Wow, I just read some stats on the Internet. Palbociclib and letrozole. 2016 survival rate for five years was 27% , it’s 89% now!!!
This is an encouraging article - from... - SHARE Metastatic ...
This is an encouraging article - from google of course but for those on palbociclib and letrozole!

Thanks for this encouraging news. Is this for Ibrance Letro? I don't see it in this graph, but maybe I'm not doing it right?

I know I got to this page when I was looking at current stats for the palbo and letrozole combination but now I’m not sure if it is just for that or general . Either way it seems good news

Seems I may have it wrong from other responses😞
Great news but I was unable to find this in the article.
This seems to be saying that the current 5 year survival rate for metastatic breast cancer is 27.4 percent. (I may be a fraction off--memory issues). When I was diagnosed with mbc in 2004 it was anywhere from 22 to 26 percent depending on the source of those stats. So some improvement but not alot and certainly not in line with the happy clappy rah rah that drug companies suggest in their ads for the newer meds.
Help me understand what you are saying, please. When I scrolled down and clicked on survival statistics I read that 5 year survival for metastatic cancer is 6% and 5 year survival for breast cancer (initial diagnosis) is 89%.