"But this new research tells a more optimistic story. It reveals that the number of women in the U.S. living with metastatic breast cancer is growing and that survival rates are improving, according to the new study, published today in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
When researchers analyzed a registry of government data that tracks cancer cases around the country, they found that the five-year survival rate of these women younger than 50 doubled from 18 percent between 1992 and 1994 to 36 percent between 2005 and 2012. Median survival times also increased, from 22 months to almost 39 months for women younger than 50, and from 19 months to almost 30 months for women diagnosed between ages 50 and 64.
“We found that a meaningful number of women actually lived many years after an initial diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer—more than 11 percent of women under age 64 survived at least a decade,” says study author Angela Mariotto, Ph.D., chief of the Data Analytics Branch of the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences at the NCI."