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Metastatic Breast Cancer

rpeacock profile image
20 Replies

I’m Robin in Alabama and I have Metastatic Breast Cancer. Looking for any help I can find.

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rpeacock profile image
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20 Replies
Susan1953 profile image

Hey Robin. I am Susan and live in north AL. I was diagnosed almost 2 years ago with first time Cancer, Mets to bones. Where are you being treated?

nstonerocks profile image

Hi Robin,

Tell us a little more about what is going on with you and what kind of help or information you’re looking for.

rpeacock profile image
rpeacock in reply to nstonerocks

I had breast cancer in 2005 @ it came back last year. It’s MBC. Mets in my bones only. I’m thankful it is not in my organs. I have taken Ibrance and Femora since April of 2018. First I had sciatic nerve pain and had to quit work. I had hurt my back but the pain was in my leg. I took a serious of shots and finally got relief of that but still had lots of back pain. That was like 2014. They say the cancer goes to the weakest part of your body and it did. It’s in my spine and in my head. Before all this I worked out at gym to keep down my weight. Since the MBC I tried yoga and walking since there is no jumping. I have broke bones in my rib cage and around my tail bone. Now I’ve gained weight because I hadn’t been exercising. I have to do something if I want to wear the clothes I have.

SeattleMom profile image

Hi, Robin,

I’ve had MBC since November 2017 (1 year, 3 mos). Mets to spine and pelvic bone, currently NED. Treatment has been combo of Ibrance and Letrozole. My original BC was 2000 followed by double mastectomy, no radiation or chemo required (or so they thought.)

God bless you on this journey we all share. The first months are the most difficult; I can only describe as feelings of grief and loss that life will never be quite the same as it once was. But reaching out, just like you, was my first step toward acceptance of my disease and the comfort and support of fellow travelers.

God bless you with hope, healing, and perseverance. XXOO Linda in Seattle

Nananewf54 profile image

Hi Robin i live in Canada . Thank God we have our health care covered here .... I am also a Breast cancer victim.. April 2016 had 1st breast to right breast ..been tru a lot ..thought they had it all after 2 surgeries and ended u with a nasty 10 month infection. Finally got it cleared up and closed off the wound ..then in July 2018 . some trouble in my chest ..took my self to a hostipal..Emerg Dr did blood work ..chest x ray and ordered a ct scan on my chest .. Found i had metastics breast was every where ..lungs ..hips ..spine ..ribs ..I was a mess . thought it was going to die..but had several scans done..Thank God it was not in my Brain or organs ..on 125 Ibrance since and Letroilze and Zometa injection monthly..Been u months and doing o k ..but in 5 months my blood. counts have dropped 3 times so they changed my Ibrance to 100 . Just got keep on them ..ask questions ..I get a scan every 3 months ..had a scan in December and my lungs has stablized ..but bones has got worst. Good luck on your jouney.. Somedays are o k but some are not so good .just got to do as they tell us and rest when we are tired ..

rpeacock profile image
rpeacock in reply to Nananewf54

Nana, You sound like me. Except it was my left Breast 14 years ago. It’s in my bones. Mostly around ribs, abdomen & hips. However one spot is in between my skull and my brain. In the multiple lining. I take 100 mg Ibrance and Fosomax together. Also get a monthly shot of Xgeva to strengthen my bones.

Lovemylakie profile image

Hi Robin welcome to the group. I only joined a month ago. I was diagnosed April, 2018 with mets to left lung. Original diagnosis March, 2015. My current treatment is Ibrance/Faslodex injections. I have found this site a God send. A lovely group of ladies. My name is also Robin from Indiana.

Best wishes to you


BeckyinMaine profile image

Hi Robin, you’ve come to a great place for support and really helpful information. This is a challenging journey but there is lots of hope as new drugs are being available often. Reach out often.

Sending hugs and strength for the journey. You will prevail!

Becky in Maine

hdhonda profile image

Hi Robin, I am in North Florida so we may be neighbors. This is a great group. Everyone is great about sharing information. Welcome. Blessings, Hannah

Sunnydaz profile image
Sunnydaz in reply to hdhonda

Hannah I’m in North Florida as well. I wonder how close we are. I’ll pm you

hdhonda profile image
hdhonda in reply to Sunnydaz

I am in Panama City.


Sunnydaz profile image
Sunnydaz in reply to hdhonda

I’m near St Augustine.

mariootsi profile image

Welcome! You have found a supportive site for questions, advice amd encouragement. Love, Marianne

blms profile image

Welcome Robin! We are all here for you. Please let us know more about you and your diagnosis and whatever else you are comfortable sharing with us. Don't be embarrassed to share anything. Sometimes our comments are humorous and very personnal. But, does that really matter and do we really care about that!!??

Kimr2081 profile image

This is a great site for support and personal experiences on different treatments. If you have any questions just shoot them to us and someone will always be able to help you.

Sorry you have joined our club. Hang in there.


HopeinNJ profile image

Hi Robin,

This group is a great bunch of encouraging

Fellow “MBCers”. You’ll find a great deal of support here. The shock of this diagnosis is all consuming but you will calm. I promise.


Maludagui profile image

Hello Robin 🌺 I'm from Venezuela but I live in Houston, Tx. I had breast cancer in 2010 and in August 2018 they found metastasis in my hip bone. I am with Ibrance, Letrozole, Falsodex and Xgeva. This is a wonderful group where we received a lot of support and information. Any doubt, event, question, suggestion or idea we share. And it helps us to be aware of many things. We support each other. We are sure that we are all warriors. We will win all the battles 🎀💕

Toomanyquestions profile image

Hi Robin, I’m new here too, you’ve found a really supportive group. If you’re feeling like me right now the support of the other women on here will be invaluable. Hope you are doing okay today X

rpeacock profile image

Thank you. I wonder if there is any need to go back to a Gynecologist for pap/ mammogram since I now have MBC? Only problem I have is because of menopause I have vagi all dryness so sex is difficult.

Sunnydaz profile image

Hi Robin, My name is Robin too. Welcome to our group. You will find a lot of support from this wonderful group. I was dx the end of October 2018. We’re here for you.

Sending hugs xo

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