Quick goodbye, be kind.: Hi all, it... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Quick goodbye, be kind.

Winner123 profile image
79 Replies

Hi all, it's Leo here, some of you might remember a few of my posts, mainly asking for help and advice from this group.

Unfortunately, Susie my beautiful wife, has been admitted to hospital with breathing issues and there is nothing more they can do for her so they will now be making her comfortable until the end. She's only 39 and leaves big old me and our two beautiful children, Albert and Edith, 7 and 4.

i just wanted to thank everyone on this page for their help,advice and support. Lots of family have looked to me for the "answers"to lots of questions about procedures, treatments,possible outcomes. I feel you've all help me with that,and I thank you all.

ive received lots of personal messages of support and encouragement and they really helped,thank you all.

I'm doing this now, before the end as I'm not sure where I will be mentally and I really wanted to say all this before I go.

Please all be brave in your own personal journeys, I will pray for every single one of you to have best possible journey in every way.

Sandra is very much missed off this page,please be kind to everyone all the time,it's the most beautiful thing we can do for eachother.

Love to every single one of you.

Leo, Susie, Albert and Edith.

xxx ❤️

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Winner123 profile image
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79 Replies
debbiedo2063 profile image

Dear Leo, Susie, Albert and EdithSo sorry to hear this, remember the children will even from this early age have many sweet memories of your family fun times to keep them warm during their lives. As a family you have pulled together through everything and from your posts it shows how close you all are and that spiritual bond will always be there Leo, no one can take that away.

Sending so much love to you all all and wishing Susie the peace she deserves as a loving wife and mother.

Debra xxx😍

Lnlc profile image
Lnlc in reply to debbiedo2063

Leo, I’m convinced there are no words or, at least, adequate ones, for this. It’s horrible snd unfair and sometimes, I’m sur, unbearably sad. May Each one of s on thiswil, for puElves or our famil members have to face the challenge of

Leo, this is the news we all dread. I hope your wife is comfortable now and we all share our sad feelings with you right now.Think of all the positive times you shared together and take care of your lovely Grandchildren.

Sandra is coping with her problems. Both Claire and I hear from her very often. She gives her heart and soul to everyone that cares about reality. She will answer any issue we have. I or Claire will let Sandra know.

May your wife’s final journey be peaceful and surrounded by family and never ending love. Sending best wishes and hugs to you all and we are all here for you.


mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to

Please give my best to Sandra. I really miss her! Hope she is well!Love,


in reply to mariootsi

Will do Marianne. She lets nothing stop her being as active as she can. She will appreciate your wishes. Take care. Cheryl

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to

You too!

rubyc1234 profile image
rubyc1234 in reply to

Give my regards to Sandra. I much valued her opinions on this disease and she gave me some very good advice. I miss her too.

in reply to rubyc1234

Yes of course. Thanks

Discocat profile image

I am so sorry Leo.

I send my love to you and Susie and your beautiful kids.

A piece of Susie will live on forever in the hearts of you and all who love her.

Sending best wishes to you all


TNVol profile image

News none of us wanted to hear, Leo. Praying for peace for you all and sending much love to you, Susie and those beautiful children. Love your thoughts on kindness. It's one thing definitely in short supply in our current world. Please touch base with this group occasionally to let us know how you're doing.



Kruza profile image

Not the news we want to hear, but here we are. Sending hugs and good thoughts your way. As a family unit you have held it together through the hills and valleys and you will weather this too even though it is heavier than usual. We encircle you with love from wherever we are in the world. Be blessed.

Ntash01 profile image

Hey Leo - rarely do words fail me but I have admit defeat in this moment in time.

