Water Consumption: From what I've read... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Water Consumption

Hazelgreen profile image
20 Replies

From what I've read on this forum, a number of people, especially those with livermets, have greatly increased their daily water consumption. I've read a range of estimates for increased consumption up to 6 litres daily. I take various meds eight times a day. I try to drink a cup of water each time, but that only amounts to 237ml. X 8 = 1896 ml, a far cry from even 3 litres (3000ml.), never mind 6 litres. I would appreciate reading the strategies others have used to increase their water consumption. Also, is there any way to avoid very frequent bathroom trips?

Thanks for your help,


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Hazelgreen profile image
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20 Replies
Discocat profile image

Hi Cindy,My oncologist specifically advised me to drink lots of water to help bring my liver enzymes down, but she never said how much. I was never a big water drinker before my diagnosis. I then overhauled my eating plan and started to make sure I drank at least 1 & 1/2 litres.

Recently I’ve been drinking 3 litres per day plus some big mugs of green tea and also some herbals….as I’m starting new meds and want to keep the enzymes down.

As far as toilet trips go….sorry but expect to go often!

If I’m planning a long walk I don’t drink so much before leaving, take some water with me and then drink a load more when l get back.

I take my meds in the morning and usually drink 1 & 1/2 litres then and have the rest throughout the day.

If you just had a bigger glass with each med you take you could increase your intake that way.

Big H/2/0 cheers to you.

Zoe, xx🥂

Hazelgreen profile image
Hazelgreen in reply to Discocat

Thanks for your reply, Zoe!

I've assumed that it's best (in terms of body processing) to separate my various meds (heart, cancer), and my supplements.

It may help that you live in a warmer climate (I'm in Saskatchewan, Canada), but it seems that you simply make yourself start the day with lots of water, so that's what I'll have to do too.🥰🥰😍

Thanks again, and welcome to this forum!


Hazelgreen profile image

Thanks for your response, Sandra!

I'll have to find some larger jugs for the 'fridge, instead of relying on our water cooler. I like the idea of filling two and making sure one is gone by a set time of day. Self-discipline seems to be the strategy I need. I'll also see if I can increase my exercise level.

Thanks again, and cheers,


P.S. It seems that you are actually drinking 7.6 litres every day! Wow, and Alberta is about as cold as Saskatchewan. Perhaps, you drink more in the winter when you spend more time in your sauna....

Hi so I read that what you needed to do was take your weight in pounds so for example if you are 10 stone then you would be 140 lb divide that by two and that tells you how many fluid ounces that you need to drink a day - so I end up drinking about 2 litres. I have a large glass (400ml) have that on rising with pre breakfast tablets.

Then I count the number of glasses I have try not to drink with meals as it dilutes your digestive enzymes but wait 30 mins then always have a large glass of water after.

There are little apps you can track water with or on one of my bottles I have a little light flashes to remind me to drink I’ll look up name of it

Hazelgreen profile image
Hazelgreen in reply to

Thanks very much for the ideas in your reply, Bighugs21!

I like the formula for using one's weight to calculate the amount of water to drink. Since I weigh 180 lbs, I should drink about 3 litres so that'll be my goal.

I'm also interested in the concept of not diluting one's digestive enzymes while one eats. I'll look for relevant articles since my liver is currently under attack, and the medication I'm taking (kisqali) doesn't help.

I'm not one to carry the one cell 'phone my husband and I use but I'm intrigued by the reminder apps.

Thanks again!!

Warmest wishes,


Debbigbang profile image

Good morning

I am a big water drinker. I start with warm water and lemon every morning. A couple of cups of green tea during the day. I have a 24 oz water container I drag around with me all day. I fill that about 3-4 times a day. I take ibrance/letrozole and meds for high blood pressure as well as all my supplements. Pee breaks are just my 2nd home lol !!! What goes in..will come out no way you can stop it 😁. Water is essential as well as meditation, exercise. These work for me for my state of mind.


Hazelgreen profile image
Hazelgreen in reply to Debbigbang

Hi Deb,

Thanks for your reply.

I'm going to try starting the day with warm water & lemon (before my 1.5 cups of coffee). Perhaps, that'll work for me too. My husband and I have an "adoptive" daughter in China. Through the Chinese students she introduced us to, we learned that some Chinese people only drink warm water as they believe that cold water is bad for the stomach. I don't know the rationale for that belief, it may just be cultural.

It sounds like you too are drinking about 3 litres a day along with green tea (which I like). That should definitely keep you hydrated. Which supplements are you consuming?

Thanks again, and warm wishes,


Debbigbang profile image
Debbigbang in reply to Hazelgreen

Hi Cindy

I take:

multi vitamin

Omega 3

Vitamin C

Tums for calcium


Hazelgreen profile image
Hazelgreen in reply to Debbigbang

Thanks for the list, Deb.

Your supplements are similar to mine. I take Omega3 & Glucosamine three times daily, calcium & D3 twice daily, and a multivitamin once.

Except for baby asperin which I take in the a.m. as I usually wake with a headache, I take my two heart meds and my cancer meds at different times than the supplements (all usually at least 1.5 hours apart).



Debbigbang profile image
Debbigbang in reply to Hazelgreen

Ohhhh yes I have my high blood pressure medication as well as baby asprin. They found THAT lovely issue the day of my operation. Stress is my culprit!!


SoulJourney profile image

Good Morning Cindy,

I have had trouble upping my water game. To make it more enjoyable, I started to fill a 2 litre picture in the evening and add 1/2 cup of fruit. It is ready in the morning. Red berries color the water quickly and you can trick your brain. Cantaloupe is also nice, so is Kiwi and strawberry combo. I don't only drink fruit infused water but it helps to switch it up a little when you feel like you can't drink another drop.

