Chronic colds? or Ibrance reaction? - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Chronic colds? or Ibrance reaction?

TammyCross profile image
22 Replies

I noticed someone said she had to stop Ibrance because she had a couple of colds. I haven't stopped Ibrance when I have had cold symptons. I never got colds. For the last month or so, I have what seems to be a cold for a couple of days every week. It starts mid-week and is over by the week-end. A full blown head cold with lots of sneezing and dripping. How could I have a weekly cold? Seems too extreme for an allergy, and why would it come and go?

Has anyone had anything like this? Should I be stopping Ibrance when I am in this state? I also get Fulvestrant injections and Xgeva; can't stop those.

I have noticed with other meds I have been on for other things that my side effects tend to change. My body seems to go through a checklist:) Could this be one?

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TammyCross profile image
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22 Replies
Iwasborntodothis profile image

My nose ran constantly when I was on Ibrance and it freaked my husband out. It all stopped now that I am off of it....except for allergies

TammyCross profile image
TammyCross in reply to Iwasborntodothis

Oh, good. This is pretty incapacitating. Going through boxes of tissue, sneezing, eyes running. I was hoping to stay on Ibrance but I may have to go off. Something in last scan, so having another in a couple of weeks.

Iwasborntodothis profile image
Iwasborntodothis in reply to TammyCross

I had good luck with flonase and saline nose spray you might try that - especially before bed

hdhonda profile image
hdhonda in reply to Iwasborntodothis

Will try that. Blessings, Hannah

Beryl71 profile image

I get sneezing and sore throats that feel like they develop but nothing lasts long! It's a small price to pay for the progress with Ibrance. X

hdhonda profile image

Tammy,I have had runny nose and sneezing all winter long. It comes and goes. Here two days, gone the next day and back. I think it is allergies. I am on Ibrance/Letrozole. Just suffering through it. Want to stay on Ibrance as long as I can. Best wishes. Blessings, Hannah

hdhonda profile image

Is anyone other than me on the new Ibrance tablets? Wonder if there's a connection? I didn't have this when all capsules. Blessings, Hannah

Dragonfly2 profile image
Dragonfly2 in reply to hdhonda

Hello! I only have been using the tablets...I think they have a weird smell and taste that made me feel anxious about what I was putting into my body. (I confided to the pharmacy nurse that they tasted like death😱). That feeling has gone away since I’ve learned to take the pills with a strong tasting juice like cranberry...I wonder why they changed the pills from capsules go tablets...? And is it having a difference on patients?

TammyCross profile image
TammyCross in reply to Dragonfly2

How do you taste it? I just toss it back and swallow, don't have a chance to taste it, but then I always take it with lemonade.

The NP at my oncology practice said Pfizer switched to tablet because it is less expensive to manufacture. We should be reporting these side effects somehow. They should know. I don't know how to do that. When I call in to Pfizer for my refill, there is an option for severe adverse reaction, but this cold thing is not that. They really should be tracking reactions and any difference since they switched. They say it is identical in the active ingredient and effectiveness, but I wonder since I am now having a reaction I didn't and it seems not to be working as well.

A critical difference can be absorption. I wonder about that, too.

Maybe one of the women on here with medical expertise can advise on how we can report these.

-- I just had a bad experience with reporting side effects to covid vaccine. I had a reaction none of my docs was interested in, found an article in Psych Today by a doctor who had the reaction and was collecting info. People are writing in like crazy with the same reaction -- but only to Moderna and I had Pfizer. The doc who posted it said we should tell our doctor and the doc should report it. I tried that. A nurse said they were telling patients to report to the CDC themselves. She gave a link that was USELESS. I then searched and downloaded an adverse event report form that is to be filled out by a doctor only. -- It is only for COVID vaccines. So how do we report these, to Pfizer and/or CDC?

Same here! Lots of sneezing and runny nose. But also very dry nose at times too. I’m guessing it’s from the ibrance. Take care, Mandy

TammyCross profile image

I think we are all on the tablets, no? Unless there are capsules left over. I think Pfizer has completely switched to the tablets. My oncologist's NP said they are less expensive to manufacture. Interesting that there might be a connection between tablets and pseudo-cold.