I’m sending you all my love & my prayers, I do hope as a family the strength and courage can carry you through. An extra special hug for Susie please x

stardust1965 profile image

Leo, my heart is broken reading your post. I hope you have all the support you, Susie and your family need. We will still be here for you. Sending love to you all. 💔

Leo I am so sorry to be reading this latest update. I just pray that Susie is as comfortable and pain free as possible. Take care x

jersey-jazz profile image

When I opened your note I saw your two delightfully beautiful children and I began to cry. They are two cherubs. Now, I am crying because I read your message. You may be soothed by the crazy thought that those two cherubs may be channelling their mother, your beautiful wife, Susie. She will aways be with you in spirit. I know this because I have suffered the same loss of my husband and life partner who continues to my partner in spirit. Thank you for all your many contributions to this special forum where we bare our souls and love one another, very deeply.



My heart absolutely breaks for you and I am sorry your wife is at the end of her journey at such a young age. Susie is a very lucky lady to have had you by her side throughout this.We will always be here for you Leo if you need some ears to bend.

Please don’t think me rude speaking like this, but I hope you can all move on with your lives when you are ready. It is something I wish my family will do and am very vocal about them not dwelling on me and to make sure they live their lives to the full after I have gone.

Wishing you all the very best


bracelets1 profile image

Leo, what a beautiful post and how brave of you to do so at this time when you are suffering and watching over your two beautiful children - I can only imagine how proud Susie would be. May peace be with you and your family at this time. You will be in my prayers.


Mary115 profile image

Holding you and yours in care prayer. You have been a mainstay in kindness and I will carry that message with me, I am trying to surmise the struggle ahead . I hope that you may feel deep support . May you feel also, the gratitude for your example to all of us..

lynnhbtb profile image


AvidBooklover profile image


I am so sad to read this news about Susie. May her passing be peaceful. Your children will see their mother through you.

Paul Simon wrote a beautiful song about losing someone; he wrote it when his dad was ill. May some of those lines bring you comfort as you find the strength to let Susie go.

There may come a time

When you'll be tired

As tired as a dream that wants to die

Further to fly

Further to fly

Further to fly

Further to fly

Maybe you will find a love

That you discover accidentally

Who falls against you gently

As a pickpocket

Brushes your thigh

Further to fly

Effortless music from the Cameroons

The spinning darkness of her hair

A conversation in a crowded room going nowhere

The open palm of desire

Wants everything

It wants everything

It wants everything

Sometimes I'll be walking down

The street and I'll be thinking

Am I crazy

Or is this some morbid little lie?

Further to fly

Further to fly

Further to fly

A recent loss of memory

A shadow in the family

The baby waves bye-bye

I'm trying, I'm flying

There may come a time

When I will lose you

Lose you as I lose my light

Days falling backward into velvet night

The open palm of desire

Wants everything

It wants everything

It wants soil as soft as summer

And the strength to push like spring

A broken laugh, a broken fever

Take it up with the great deceiver

Who looks you in the eye

Says, "Baby, don't cry"

Further to fly

There may come a time

When I will lose you

Lose you as I lose my sight

Days falling backward into velvet night

The open palm of desire

The rose of Jericho

Soil as soft as summer

The strength to let you go

jersey-jazz profile image
jersey-jazz in reply to AvidBooklover

Going back to past postings on our forum, I came upon this for the second time. I want to thank you. It speaks to me. Thank you!

AvidBooklover profile image
AvidBooklover in reply to jersey-jazz

Paul Simon has had the right words for me many many times...xo

Nocillo profile image

I’m so very sorry to hear this. The job ahead of you is not small, but you know hardship and loss and hopefully that will give you the courage and strength to bear your burden with grace and love. Your children need you more than ever and their needs will occupy you in the real world. Take time for yourself to grieve and rest and you will be better able to help them. Wishing you all peace in your hearts. ❤️

Rbeth profile image

Thank you for sharing your journey. I have heard of mom’s video tape thoughts to their children. Please think about this. We so miss our loved one’s voice. Peace be with you all.

With the utmost respect and love.


Contrarielle profile image

Very sorry to hear. Strength and love to you all ♡

Beryl71 profile image

Thinking of you all, make the most of the remaining precious days. ❤️X

MyMiracle13 profile image

I wish you peace Leo. Your acceptance of Susie’s present situation is very commendable. Just remember that Susie lives on in your 2 happy and wonderful children. You have been such a great support to Susie and your posts show how much you love and care for her. Yes Leo, we will always try and be kind. And when I do an act of kindness, I will remember you.

