Ive got to share my good news. I know Im a cliche but Ive been so wanting to be a granny and my oldest daughter has just given me the best news ever. She's pregnant with my first grandchild. Eek. So excited. If that doesn't give me something to look forward to and fight for nothing will. I know everyone is always excited arent they but - Im not being maudling Im honestly not - but it has crossed my mind that I might not have experienced being a granny, so this just means so much more than it would have done before. EEK 😆😆😆 x
Pitter patter of tiny feet: Ive got to... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Pitter patter of tiny feet

Fantastic news...I hope to see a first grandchild sometime as well...we’ll see!!
I just know how thrilled you must be ...indulge and be happy
Barb xx
Thanks Barb. I am so happy.
Hope youre ok after your radiotherapy and the side effects arent too horrid.
Hi there
I’ve only had 2 sessions...3 next week but so far I’m ok....reading about the side effects makes me imagine I have them though so I’ll keep an open mind and hope they won’t be too awful
Thanks so much for thinking of me
When’s the baby due?
Barb xx
Oh its funny cos thats exactly what I said about Ibrance side effects. I said I dont want to know because I'll be imagining them. Very early days for baby. Due middle Feb. X
Yes the power of the mind...I’m sure side effects can be instigated by your minds expectations...I’m not being flippant...I do get them but not as bad as some ladies on here or maybe I’m just lucky...anaemia is the worst for me but I’ve had a couple of iron infusions which help
An Aquarian baby how lovely ( I’m saying that as I’m Aquarius!)
All the best
Barb xx
I once read a book called The Power of Positive Thinking and I honestly believe there's something in that. I'm only on my second cycle of Ibrance (or palbociclib as the like to call it at my hospital) and so far so good. I'm not saying I'm 100%, I get really tired in the afternoons and sometimes I just feel generally yukky. The worst so far has been a sore mouth and nose which in the grand scheme of things isn't really so bad. I've had a few days where I've actually felt really well and I keep wondering if the more cycles I have the worse it will get because, like you say, some of the ladies on here seem to suffer much worse side effects. I just keep taking it one day at a time, cross my fingers, try to eat well and keep thinking positive thoughts. AND now I have the added incentive of a lovely aquarian baby to keep me "up" too.
I’ve read that book a while ago before my diagnosis
I think there’s a lot in it’s favour
You’re going to be fine on Ibrance ...I did drop to 100 mg though but ok on that
Barb xx
Thanks Sandra. I cant wait to spoil him/her - maybe both lol. Coincidentally, on Mon my son was laughing and said he'd had a weird dream that Lucy had twins next year 👀. Her face was a picture when I told her lol. X
Such lovely news and indeed a great incentive to keep you on a positive track if you were ever to feel a bit down! 😍
Hi Mindy,
That is really good news. You must be so excited about the prospect of being a grandmother! Enjoy the lovely news and the exciting times ahead.

Thanks Sophie I sure am 😆. X
Congrats! 🎊🎉🎊
EXACTLY how I feel and what I think.
I had all four of my children later in life. Well still felt young! First at 29, then 39, 42 and 45. Then first bout of breast cancer, stage 3, at 48.
I am turning 70, Lord when the hell did that happen, now I guess I’m old!!
Still no grandchildren. My oldest hasn’t been able to have kids and turning 40 next month so she’s not interested. My next son will be 30 in October and just married in April! They are trying to have kids already so maybe!!! We are all on pregnancy watch— it’s quite funny and constant conversation with his siblings, my husband and me. For years I have hoped the Lord would allow me to live to see grandchildren so now I feel close to that dream! And YES this thought and your exciting news gives us positive energy to continue on in our healing process!! I’m excited for you!! Yeah!!!
Oh I know exactly how you field. My son and is wife just had a baby and its my first grandchild. I am so happy to be here to love on him. And if no one has told you this, the feelings you have as a grandparent are amazing. Such an overwhelming sense of love. My grandson is 7 weeks old and love everytime I get to see him. So glad they live close. Congratulations on your impending bundle of joy!!!!!
Thanks 😆 x
That’s great news and the best reason to keep on keeping on! Congrats! I have two daughters and one can’t have children and one doesn’t want them so I gave up the hope for them awhile ago. It’s a great way to have a purpose though. Spoiling would be so much fun! Enjoy!
Thanks. Its a shame when someone cant have kids and wants them. Thats why I never say things like 'whens it your turn' cos you never know someones circumstances and without realising or meaning to, could be really upsetting them. As for your other daughter not wanting kids, my friend was adamant she was never having a baby. She got pregnant - by accident - but made the best mum ever; so never say never 😆. Xx
Omg! Congratulations gramma! Your grandchild will be a perfect gift!
That is wonderful news. I too would love to have a grandchild but my kids are too young yet. One day. Enjoy ❤️

Thanks. Yes one day x
Congratulations 🎈
Aww congratulations!! What wonderful news! Definitely something to look forward to! Keep us posted! Xo