Hi I’m new to this site have read many of your blogs and find it really helpful and educational! My question is can I dye my hair on these meds? I really need a boost.
New to Ibrance and Letrozole - SHARE Metastatic ...
New to Ibrance and Letrozole
I am also on Letrozole and Palbociclib and have continued to dye my hair. I now use a dye that has no active bleaching agents, alcohol, ammonia or PPD. My hair thinned sadly when I started on the meds but that has not been impacted by the dye I use. I haven’t seen my natural hair colour since I was 15 and don’t plan to!!
I see a hairstylist who uses less toxic chemicals. Indulge and treat yourself! You deserve it!
Happy New Year
I’ve been on the snake combination now since Aug-2020 and have continued to dye my hair however I have swapped to a salon that uses a brand called OWay ~ worth doing a bit of investigation.
I know I need to detox and avoid chemicals that won’t serve me so I’ve been cleaning up my act and my hair dye was one of those where found better option
I've dyed my hair for many years. It is thinner now that I'm both older and have MBC, but I think it looks better on me a light brown than it would as gray. I've continued to dye it myself since my MBC diagnosis in 2019.
I've not worried about the chemicals in the various brands of hairdye I've used. I'm currently on letrozole and ribociclib (Kisqali).
I think you should do whatever makes you feel the "most normal".
Warm wishes,
I have gone grey because my hair (thinned by Ibrance and Letrozole) looks much better that way: my scalp shows more with chestnut brown, as it was before. However, my oncologist told me that I could use whatever colour I like, if I wanted. The same would apply to you.
I have been on Ibrance and Letrozole for a little over a year. I started getting my hair dyed again last spring about every 10 weeks as it does not grow very much. I go to an Aveda salon and their products are more natural botanicals. Getting my hair cut short and dyed makes me feel better about my situation.
Welcome on here ! I have been on the same combination for four years now and I have continued to have my blonde (foil) highlights retouched every few months , and a regular trim to take the dry ends off . I had my straight fine hair cut into a short bob when diagnosed and although it did thin in the first eight months , it is still there , just a different texture , much drier /coarser , and a bit more wavy .I apply a smoothing balm to keep it under control ...some ladies use a light Moroccan oil . Do what makes you feel good !You will get lots of great advice from the ladies on here ! x