I am Coraeel. Quick? Is anyone else gaining weight on Ibrance/Faslodex
Weight Gain: I am Coraeel. Quick? Is... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Weight Gain
Hello, yup I’m finding that my weights creeping up. I’m taking Ibrance with other hormone inhibitors ( Letrozole & Zoladex). I get weighed before having the Zometa infusion every month and seem to be a few kilos heavier the last few months. Tummy feels bloated and puffy.I managed to lose weight at the start of diagnosis by dieting REALLY hard! I’ve been more lax recently…but I’m also more active…it’s hard to find a balance.😕 think I’m going to have to get strict with myself again.
Best wishes to you,
Zoe xx
I believe my weight gain is due to letrazole. Not saying Ibrance couldn’t be a factor. But when estrogen levels are lowered with letrazole, in return , cortisol level increase… which causes weight gain.
Yes I feel like I’m pregnant. I didn’t know cortisol is raised. No wonder in a fight or flight
Interesting question!
Maybe it's simply aging and hormonal changes? Possibly nothing to worry about?
A friend sent me a pic recently from a few years ago (we looked glorious and tipsy!), and I looked heavier than I am today. Made me ponder my weight, which is not typical for me. So I wondered if my cancer treatment had affected this.
I have always, for like four decades, fluctuated within a 20% band of weight. Never gave it much thought. But that pic got me thinking that like, wow, I was def heavier then! Was it Letrozole + Ibrance vs. current Faslo + Ibrance, or was it unrelated to treatment, maybe related to other factors?
I concluded (loosely) that it is other factors. I do various things to fight cancer, e.g. intermittent fasting, better diet, etc. So I'm currently at a low-ish weight, likely as a result?
But I think my main point is to not sweat it, unless your weight is an issue, health-wise? I mean, we're over here, trying to slay dragons...By being alive, we look great in anything from a bikini to a burka? But, again, if it's about more than appearances and becomes a health issue, different matter....
Be well and happy!
Thank you for the encouragement. My clothes not fitting like they used to makes me know that I am putting on weight. I do not eat a lot but I do love ice cream but I do not eat enough to make me put on weight. It is crazy because I weigh one morning and I weigh 165 lbs. and weigh the next morning and I might weigh 160 lbs. It fluctuates like that all of the time. Up and down all the time. It is discouraging.
My oncologist told me that breast cancer is the one cancer where people gain weight. Lack of estrogen does not help!
It figures - the one cancer I get and I don’t even lose weight from it!
Crazy isn’t it. I just keep plugging along. It could be a lot worse.
I have basically stopped drinking. This has prevented weight gain. I did not know what else to do. I exercise but do get tired. One week a month I am down for the count with the Ibance, days 25-29 especially. During that time, I often struggle to exercise or make healthy meals. Anyway, a couple of glasses of wine/day is an extra 300 calories that I just cannot afford these days either due to the breast cancer or age.
I can’t stand the smell of any alcohol. My husband drinks merlot wine and I hate the smell of it.
Know the feeling. I get periodic lethargy where I just don't have the energy to cook. moreless suggested premaking meals for the freezer during my good days to microwave & I'm giving that a go. Had to give up drinking completely cause it made me sick to my stomach.
You sound a lot like me. Thank goodness that my husband helps me cook. We buy the frozen dinners so we don’t have to cook so much. Throw a salad and fruits with that and it is healthy.
Yes, I’ve gained around 10 lbs since starting Letrozole no matter what I do.
Those are my worse days. I feel terrible until I start on the regimen again.
Yes. I have gained weight on Ibrance and Faslodex
Thank you for responding to me. My weight was not a problem until I was put on Faslodex. I started having issues then and I can’t seem to get it under control. It continues to fluctuate from day to day and it is really frustrating.
I also have lymphodema which is a real problem. In the summertime it seems to get worse because of the heat. I hope you don’t have this as well.
I read your bio and I am going to follow you because we seem to have a lot of common issues. Have a blessed day!

May I join you two? 👋 lymphadema here too.
