Just thought I’d share this photo as I love the view from my house. This is the third time we were meant to go out to dinner this week, but with UTI and new chemo, there is no way. Just feel so blessed that if I can’t go out, at least I have a great view. Glass is def half full 😁
Not well enough to go out to dinner - SHARE Metastatic ...
Not well enough to go out to dinner

What a beautiful view! Thanks so much for sharing. I hope you feel better soon.
Take care,
Sophie x

Thank you Sophie, feeling a bit better every day x
That's really good! I hope you continue to improve each day.
Serene and inspirational. Feel better soon!🌈
Keep feasting on that view! The beauty of the outdoors is definitely part of our recovery plan! When I was in the most pain and feeling like I would never move out of my chair, my husband kept the bird feeders filled and I watched the birds for the majority of my day. They somehow made me feel like I could keep going. I’m glad you are feeling better. Dinner will be much more enjoyable when you feel better, and the food will taste better too! Elaine
Thanks Elaine, walking by the seashore on most days lifts my mood so much. X
How beautiful! Where are you?
What a peaceful view you have!! Thanks for sharing your photo.
Hope u feel better soon. I’ve heard those UTI’s are no fun...
Sorry you're not feeling good but I'm so jealous of your lovely view. Hope you pick up soon. Best wishes x
Thanks Sandra x
Hi Kim, It is Bangor Co Down. Our wee town and we love it. Lots of cultural things going on, lots for kids to do and great local food. We live right downtown, so can walk to everything that is going on.
Greetings : Sister/warrior, my photographer friend who lives in the city, I am sure would love to take some scenic pictures where you live . I always remember that today their are people facing more than I can even imagine, so my cup is always overflowing with all of Gods grace, and mercy, no matter what challenge(s) arise. Amen XoXoXo
Love your view, isn’t the ocean just so breathtaking! Thank you for brightening my day. Hopes that before long dinner plans will be possible.