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Heavy swelling

Annadm profile image
22 Replies

Hello fellow warrior sisters,

Do any of you have swollen feet? They look like footballs and hinder me from walking. It started at above the ankles and now it’s gone up to the back of my knees. Makes it hard to bend and walk. I did the elevating and the Epsom salts. Nothing! Anyone else this happened to and what did doctor do for you? Thanks so much 💕

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Annadm profile image
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22 Replies
Topood profile image

I have not had that happen (yet), but as an Occupational Therapy Assistant had lots of patients with the same issue. It is good that you are elevating, but I think you should also tell your doctor, and I suspect (though clearly I am NOT a doctor) they will put you on some kind of diuretic medication that will help you lose fluid. It is just a pill, and I don’t think has any serious side effects except making you urinate a lot! Good luck!

CincinnatiExperience profile image
CincinnatiExperience in reply to Topood

My swelling does not seem to be as bad as yours. It is mainly in my feet. I brought it to the attention of my oncologist and requested a diuretic. He refused to give it to me. He is trying to control is by raising my hemoglobin with Procrit. We are trying that for a few weeks to see if it helps. He thought the diuretic would cause more problems than it would help.

Good luck!

Beryl71 profile image

I should try to see a lymphoedema specialist if I were you. I have had treatment for my arm since my first tumour as I had lymph glands removed. Recently I've had some excellent treatment, before I wore an elastic sleeve for years. GP s aren't very well informed . If you are UK based the local NHS should have a clinic but the British lymphodema society website is a good place to check out local specialists.


Good luck. Carolyn x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Beryl71

I had lymphodema in my arm and due to bloody COVID the lymphodema clinics have been cancelled...I did my own massage ( YouTube) and it’s gone now

However it would be too difficult to massage your own legs so I suggest you have a consultation ASAP with your GP...as 8576 said...there are lots of reasons why your legs have swollen...but ‘footballs’ sounds a lot to me

Barb xx

Beryl71 profile image
Beryl71 in reply to Barbteeth

My therapist is open this time as its deemed necessary medical treatment.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Beryl71

I guess it depends where you live...I’m Nottingham

Barb xx

Beryl71 profile image
Beryl71 in reply to Barbteeth

I have to go private, I don't know if that makes a difference.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Beryl71

I’m private as well so doesn’t make any difference

Barb xx

Andersl profile image

I think you need to see your doctor to get a diagnosis

Timtam56 profile image

I have swollen ankles and thought it looks like fluid retention. Taking Ibrance and Anastrozole. Also having trouble with my thumbs.

8576 profile image

I think there are many reasons for swelling like that. You need to see your doctor and get treated.

Cheers, June S.

SeattleMom profile image

Dear Anna,

I would get to Emergency ASAP. You could possibly have blood clots in your legs which is not uncommon with cancer. (deep vein thrombosis). This should be treated immediately!

This is very simply resolved with blood thinning medication. I had swelling of my feet and lower legs at outset of my MBC and now take daily dose of 2.5 mg of Eliquis. The swelling completely gone.

God bless you and good luck!

Linda 💗💗🙏🏻🙏🏻

worldtravel75 profile image
worldtravel75 in reply to SeattleMom

if it is bilateral. the chance of clots is minimal - but that being said. you need to know why it is happening so it can be treated appropriately.

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to worldtravel75

My swelling was bilateral, but clots were found in one leg only.

kearnan profile image
kearnan in reply to SeattleMom

I have the same issue. My left left only severely swollen that you cannot tell where the foot starts and the ankle starts, they are so swollen. I can't get my foot into any shoe. That same leg is now discolored primarily bright red, like hot water scalding and then as it gets lower, my swollen ankle and foot are like deep purple and black and now it is causing pain. I was dealing with extreme itchiness that started two months ago and that will be the mental break. I cannot deal with it. It drives me crazy. I have tried every cream but I think it is way too advanced.

Cried and was able to get into to see a vascular surgeon. She is having me come in Thursday to have a technician do an ultrasound of my leg and then Friday I am meeting with her to discuss. She knows I have cancer. Meanwhile, my last CT scan showed new masses in my lungs that were not there at the last CT Scan. I have them every three months. My onco said they have nothing to compare it to since they were not there at the scan before that so then next week, I am having a second scan of my chest (only two months between the previous scan) so that they have something to compare.

And I care less about that because I can see my leg and how bad it looks and the non stop itching until I bleed and the swelling.

I know if they find a blood clot, I will have to be admitted to hospital so just in case I am bringing a change of clothes and my meds, but I do not want to go into hospital bc I have nobody to pick me up and I can get medicaid car service but the hospital will want someone to come and pick me up.

I know the surgeon is going to be horrified at how bad I let it get. My own fault. Even taking two percocets (I get 120 10 mg. percocet per month) is not even touching on the leg pain.

