a park with my toddlers ... femur excruciating pain, could not move - had surgery the next day basically, rod in right femur -- my stage one breast cancer from 5 years prior had apparently eaten through my femur (mets to bone); Here I am today, NED run -- jump, feel great. May it be the same with you and better!
Yes, I have one. You get a little card after (I am in Germany) so you can go through airport metal detectors. I had two surgeries. I was particularly concerned with my leg because I'd been a serious ballet student. My thigh rotation wasn't good enough after the surgery and I couldn't bend my knee fully. I did get them to fix the knee with a second surgery (the nail was too long, impeding the ability to bend). Nothing can be done about the lack of rotation. I walk normally and can do tap dance but no more grand pliés.
On Nov 11th of 2021 I had a rod put into my left femur and they cemented my hip with a plate, they did three little holes on the side of my leg put stables in and to this day you cannot see any scares, I was up and walking with in a week, I use a walker for awhile to get strength into my leg, only problem I had was were they put the screws down by my knee it was so swollen for along time, I limp for awhile walking but now I am and up and running hope this helps.
yes-- in 2017 when I discover my cancer went to bone and I had a fracture. Till this day I'm amazed at how I don't even know I have it11 ; be patient with the healing process! do your exercises and BEST BEST to you! I hope you are amazed like I am real soon.