Helps to know that there are fellow sufferers, although I am also sorry to hear it. NP with oncology recommended Zyrtec. Hired a shopper to get it for me; she got the prescription strength. I am afraid to take it, and I know this will pass. Expensive mistake. I also got hives this time. On my face. Red nose and hives, very attractive.

Adele_Julia profile image

I generally get a sneezing fit in the morning but it clears up. I chalk it up to the price of having iBrance kick "cancers" proverbial patootie. Doesn't bother me much except sometimes when I get a big sneezing attack, my back hurts lol !

TammyCross profile image
TammyCross in reply to Adele_Julia

I would take that! I sneeze all night and can't sleep, then have what seems like a major cold for two days. Sneezing is the best of it.

Totheriver profile image

Does anyone have more nausea when you switched to ibrance tablets instead I’d capsules. Also have a poring nose all the time.

MaryCos profile image

I've had an off and on "cold" since starting Ibrance/Letrozole), and I have been on both the capsule (first) and the tablet of Ibrance. Began this treatment in late September. I have a runny nose and sinus congestion that usually stays in my head, but occasionally enters my chest a little bit. Then it goes away again within 1-3 days. (I have not noted any pattern in terms of when in my Ibrance schedule this occurs.) When I first had this happen, I was worried about my compromised immune system and what a cold means for us now. My oncologist told me to just take over the counter cold meds, as I would before cancer. I don't take them often, but have them handy for times when I think they are called for. I also don't get nose "bleeds," but when I blow my nose... I do sometimes get blood in the tissue. I have found Flonase to be helpful for the sneezing and runny nose, and I take that more than I do occasional cold/allergy/flu pills.

hdhonda profile image

You are probably right. We tend to blame the drugs for everything. It is probably allergies or sinuses.

I have always had low neutrophils but not so low that I needed to delay taking it. The Moffitt oncologist talked about changing the last time I was there. The CT showed something new in my lungs but could be inflammation. My local oncologist asked if I wanted to do a Pet and find out for sure. She gave me antibiotics and I had PET three weeks later. It was gone. I just refuse to stop Ibrance unless I have no other choice.

I am diabetic and some of the other choices raise blood sugar so I don't want to go there. I am also on 125. I started out at 100 and then asked to be raised to 125. Couldn't tell the difference.

Do you know anything about Nancy or Barb or Lynn? People who post often worry me when they don't post.

Sending lots of good wishes and prayers your way. Blessings, Hannah

hurricaneheather profile image

i was taking the capsules from 2015-2020, then switched to tablets. Ibrance triggers this body's mucus membranes, making it feel like it has a cold and cough, as well as headaches. i've shared this with the onc for years. when the symptoms developed into sinus infections, the onc would typically delay the onset of Ibrance to allow the body to recover. i called Pfizer a couple years ago(?) and was told that there is a correlation with sinusitis for 1% of the population. i'm in the 1%.

TammyCross profile image
TammyCross in reply to hurricaneheather

My oncologist is really bad about side effects. When I have them and find them in the list (20% get this), she stays in denial for a while. Seems to me this sort of cold-like reaction must be affecting more than 1%. I don't think I have sinusitis, just dripping and sneezing, and a slight sore throat. Maybe if we all told Pfizer, they would take note. (Fat chance.)

TammyCross profile image

Yes, I alarmed everyone when I used the word "hives," but they do not seem to be a serious allergic reaction. My primary doc said they aren't hives. I don't know what to call them. Not a rash, just large welts on my face., not itchy Didn't spread to torso, so apparently not the serious reaction that is cause for alarm.

BluHydrangea profile image

I too have constant nasal stuffiness and drainage. I’ve just started using a saline nasal flush system.... I think it is helping with general stuffiness. Interesting to hear everyone’s experiences with this side effect.... I find comfort knowing I am not crazily imagining these things! Thanks all!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

Dragonfly2 profile image

So, I guess I also fall into this group of getting these cold-like side effects. I had been congratulating myself that I haven’t had a cold in ages...and boom, sneezing and a slightly stuffy nose with a scratchy throat. We’ve been using a mister in our bedroom to counteract the dry winter air. more thing to worry about after my new IBrance round was delayed by one more week because my blood was too low to restart. Well, February is not a pleasant month here...but looking forward to spring.

Judianna profile image

Yes I have continual runny nose and mucus drainage ... my onc says it’s normal for Ibrance. Only on it one month

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