I would love to know how they are treating your lymphedema. It did not start until I was in like my third year of breast cancer. I was making lunch and my arm started swelling. I called my Onocologist and told him and he said to get to the hospital immediately and he would order an ultrasound. I did and it was lymphedema. I felt like I went down hill from there. I had to start exercises and then they decided to put me in an apparatus that I had to wrap around my arm. I went several times to make sure I was doing it correctly and then they cut me loose. I put it on the next day by myself and it hurt so bad I couldn’t handle it. I went back and there were 3 women and my husband who watched me put it on and they said I was doing it correctly but I told them to wait 2 to 3 hours and see how things would change. Sure enough it started swelling after about 2 hours and there were these sunken in places all over my arm and it hurt so bad. Then they decided to try the sleeve but one said it would never work if we weren’t moving any of the fluid out of my arm. Then they sent me to a women who had me do exercises and then she would give me a massage. We did that for about six months and she ordered a compression sleeve for my arm. Later on she ordered a half body compression pump. I use the sleeve if we are traveling or the half body if we are at home. I wear a compression sleeve if I am hanging around the house. Sometimes this is worse than the cancer.
I am very interested in learning how you are being treated. It is my bedtime and since this is Mother’s Day weekend I might not look at the IPad this weekend.
Happy Mother’s Day to you and everyone on the site who reads this. Have a blessed Mother’s Day.

PT started with lymphatic drainage massages like this:youtu.be/aU_os8ApUH0
& instricted me to do this 4 x/day every day. She also gave me phone number to BioTab to be fitted for a pump. Unfortunately for me we had to reschedual the meet & fitting once because I got sick with early stage pneumonia one week. Next week the regional rep had to cancel because he caught COVID. I've had other issues spring up & just haven't been able to reschedule. Anyway, we both agreed I needed a compression sleeve. Tried Amazon three times (they sell same product, different companies) but I could never get the size right. Even tried the sport compression sleeves we sell at Walmart. Always right comfort, too long / right length, too tight & I'd rip it getting it on. Spent about $80 before we both realized what I was getting was to prevent edema, not treat it. She went home & googled edema treatment sleeves & came up with CircAid.com. She got exact measurements in cm. I contacted them & found an adjustable compression sleeve that hit the spot! With velcro straps I pull snug (not tight!) I wear it 4 hrs on & take it off for 2 (Shadi said it was NOT necessary to wear it 24/7). For one thing the crook of my elbow gets sore & for another she said my skin would become bad (like a cast on too long). Also, arm gets sweaty. I found using one of those sock tubes like they use in casts helps get the sleeve on & off MUCH easier. Yes, there are some depressions in the skin, but not worrisome, they go away when I do the drainage massages. I sleep with it on too.
That was one of the pumps I was on. The therapist put it on me and told me to wear it all night. I could not because it hurt so bad. I took it off about 2:00 AM because I knew I had to go see her the next day. When I got to her office at 9:00 AM , My arm was still swollen. She told me to come back at 5:00 so she could see what it looked like. That was it for me because I could not go through that another night. Then she got the 2 pumps that I slip my arm in and that works.
Yeah me too but I don’t think it’s the medicine per se I think it’s the fact that they’re taking estrogen hormones away, therefore it’s harder to lose weight.
I agree. Easy to put it on and very hard to take it off.
I’ve been on Ibrance almost 3 years and was recently changed from Arimidex to Faslodex and nurse who administers Faslodex told me many patients gain weight on this med (which onc does not mention!) And yes I have gained some weight. I rationalize that not only “am I still here” but “there’s more of me still here”. 😜
Combination of the infusion drugs the 1st. yr. and Ibrance this yr. yes, I went from 145lb. - 195lb. I'm trying several shredded chicken salads / day. So far, however, the only noticable weight loss I've seen is the day of fasting before my colonoscopy. I'm schedualed to have bloodwork lab next week & I have to fast the day before for that too.
Absolutely😤 Since I started Ibrance and Letrozole in September 2020 I have gained 35lbs and I dont eat much. I try and stay active and exercise however some days are tough since I had to have 2 vertebraes removed from my spine due to a tumor crushing them. So I do try and walk or strength train at the gym. I am getting ready to do a 30 day challenge to see if I can get some of this belly weight off. It truly is miserable having all this belly weight. I am puffy and holding alot of water weight. I have a lymphatic massage therapist that I try and see as much as I can afford and she said I was carrying alot of fluid. My oncologist said it was mainly the meds. 😭