I just want to have a normal foot and leg. I dont even care what it looks like but I need the swelling to go way down. I told my onco I am NOT doing a new treatment plan (as she said I would have to anyway bc of the mass they found in my lungs) until my leg is fixed. I am NOT dealing with a new med and side effects. I hope this surgeon can help me.

When it rains, it pours, for sure.

SeattleMom profile image
SeattleMom in reply to kearnan

My gosh, Kearnan,

I’m so glad you’re being seen this week. You should not be putting any weight on that leg. You are risking a massive stroke. I think you should call an ambulance and get yourself admitted to a hospital. Please don’t take any chances! My prayers are with you!



Hi Ann,

It's hard to say what could be causing the swelling in your legs. But I really think you should be seen as soon as possible. Then you can get a proper diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment.


lynnhbtb profile image

Looks like you've gotten some good advice. I hope you're finding out the cause and able to get the swelling under control. Self massage and some easy yoga poses, like legs up the wall or elevated (like you're doing) is a good option. All the best. :-)

viennagirl profile image

Sorry to hear of your struggles with your feet. I don't have swollen feet but the Ibrance and Letrozole have caused nerve damage in my toes but not in my feet. I still can walk comfortably but wish I could get the numbness to go away. I hope you get to your doctor soon. You definitely need to report this to your oncologist as soon as possible. I am sure he/she will help you bring down the swelling. Hugs Marlene

kearnan profile image

I have on my left leg a severely swollen foot and ankle so swollen that there is no definition between where the foot starts and stops and ankles end. It is horrible and discolored and up my leg up to my knee a bright bright red as if I was scalded with hot water. I have let this go and then about two months ago the insane itchiness started. It can drive you mad and I have to scratch so hard (you cannot ignore it) that all this dry skin comes off my leg and then it is bleeding. It has gotten progressively worse. I can no longer fit my left foot into any shoe and my toes are black and purple but the rest of my leg is bright bright red.

Since my last CT scan showed masses in my lungs, I thought what is the point but now it is outright pain and burning. The pain doc. gave me some med for the itchiness but it seemed to just exacerbate the urge to itch. I cannot even think straight.

So I now have an appt. for an ultrasound of my leg on Thursday and the next day I am meeting with a vascular surgeon. She really had no open appts. until December but I was crying on the phone bc of the pain and now that I can barely walk so her assistant got me in.

This to me is worse than the cancer because I can visually see it and it looks awful and my leg is all discolored.

I am just praying something can be done.

On the cancer side on my last CT scan two months ago, doctor said they found new masses on my lungs. I was confused since we already knew it was there, thus stage iv, but she said they were not there on the CT scan three months prior (I always get three months scans) so she said since the radiologist doctors have nothing to compare these new masses to, she waited two months and next week I will have an ultrasound just of my chest so that they can compare and see how much they are spreading or whatever, but that (I was on Verzenio and falsodex and xcevga(?) since b. cancer cells went to my spine. I was then put on the heavy duty meds.

I am more upset about my leg though so I am going to have the CT scan of my chest but I am NOT willing to start a new treatment plan (which my onco said no matter what I will have to ) but I am NOT taking any meds (just the injections) until January. The whole issue with my left and foot has to be done first. I am not dealing with both of these issues and new meds and side effects.

So I am starting with a vascular surgeon. I am not where what specialist i was supposed to see and if she cannot help me, then if she can point me in the right direction.

If you find any drug or specialist that is able to help you with the swelling, please let me know. And then I get to deal with the new cancer mass but right now I have no quality of living, getting severely depressed of how horrible and scary my leg and feet look. The itchiness is enough to drive m insane. I can't read a book, watch a movie or even have a phone conversation bc once the itch starts, it's maddening and I have to scratch so hard my leg bleeds also the top of my foot is dried skin.

I have spent so much money on creams....crazy. I am praying this surgeon will have a solution. I think she is going to be horrified at how bad it looks and how long I let it go untreated. Getting tired of it all.

If you find out, please let me know. If they told me I would have to hang upside down two hours per day, I would do it.

Annadm profile image
Annadm in reply to kearnan

It sounds like you and I are showing the same thing except mine is in both. I will definitely let you know what he says after my appointment on Thursday but I totally get what you’re going through. God’s speed and blessings to you my warrior sister 💕💕🙏

Annadm profile image
Annadm in reply to kearnan

Hi Kearnan, I promised to get back to you regarding the swellings. So, Friday after my chemo treatment my doctor sent me for a CT scan of the pelvis and abdomen to rule out water in the abdomen. I do have some water but nothing major. But my legs are still swollen. He took me off Decadron (a steroid) and put me on a diuretic. I already see the difference of water oozing out and swelling going down. I’m so happy. I don’t even itch anymore. Speak to your doctor and see. I wish you all the best. Anna

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