NPmary profile image

Wishing you all that you need and an abundance of love,support, and impossible to understand peace. Love and prayers, Mary.

Hazelgreen profile image

Your post made me sad for all four of you. Both of you, Leo and Susie, have been through a very tough time, and now face the ultimate loss. To me, a stranger, it seems so very unfair, I feel your pain.

Susie, your beautiful children are, and will be, the ongoing proof of your love. They will always remember you.

Leo, you have done your best, and, one day, you will be glad you were able to do so. Please be as gentle with yourself as you have been with your family.



Ursula_I profile image

Dear Leo, Susie

Thank you for writing this which must have been so hard to do and is heartbreaking to read.

We are still walking with you. We are a bunch of strangers on the internet but Susie's journey is our journey too. Quite similar to my journey, in fact. So know that I hold her, and you, in my thoughts She is surrounded with your huge love which is obvious from your posts. What a beautiful family you both created - thank you for sharing the photo of the cheeky ice cream! To you both and your children I wish peace, and courage also.

I am sorry, I am not good with words so apologies if I have not expressed myself well.

With love and prayers

Lucy x

Rubyjude profile image

I am so sorry to hear this. You, Leo, have been remarkable in your persistent fight to do the best for Susie. She must be very proud of you. I am sure you will apply your strength and dedication to bringing up your beautiful children. With best wishes.

PJBinMI profile image

I'm so sorry! Know that we continue to be here for you and your and your family. Sending love and prayers for you all................

BritSammy profile image

So sorry to hear this sad news that nobody wants to hear. Your wife will live on in your children. May Susie’s final journey be peaceful and may God grant you strength to keep being a tower of strength for your children.

susiemarmite profile image

Terribly sad to hear your news and sending love to you all. There are no words …. ❤️

8576 profile image

So terribly sorry to hear about Susie. May you and your two children have the strength to get through this good bye. I want to echo all the posts here. I know you will be a pillar of strength for your family. We will remember you and be kind no matter what.

Cheers, June S.

Justme153 profile image

Leo I'm so sorry to hear this news!! I know you have been strong through this all for Susie and Albert and Edith. I just want to say if you have family and friend support please except there help now more then ever! You need time to grieve and not be so brave and strong. Let your children know they can be sad and its ok!!! Its better to have a grieving time and then move on! If you don't allow this and act too brave and strong eventually your foundation will crumble!! You have two beautiful children and the smiles on there faces in that picture tells me you and Susie have done a wonderful job in helping them through this terrible journey! Please don't say good bye to us on this site. I would love periodic updates on what you Albert and Edith are upto! Sending prayers for all of you ❤🙏

Puppy_love profile image

I woke up to reading this post with a tear in my eye. I’m so sorry to hear about Susie. You are a very brave man, praying for Susie to finally be in peace and for you and your children to always remember the beautiful memories you will always hold in your minds and hearts.

love2golfwell profile image

Dear Leo, Susie, Albert and Edith, I am heartbroken for you and your family at this news, You have been a very loving, supportive husband to Susie, seeking information and advice about how to handle this diagnosis and being there every step of the way for her and your children. Please know that you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers as you say your goodbyes and try to go on in your lives without your beloved wife. May God hold you in the palm of His hand and bring you comfort. Sending you hugs.

LibraryGeek profile image

I am so sorry, Leo. I do believe Susie will always be with you and your gorgeous children and will watch over you. Sending you love and strength to deal with everything, and wishing peace for you all.

Jackie x

Debbigbang profile image

I am so sorry. It is hard to put words together when I hear this. We all have this card, we just don't know when it will happen. Be strong for Susie, I know she feels she is leaving her babies in good hands ❤. Keep reminding them how strong she is as you are as well. I am single, have been for years. My Mom is my strength and is walking through this journey with me, I thank God every day for her as I know Susie leans on your strength.