On a good day I'm at 4 litres. Don't beat your self up if you slip, just remind yourself you'll do better tomorrow. I am still working toward 6 litres.

From where ever you are at on your water journey just add another glass every 2 days until you reach your goal. It doesn't seem so daunting then.

Good luck!


Beryl71 profile image
Beryl71 in reply to SoulJourney

I have a filter jug, but in the winter I often have hot water with lemon and ginger. And herbal teas.

Hazelgreen profile image
Hazelgreen in reply to Beryl71

Hot water with lemon and ginger does sound like a nice drink!

Thanks for the idea,


Hazelgreen profile image
Hazelgreen in reply to SoulJourney

Hello Tammie,

Thanks for your ideas and good wishes!

Fruit-infused water might well be what I need to encourage my water consumption. Variety is indeed the "spice of life"!

Adding one more glass every two days also seems like a good idea. I'm going to increase the size of the water pitcher in our 'fridge.

I hope you continue to do well!

Warmest wishes,


blms profile image

There is no way to limit bathroom visits. Soooo! Try a 16 oz glass first thing in AM, I drink 2. That will at least give you a great beginning. Try 16 oz water with vitamins as well. Also, maybe coconut water, cold. It has a lot of potassium in it. I ix my coconut water with pineapple, aloe, juice of fresh lemon and small amount of blue spiralina. I mix in blender with the large coco/pineapple bottle and put in two smaller bottles to drink during day. it is quite tasty an great for you. Of course good idea for first water of the day to put juice of lemon in it before food.

Hazelgreen profile image
Hazelgreen in reply to blms

Thanks very much for your input, blms!

I'm going to try the double glass of water with lemon first thing in the a.m. I wonder whether that will reduce my coffee drinking.

Your drink of coconut water, pineapple,and lemon sounds good, but I'm less sure I would enjoy the blue-green algae and the aloe. I'll look for both at local markets to read the labels.

Warm wishes,


RLN-overcomer profile image

Greetings Sister/warrior I actually love water, but I add garlic, ginger, and lemon to every 16 oz glass of water I drink. :) Because I have low blood pressure I also add a pinch of baking soda, and a pinch of Sea salt to every glass. When I get up I turn on the water for my herbal green tea. The first 16 oz glass I drink is after brushing my teeth, and gargling. The next 16 oz cup is 2 hours later with my meal of a green tea bag, and a flavored herbal tea. bag. Then with after my breakfast I have another 16 oz of aforementioned water to take my morning supplements. I continue to add water to the 16 oz glass, and drink that before 2-3 pm. If I work out that day I take another 16 oz glass drinking half after drinking half of my protein shake. I drink the rest of the water during, and after my workout. After working out I drink the other half of my protein shake , which is made with water. Then for dinner I drink another 16 oz of water after my meal, and take my night supplements. I actually drink half my weight in ounces or more in water daily.I am grateful for the abundance of water to drink, wash my body, hair, clothing , and it's use to clean my place of abode. There is nothing like the feel the ocean water one's body. I believe water is one of GOD's gifts. Happy Thanksgiving 😇

Hazelgreen profile image
Hazelgreen in reply to RLN-overcomer

I like your idea of always drinking two glasses at once. This seems like a good strategy for me to adopt given my goal of doubling my water consumption. I'm not sure I'd like the taste of baking soda and salt, but perhaps those tastes would be covered by the garlic, ginger & lemon (also used by others on this forum).

If each pound of water equals 16 ounces (2 glasses), I would find it utterly impossible to drink half of my weight (180 pounds) daily. Check out the reply above from BigHugs21. She suggested that we should drink half of our weight in fluid ounces (not pounds), but probably that's what you meant too. If I always drink 16 ounces at once, and I drink at least six times a day, I should be consuming half my weight too.

Thanks for your reply,



RLN-overcomer profile image
RLN-overcomer in reply to Hazelgreen

I corrected the post with half my weight or more in ounces. :) 65-80 pounds of water would be dangerous to drink as anyone in the medical field can tell you. Some hazing rituals years ago caused the death of a student. who was forced to drink too much water :( . So too much of a good thing, even water can be bad. I don't drink 2 glasses at a time :| . I edited the post, and made it more specific. I drink a straight 16 oz glass only in the morning when I get up, after brushing my teeth. After that the beverages are spaced out in time and usually 8 oz at a time of each 16 oz glass :) . I made the post more specific. I hope this clarifies the information I posted. The pinch of baking soda, and Sea salt in my beverages I can't taste, especially since I can taste the ginger, and garlic infused :) . Because I have low blood pressure genetically, and I don't use a lot of salt in seasoning my food., and I workout the way I do, after working out. If I, haven't had enough salt water concoction prior to, and during my workout, after I cool down I can get light headed. The salt/baking soda are specific to my needs (only). I am also careful not to use too much garlic which can lower blood pressure, and thin your blood. Everything has to be used in the right proportions to on'e specific needs. :) Happy Thanksgiving

Hazelgreen profile image

Thanks, RLN, for your clarification 🥰 🥰. I'll attach a link to an article which explains how water consumption could kill. I do remember a psychiatric patient from decades ago who was hospitalized with a water addiction. He had to be kept away from taps!


It is interesting that baking soda and salt serves to maintain your blood pressure, and prevent light-headedness. I didn't know that garlic can also impact blood pressure. I probably should consume more than I do.

I'm Canadian so Thanksgiving was early last month. Please enjoy your celebration!




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