Got telephone appt with onc at 4pm feeling nervous although not sure why as she has no results for me, had a bpm of 35 while exercising but only for a few seconds then went up to 50 bpm, then went to normal, I have also got thickening in entrance to vagina, actually like muscles tightening up, no discharge, no foul smell, no bleeding had it since last year got a lot to tell her, did vaccuum test breathing didnt like me hoovering and lifting furniture, not sure which to blame probably cancer, but could be meds or me not doing much exercise lately or because of stress who knows
Dreading onc appointment: Got telephone... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Dreading onc appointment

Hi Kiera49,
I'm sorry that you're nervous but glad you'll soon (possibly) have some answers?
Have you checked with a GP re: the heart rate issue? I'm far from expert, but have been reading on this board for a very long time (! ), and this one is new to me....
The only possible connection I can think of....and this is a it possible that your potassium level is very low? My meds can cause this, and I think many of us have been on prescription potassium at times...When the level is much too low, I know it can cause potentially serious heart issues as the signals to the muscle/heart are affected.
Here's something from the world-wide web:
Potassium plays an important role in regulating the contractions of all muscles, including the heart muscle. Very low levels of potassium in the body can lead to irregular heart rhythms, including sinus bradycardia, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation.
If it's even possible that this is a cause, I would take a potassium and/or eat foods high in potassium while you wait for doc?
Good luck with it and please do let us with most issues, if one of us gets it, it's pretty certain that someone else will get it, too, at some point, so it's good for us to learn...

Hi Lynn, thanks for replying I had bloods done so they will show if any levels are low, will see what she says
Hi Tracey,
I can understand your concerns, as I would probably be feeling anxious too. I hope your appointment with your oncologist goes well for you.
Take care,
Spoke with onc bloods were fine, now chasing up chemo tablets, she said booked ct scan for end of october, just got to carry on with these meds I the meantime, she is happy with head ct scan which is clear, the thought of chest, abdomen and pelvis scares me it never gets easier, she thinks a good outcome would be stable results but that would be devastating for me I need to be able to go out again without the oxygen, so just keep going for now and hope and pray xx
Hope your phone appt. goes well.
Yes it went ok thanks