Hello, how are we all? Last week I had the first infusion of my second line treatment following scans last month which showed brain involvement and slight progression in the liver. The infusion took 90 minutes with it being the first one and then I had to be monitored for 90 minutes afterwards in case of an adverse reaction (all was well).
I was sent away with anti nausea tablets which I haven't needed so far, apparently this is a common SE of kadcyla. I have had a headache on a morning as soon as I have woken up but it goes away with paracetamol, didn't have one this morning though. I've also had constipation in the last week, so they are my 2 main bothersome SEs, apart from that I'm getting on quite well. Energy levels good, haven't had fatigue, sleeping well on a night.
Apparently I will be scanned again in around 6 weeks, CT of abdomen/thorax and a brain MRI to see if the kadcyla has had any effect on the brain lesions of which there are many.
Take care Caroline xx