Really worrying found a lump on my back can move it about but fearing the worse came up last night, so scared
Found a lump: Really worrying found a... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Found a lump

Hi there
I’m exactly the same...every new lump/bump terrifies me
However the chances are it’ll be nothing ...get someone to look ASAP to put your mind at rest...worry wears you down and achieves nothing...I know this to be true but I’m useless at taking my own advice
Good luck
Barb xx
Gosh, I'm so sorry to read this! I can only imagine how anxious you must feel! It's especially frustrating when something comes up over the weekend so you can't get a doc's input right away!
I'll echo Barb's good but difficult-to-follow advice to try not to worry yourself too much...Time and again we see issues come up that turn out to be nothing. I truly hope that's what you find...I'll be thinking of you!
I echo Barb’s advice. Lumps come up for all sorts of reason most of then not related to cancer 🙂
Hi Tracey,
I can understand your concerns. I think we all worry if we find a lump these days, especially given our diagnosis. But you mentioned that you have recently had a scan. If nothing new showed up on the scan then this is probably nothing to worry about. Or are you still waiting for the results? I would call your GP first thing tomorrow morning and ask if you can be seen right away. The triage team should hopefully get you in the same day. If I call in the mornings I can normally be seen the same day. The sooner you are seen the better. You don't want to sit on this for too long.
Please let us know how you get on.

I dont get results till 1 July, but I guess they will ring me earlier if something is wrong. If I'm still concerned or gets bigger will ring onc. Four doctors at gp failed to diagnose my cancer so dont trust gp. I will do sophie
Hi Tracey,
I will be thinking of you. I hope you are given the all-clear with the lump. What I have found is that cancerous tumours are rock solid, whereas lumps that are soft and squidgy tend to be benign. But I can see why you do not trust your GP given the failure of the four doctors in diagnosing you. I am so sorry. When I initially went to see my GP about a lump in my breast, I was mistaken. What I thought was a lump was actually just a spot. Other people get acne; I developed a spot on my breast! But I was told to return in a month. During that time, it went away as you would expect with a spot. But my GP found the actual tumour and the rest is history.
Hi, I have a lump across my spine and my brother had a huge one on his neck. It was just a type of gristle. Mine has increased in size but does move about. It’s just an anxious life for us. Let us know what it is when you find out.
Best wishes
Thank you everyone will let you know what it is
I wonder if it is some kind of bug bite. Spiders give me a pretty good reaction, bodily and mentally, as the thought of a spider visiting in my bed does nothing for my sleep. Elaine
Get it checked asap, nothing worse than worrying . Take care.
I have to agree with what Barb said.
Hey Kiera,
I had a hard little (approx .5cm x .5cm) moveable lump under the skin almost in the muscle on my right arm for ages. Came up out of the blue. Spoke with my team, and it turned out to be a little fatty lump. It disappeared after a few months as randomly as it appeared.
So chin up, yours may well be the very same.