Hi! This is my first post. I’m so glad I found this site. Everyone is so upbeat. It’s nice to know so much support is out there! Thank you!
I was diagnosed with mbc in September of 2019. I started IBrance and Anastrozole in November. The first month I was on 125 mg of IBrance. I felt great, but neutrophils were too low to finish cycle. I completed 2 cycles of 100mg. In the second month, I had low neutrophils again. Onc planned on having me continue with a 75 dose but my PET and CT showed some “healed” areas and some new growth. Blood markers are also up from first month of treatment. I’d like to try a 125 dose again, since blood markers really went down that month and scans showed some areas of improvement. Waiting for call from oncologist to see what her plan is. Anyone try a 5 on 2 off schedule? Not sure what next step is...anyone experience this?