Dear friends. Saw the neurologist yesterday. Just as I suspected, he was not the Wizard of Oz.
He was just a man and did not have an answer to why the infernal internal tremors. Upon viewing the MRI of the brain which had been determined to be devoid of cancer, decided that I had not had a series of mini-strokes, a written comment which had been offered up by someone reading the MRI. Actually, the written words were. "baby strokes" and I read that as mini-strokes. "Baby strokes" is microvascular disease otherwise known as hardening of the arteries. He tested my lower legs and determined that not only do I have neurology in my toes and my feet but also in the lower part of my legs. The infernal internal tremors continue and remain a mystery. He suggested that it was possibly due to the Letrozole, maybe a delayed side effect from the thirty-one chemo and targeted therapies I had in 2015-2016 or possibly a nervous reaction. He is going to ponder on it further and perhaps get back to me.
For me, all the scans and consultations are over for now and for now the worst is over. I have MBC from breast to liver and do not have MBC elsewhere for now including to the brain. Now, I have to get back to my life. I am always playing catch up. One of the things stuck up in my kitchen is the following.
"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now, I am so far behind, I will never die."
I hope you all have a smile and get to have a good day.