Suggestions for treatment of lip, mouth and throat sores from taking ibrance
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Treatment suggestions for mouth, throat and lip sores

Call your doctor for a prescription for mouth wash for it. And wash with a salt water rinse. Also, if you are in the highest dosage inquire about lowering. I went from 125 to 100 and the problem all but went away.
I take daily L Lysine which helps with controlling mouth sores and it adds immune support.
Sodium Bicarbonate Mouthwash 1% , really work
I recommend the following because they worked for me:
1. Peroxyl mouthwash - available at grocery & drug stores.
2. Buy clear empty capsules & put the IBrance tablet in it before swallowing. Do this right after you remove the tablet from the blister pack. Wash your hands thoroughly after touching the IBrance tablet. Empty capsules are available on Amazon.
3. Drink lots of water.
I hope that helps!
Hi. I had the same problem. My doctor called the pharmacy and ordered what they called Magic Mouthwash.
There are many variations of Magic Mouthwash. The pharmacy has to compound it to make it.
This is the one the Cleveland Clinic ordered for me. It worked great.
Swish and Spit as directed 5 mL by mouth four times daily as needed for mouth pain
Hi first month on meds which was 1 year ago I had a couple of mouth ulcers I ordered Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash on Amazon and never had another fingers crossed. My daughter is a dietician and used to work with chemo patients and for many this worked. Worth a go. I’m on Ibrance, denosumab and fulvestrant. Good luck hope things improve soon.Debra xxx
I found that daily supplements of zinc picolinate are extremely helpful in preventing sores. I would recommend triamcinolone acetonide dental paste for treating sores that do develop. This is a prescription steroid paste.