First time Shopping since March - SHARE Metastatic ...

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First time Shopping since March

31 Replies

Today we went to Tesco for this first time since March. I have never felt so nervous, ridiculous really. We went to a superstore and there was just a handful of shoppers which made me feel more comfortable. I must say a few weren’t wearing masks which infuriates me really but it’s their choice not mine. I can’t say I would want to do it to often as you never know who is crossing your path or getting close. I feel alive again (yes I know it’s sad but....) as it’s a big step forward to normality. My life revolves around Phlebotomists and Cancer Treatment wards every month so this was more like life should be. I whizzed past the clothes, to tempting. Tomorrow allotment so fresh air in my lungs. Hope everyone is ok today.

Best wishes

31 Replies
urthmothr profile image

I know the feeling, the only shopping I've done was going to a garden center with my daughter. Some of our infusions suppress the white blood cells, putting us a higher risk for infections. Plus I'm over 70, so I have to be extra-careful. But it was so much fun to go buy a plant for my garden!

in reply to urthmothr

I’m 70 now. Yes we have to take great care. We went to the garden centre 9.00 on a Monday morning as we knew the herds of people would have been over the weekend. It was a pleasure to be out in the air looking at the plants. Hopefully we can do it again soon.

Take care

Barbteeth profile image

Well’s a confidence steps!!... new outfit next time!!

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Thanks Barb. I would love a new outfit. Just didn’t want to hang about looking. You are so right. Baby steps.

Hope you are ok on your new meds.

Cheryl xxx

Kiera49 profile image

I know how you feel first time I went into town was paranoid about people coming too close, hate it when they dont wear masks but you never know if their exempt. Next time I went out felt more relaxed. Hope you feel better about it next time, take care Tracey

in reply to Kiera49

If we go the same time on the next occasion I probably will feel much better.

Take care Tracey.

Kiera49 profile image
Kiera49 in reply to

Thanks you too xx

MyMiracle13 profile image

Cheryl I know what you mean! I’ve only gone grocery shopping once since March. Even our hospital visits are different now - everyone wearing masks and face shields! It feels like we are in alien movie or something.

in reply to MyMiracle13

I know. I had to go to the Dentist and felt freaked out by the protection gear the staff wore. The hospital staff only had masks on and not face shields when I went two weeks ago. Same when I had my CT scan. It’s just so strange for us to see and I feel so sorry for them. It can’t be comfortable. I find it hard in my mask and disposable gloves even though it’s for the best.

Take care

Red71 profile image

I’ve continued to grocery shop during this, always with a mask. But I’m going on 5 months without a haircut or a pedicure and I do miss them and I’m really afraid to make those appointments. So good for you for putting on your superwoman outfit and going out! Enjoy you allotment!


in reply to Red71

Thanks Elaine. We also,have lockdown hair at the moment. I have pedicures at my local Cancer Centre but it has been closed since March. It sure was an experience going into a Supermarket again. We wouldn’t have online deliveries as the put lots of rubbish in the orders and it’s to much hassle. Hubby has been great shopping. I just made my mind up to go, mask, gloves and hand sanitiser at the ready. Not sure when we will go together again. It’s been so hard for us all.

Take care.

Red1246 profile image

How fun! I can’t wait to go to a supermarket or farmers’ market again. Living in California where covid numbers have risen, I know this won’t be for several months.

Can imagine you felt nervous but glad you had the experience away from lab work and hospitals.

All best regards,


in reply to Red1246

It was nice to chose our fresh food instead of living out of our freezer Kathleen. We really feel for you all there. It’s hard enough coping here. I hope you get some joy from the fresh air through this awful time.

Take care

Red1246 profile image
Red1246 in reply to

Yes, thanks - taking walks where there are few others. It’s been 5 months and feels more. Though trying to keep spirits up given MBC, this on top makes life a real challenge at times. Still, feeling well and grateful for each day.

Again, very glad you got to escape if only for a day. Hope you soon have another opportunity! All best, K

in reply to Red1246

Like you say it seems much longer than 5months. It will go on longer if stupid idiots don’t take precautions like they are supposed to. They are opening up an emergency testing service just two miles from here. The youngsters come into town, drink and then go home and spread it. Oh joy! We have to look after ourselves and it is hard at times. MBC can take over our lives most times.

Take care


Rhwright12 profile image

❤️ Yep! A little shopping does the mind good!

in reply to Rhwright12

At least you can see life outside of the four walls.

Hi Cheryl,

I can understand your concerns. At least there were not many people in Tesco's when you went. I normally go to the smaller Tesco's, rather than the superstores. There are always staff at the entrance to make sure shoppers only go in one way and exit another. Like you, I take precautions while out shopping by wearing a mask, using hand sanitiser and sanitising my basket or trolley. I also steer clear of other shoppers and will get out of their way if they get too close. I also prefer to use the self-checkout when I have finished shopping.

Have fun at your allotment. I hope your vegetables are doing well. It looks like we are in for a heatwave. Today was hot enough for me, but I heard it's meant to get into the 30s tomorrow.


in reply to

Hi Sophie, our smaller Tesco is always busy and hardly anyone takes care. There’s casual City shoppers in there so hubby has avoided it like the plague.

It sure is hot. I really can’t cope with the heat so tomorrow it’s up early to get the picking and watering done. It’s my piece of of tranquility there and so good for my wellbeing.

