It was just reported that Beyonce's father has been diagnosed with breast cancer. He plans on discussing it in more detail today with Michael Strahan on the Good Morning America show. Men get breast cancer also.
MEN GET BREAST CANCER ALSO: It was just... - SHARE Metastatic ...
One of the members of my metastatic breast cancer group was a man who died of the disease. So sad.
Richard Roundtree, the original Shaft, got breast cancer in the early 1990s. About 2,000 men get breast cancer every year.
Thank you for reminding us of this. I worry a lot about my daughter, but definitely need to make my son aware of the risk, too.
I had been told by my onco that people with no family history of breast cancer get it anyway. Unless they tested you for a specific gene (like Angelie Jolie who had the gene that gives breast cancer. Her mother died from it and she opted to get both removed before waiting to see and when the cancer would occur. On the other hand, there was this woman I became friendly with on the board. She is now 60. She had breast cancer over 20 years prior, chemo, radiation, mastectomy and it returned in her liver. The odd thing is that she has three other sisters. Two other sisters also got breast cancer, one was stage i and the other stage ii. They were all tested and nobody in the family has the gene. It was just random.
FDA just announced that Men ought to be include in clinical trials. This has been an Advocate DEMAND for a long time.
Richard Roundtree was the first famous male in Hollywood who publicly announced he was diagnosed with breast cancer. Also Montel Williams survived breast cancer. Montel believes he passed the gene on to his daughter who was diagnosed at 19-20 years old with breast cancer. Both are well, and NED the last information I heard some years ago. XoXo God bless us all.