God bless and may the angels hug her and your family through this tough time .

Deb ❤🙏

Teddielottie profile image

Heartbreaking to be reading this Leo . You have been such an amazing husband to Susie and wonderful father to Albert and Edith. You couldn’t have done any more and I’m sure Susie is so proud of you . I wish you all peace and strength in the coming days and weeks . Sending love and prayers to you all x ❤️

Shawnd12 profile image

I am so very sorry Leo. I wish you all the best in getting through this. I am a husband in a similar position. You are going to do an incredible job raising those kids! I wish your wife strength and peace.

Thatflowerlady profile image

I am sorry to hear your sad news. May those beautiful children bring you comfort and peace in the weeks & years to come, they are adorable . Sending peace to all


Totheriver profile image

Thinking of you all in this very difficult time.💕

Cowgirl1951 profile image

Leo, I am sorry to hear the news on Susie. Sending you and your children prayers of comfort during this difficult time and the future.

Likes profile image

Hi LeoMay God bless you and your family. I’m so sorry. Thinking if you all and praying for you.. Susie

morty87 profile image

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. 💕🙏🏻

cancersucks2 profile image

God Bless your family.

Aquadog profile image

Dear Leo, my heart is breaking for you. I have been following your wife's story - loved how involved you are with her journey - and was hoping she had much longer to be with you and your lovely children. Sending prayers for her comfort and prayers for peace and strength for you, Albert, and Edith.

With warm hugs,

Susan xxx

SabaAK profile image


AuntC profile image

So sorry 💔 May God give you peace & comfort in this sad time and in all your days to come. 🙏

bubblystream profile image

Dear LeoMy heart breaks for you and Susie and your children. You all are way too young. I don’t even have words. 😭

IrishsetterMom profile image

Leo, so sorry to read your post. Hoping God will hold you, susie and your beautiful children in the palm of his hand.

Nature613 profile image

Dear Leo, I am so sorry to read this very sad news about your beautiful wife Susie . Albert and Edith are precious. I’m praying for you and your family. Take care.

viennagirl profile image

My heart goes out to you all. Thank you for sharing your story. I know this is very difficult for you, especially as you have two beautiful children - Albert and Edith - and they are young. Right now nothing makes sense but it is my personal belief that we don't die - that our souls and our spirit goes on. That might comfort you if you think of your wife as still watching over you as you try to weather this terrible time and it might give you solace in the times ahead. If your children think that mommy is watching over them it might them heal from their loss. Bless you and the children.

Tmbj profile image

Hi Leo my heart breaks for you Susie and your beautiful children, I wish you love and strength to get through this.Remember we are always here for you if you need to chat take care.

BluHydrangea profile image

Leo— peace be with you and your family as you aid her on this transition. You are a courageous and gracious man. I send lots of love to you and the kids as you face the future❤️

life8888 profile image

Sending thoughts of love and peace. No words can express my sorrow when I read your post. I hope you and your children will find the courage to carry on and live each day to the fullest.

friesianfan profile image

Dear Leo, thanks for sharing this incredibly sad news. So sorry to hear about Susie’s latest developments and can only imagine how tough this must be on all four of you, not to mention what must be an extensive community of family and friends who care deeply for all of you. As a fellow “hubby” on this site, I have always appreciated your posts and you have been an inspiration in your perseverance and relentless pursuit of the best possible outcomes for Susie and your beautiful young family.

Words fail me at a time like this, but I am confident that your children are going to benefit tremendously from the strong role models that both you and Susie have been for them through this painful journey. Praying and hoping for peace for all of you. You are an incredible husband, father and partner…

Big hugs for all of you, Dave

Joannaaaa profile image

Sending love and hugs to you all xx

mariootsi profile image

Oh Leo, I am so sorry to hear this news. I wish you all peace and love! Hug those beautiful children for me.Love,


kearnan profile image

I am so saddened to hear this. My prayers are with you and those beautiful children.