Hope you are keeping well.

in reply to

Hi Cheryl,

I’m doing well thanks! Yesterday was a bit of a struggle in the heat and today is also meant to be hot, so I am going to pace myself. Have fun at your allotment.


in reply to

It was so hot at the allotment Sophie. We got there at 9.30 and left by 1.30. It was horrendous for me. I was having Palpitations. Now it’s clouded right over and is much more bearable. I’m glad you are ok. We should be ok for the next few days. It will be cooler. Keep up that water intake.

Take care x

in reply to

I can imagine, Cheryl! I hope the palpitations soon passed and you are OK. I didn't like today's weather either. It was already hot during my first dog walk of the day. Fortunately, the rest of the pets I had to see were cats and guinea pigs, so I didn't have to walk any others! I'm sitting here with the fan on right now. Apparently we're due thunderstorms tonight, so let's hope that helps freshen things up a bit for us. We're off to the beach tomorrow with some friends, so I'm hoping the weather will be cooler.

Stay safe,

Sophie x

mariootsi profile image

I understand very scary even going shopping! Like you I have only been to the cancer center. Yesterday, after my onc appointment, though, my daughter took me to the pharmacy for a few things, but I was nervous too!

It's horrible. Our hobby used to be shopping to relax. Now, that's gone too! Ugh!

I don't understand people. Putting on a mask is such a simple thing to do.

I was at a different hospital to get my scans on Monday. I tried to sit outside on the benches in between scans and people kept sitting right next to me. I had to keep moving! So crazy.

It is crazy but we have to look after ourselves. We were literally in and out of the shop in 20 minutes and spent £73.00. It was like a trolley run. Best thing of all, we got some ice cream. Something we haven’t had in ages. We were like big kids last night.

Hubby usually walks to Lidl which again is virtually empty but it’s in the City Centre and there’s no parking so he can only carry so much.

Why do people chose to sit right next to us? Shopping can be therapeutic if only others would wear masks and make us feel more at ease.

Oh well, here’s till the next time.

Take care

Hi Sandra. My hubby does our shopping to. We go for walks in the evening and of course the allotment most days. The fresh air is a must. We have completely emptied the freezer now so needed to stock up. We have lots of fresh fruit and veg. We were having ice cream withdrawal symptoms and we picked so many blackcurrants and gooseberries we needed something to go with them. We made lots of jam and couli though. Our veg at the allotment is almost ready. We have had onions, potatoes, courgettes, cucumbers, broad beans and radishes so far. Salad crops are nearly there. Can’t wait.

I have my pedicures at the Cancer Centre but it’s closed. I miss my Reflexology as well.

It’s all DIY on the foot front and what a job that can be.

Take care

Well done Cheryl on braving the store.

I’m not ready for that yet. I hate going to the shops as it is.

I might be going back to work once shielding stops though, so best prepare myself.

Clare x

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to

I have lost interest in supermarket shopping and will probably continue with my weekly Sainsburys delivery long term . I don’t mind going to the local farm shop for bits and having a coffee outside there , but shopping is not the same with current restrictions , ( tho’ I’m glad they have tightened up in shops here recently ) . Hope your transition back to work goes smoothly x

RLN-overcomer profile image

Greetings : Sister/warrior. I am so glad you got out, faced your fear, and felt great about doing it. Keep on keeping on Sister/warrior :)

Thank you. I will. Best wishes

kearnan profile image

NY had to quarantine for almost three weeks when it was spreading like wildfire. When the quarantine was over, and I think I am a pretty strong person with what I have been through in my life, I found I was terrified when I started walking outside. I live alone so I did not see anybody and then to walk outside and seeing everyone wearing masks and crossing streets to avoid you if they saw you walking towards them, I felt like I was in a movie being filmed.

Now I am used to it. I keep a mask on my doorknob so I do not forget. Even in my building, we have to wear them, plus now only two people in an elevator at once, plus only three people in our large laundry room at once. We have to adapt.

I miss going out to a restaurant. Like after 9.11, we adapt and become used to our new "normal." The day will come when a vaccine will be out there that works for the entire world.

It must be much more difficult when you live alone and then have to go outside and face this strange situation we are living in.

I think maybe we will have a second wave as our figures have increased again today but nothing like US. It’s quite eerie when you see folks in masks but it is the new norm as you quite rightly say. We live in a 3rd floor apartment block with just 25 apartments. It has four floors. Our elevator is very small so no fears of it being over crowded. Most use the stairs. I would if it wasn’t for the aches and pains. We haven’t got a laundry room as each apartment has it’s own washer.

We went to another two small shops around the corner to us today but I must say I wasn’t overjoyed when most weren’t wearing masks. Even the shop assistants didn’t have them on. I am going to email our useless Mayor and complain as this shouldn’t be happening. We needed milk and bread but I shall be asking my good neighbour to get it for me next time. It’s not worth the hassle of worrying about these selfish individuals. I have several masks and disposable gloves. I never go out without them.

It’s all gone quiet on the vaccine front so not sure what’s happening here in the uk. We are friendly with someone that works in research at our hospital and she was working on a vaccine for a while but has been taken off that and put on testing hospital staff that may be asymptomatic. Let’s hope something is developed soon.

Take care and I’m glad you are able to go outside.


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