mudakurag profile image

As another member so aptly said " We encircle you with love from wherever we are in the world." Praying you will have Peace and feel a great comfort as all of us are with you now and throughout this journey.Suzie,you and the children will be in my prayers

Winner123 profile image

Hi all. I've been overwhelmed by all the lovely messages on here. I've been reading them whist in hospital. Susie slipped away peacefully at 12.20 this afternoon. Me, her mom and dad were all holding her hand whilst she slipped gently away, it was very peaceful, she just slowly stopped breathing. Thank you all again. Xxx ♥️

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to Winner123

RIP Susie . Sending love and condolences to you Leo , Albert and Edith , her mom and dad and all her family and friends . ❤️

in reply to Winner123

So sorry Leo. Thankfully peacefully. You and family in my thoughts x

Ursula_I profile image
Ursula_I in reply to Winner123

Oh, I am so very sorry. Lucy x

hurricaneheather profile image
hurricaneheather in reply to Winner123

may you and your family be at ease.

Charlie_99 profile image

Sending hugs prayers and strength ahead as no one should have to lose someone so young. My heart breaks for you and your two children. Thank you for the words of kindness and respect for all. I dread this day for my family too but my adult children are 24 and 21 and have been so blessed with these past 6 years with them. I wish you had longer but hope you can cherish the memories. Your kids still have you to give them love and extra hugs. And soon and angel to protect them too.❤️

kokopelli2017 profile image

Leo.....I have watched from a distance. your devotion and 100% support of Susie touched my heart. both you and Susie such a perfect example of love and commitment❤️💫...inspiring. I am so sorry for your loss. wishing peace to you and Albert and Edith and entire family🙏💛

Hi LeoI am in touch with Sandra and she wanted me to send you a message. You, Susie, and your beautiful children are in her thoughts. She felt a true closeness to you and is heartbroken for you.

Clare on behalf of Sandra

Guitarbella profile image

So sorry to hear your news. Praying you will have strength and courage for the days ahead. A part of Susie will live on in your beautiful children & she will always be in your heart. Sending love & hugs to you all💕❤️🙏🤗

donnalynnhansel profile image

Prayers and thoughts to you and your family. My heart hurts for you all. Stay strong for children. ❤🙏

elle3054 profile image

My prayers and thoughts are with you all especially your precious children

Missmaddie615 profile image

Oh Leo….. I’m so so sorry to hear this news. I’m sitting here crying with you. There are no words…. Susie was truly Blessed to have you as her husband, her rock, her strength and you were as Blessed to have her as your wife, your rock, your strength. What you are going through is just awful, but know that she is not suffering any longer, she is with the angels -happy and dancing. She will always be with you and your precious little ones, in your hearts and in your souls. You have some rough times ahead of you…you’re heartbroken and you feel like you’re drowning, but know that Susie will be with you every step of the way. She was only down here for a short period of time, but that time was truly a gift, a Blessing! The wonderful memories you have, the LOVE that you shared, the life of your children -all gifts, all Blessings! Susie will always be with you! May God send the Light of the Holy Spirit down upon you to comfort you, Albert and Edith and may God wrap His loving arms around you to hold you and give you the strength and the courage that you need to face this new journey. You all are in my prayers. Liz

Mumberly profile image

Oh my goodness Leo. I’m sadly reading your message 😢 and my heart is breaking for you.

I wish for you, all the strength in the world. ♥️


rubyc1234 profile image

My heart goes out to your family. I pray that Susie is comfortable and that you and the kids will remember her with warm thoughts and memories. How difficult this must be for you and the kids. Sending hugs to all of you.

RLN-overcomer profile image

Leo please forgive me I have been offline for several days. My heart aches for you, your beautiful children,and your family.😪. Susie is in the hearts of you, and your children, and she is in heaven present with our FATHER/GOD, and will visit you, and your children as your guardian angel. All my love to you, and your lovely children, and family.I know I am suppose to celebrate, but my tears are still flowing😪 XoXoXo

Lnlc profile image

Leo, I share the sorrow of this community reading this sad news. May memories of your lovely wife be a blessing to you and your children.

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