Barbs scan today: Some of you ladies... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Barbs scan today

Barbteeth profile image
101 Replies

Some of you ladies probably know I’m getting some SABR radiotherapy soon for a liver met that has progressed

Well I pitched up in Birmingham today expecting the usual CT scan routine....but no...I was clamped in a blow up affair and my tummy compressed to inhibit deep breaths then I was injected with contrast..had a 3D and 4D scans...then tattooed on the reference points and photographed and a video of my breathing done!!!... bloody hell I was shattered...tried to be brave but did cry a bit...not that it was particularly uncomfortable..I was feeling sorry for myself and thinking..what the hell am I doing here?

Just to cheer me up I have to have an MRI with contrast tomorrow then that’s the imaging done..start radiotherapy on 25 th

Just want it done and move on...hopefully in the right direction

Have any of you ladies had this?

Barb xx

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Barbteeth profile image
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101 Replies
1998withStage4 profile image

Your oncologist is up to date on the latest advances. SABR therapy has helped many patients with single or few soft tissue tumors. It's not a pleasant experience but hopefully it did the work it was supposed to do. I've never had it but am happy to know that it may be useful for me as a therapy some time in the future. Hope you had a nice cuppa to calm your nerves.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to 1998withStage4

Yes hope it succeeds... I just hope the side effects aren’t too horrid

I’m a tough old girl though..used to getting knocked about by horses and I’m reasonably fit...also I’ve stopped the Ibrance for the duration so hopefully my bone marrow might be in slightly better shape

I’m not fact I’m pleased I’m able to have this...not heard from anyone on here who’s undergone this though

I’ll let you ladies know how I get on

Barb xx

Barb5 profile image
Barb5 in reply to Barbteeth

Wishing you good outcome and few side effects hopefully none but we all know there’s always something sometimes they are bare able tho.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Barb5

Thank you Barb

I was quite perky these last few months now I’m back to being miserable...having a new treatment brings it all back about how Sick i really am

Going to put a smile on my face take some painkillers and get on my horse

Barb xx

Scandia68 profile image
Scandia68 in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb so sorry you have to go through this and feeling low. I still manage to do what I want through the tiredness but it only takes something to happen and I get overwhelmed by how scary this is. I had a bad fall in the garden and cut my head open showing my skull. When we got to AE they rushed me through at record speed worrying about infection. 5 hours, 7 stitches and an MRI later I was sent home on antibiotics. I sometimes (very rarely) manage to forget the seriousness of it all and then it comes flooding back. Having been told I’m NED is great news but how long it will last is anyone’s guess and could change very quickly. It’s day by day and when I’m told to stop worrying ( by specialist none the less) I fluctuate between wanting to hug him and smacking him in the face 😂 get back on that horse and build up your strength. Sending love x Anne

Ps103-BTLOMS profile image

I find testing very stressful. Hoping you hear encouraging news!!!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Ps103-BTLOMS

Thank you

Sweet of you

Barb xx

Julie2233 profile image

I haven't been through that but I remember being manhandled and tattooed for my radiotherapy for my initial bc. If you weren't expecting it and hadn't been given time to get your head in the right place, it must have been horrible.


Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Julie2233

Hi julie

Actually it was probably best that I didn’t know as probably wouldn’t have slept last night...anyway I’ll forget it for now...just have to have an mri tomorrow but that’ll be a walk in the park compared to today’s delights!!

All the best to you

Barb xx

Barbteeth profile image

Hi Sandra

Thanks for your support...the whole thing was surreal and by the time I left the hospital it was 4 pm and I’d not eaten since the day before so felt weird..have made up for it though!!

Barb xx

Barbteeth profile image

Lucky you re weather...we’re having the wettest June on record...persistent rain and many floods...and cold..ugh

I’ve organised an afternoon tea on Saturday at mine for my horsey pals was expecting to sit in the way!!..even if it stops raining the grass will be soaking

Annoying..I’m doing Pimms and cakes sandwiches etc so we’ll have fun

Barb xx

Stage4Gir profile image
Stage4Gir in reply to Barbteeth

I love hearing about your English customs. Having a tea with the girls sounds so lovely. What are Pimms?

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Stage4Gir

It’s an alcoholic concoction and you add lemonade and fruits

Barb xx

Stage4Gir profile image
Stage4Gir in reply to Barbteeth

Oh my girl pack would love that. I’ll have to try it thanks!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Stage4Gir

Google it!!

Barb xx

Julie2233 profile image

I had an MRI last Friday and the worst part was definitely dreading the canular and the nurse did it first time, so that was ok :-)

I fell asleep during the MRI , it was the loud noise. We used to go to festivals like Reading but had to stop because the loud music sent me to sleep. I've slept through some of the world's best rock bands!

NPmary profile image
NPmary in reply to Julie2233

Wow! Never heard that before. Take care, Mary.

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to Julie2233


Scandia68 profile image
Scandia68 in reply to Julie2233

I also sleep through the MRI, weirdly I feel very safe in that machine I have come to rely on so much. I’ve even learned to dress for the occasion so I don’t have to wear the robes they provide.

Julie2233 profile image
Julie2233 in reply to Scandia68

So glad I'm not the only one! 😊

BuoyantCat profile image

They really should have told you what was going to go on. I would have torn my doctor a new a...hole! They can’t treat you like an animal. You have every right to feel sorry for yourself for a while but turn that sadness energy to making sure your doctors and nurses understand what they can and cannot do. I just met with a palliative care nurse practitioner. There are studies that show that people that get palliative care live on average 1 to 2 years longer than those who don’t. What they do is coordinate your care. Talk your doctor with your concerns if you want them to and if you are like me, I have about 6 different doctors all giving me medication so they meet with you to see if any of those medications will conflict with another. They also make sure your pain is being addressed and hook you up with the cancer center social worker, nutritionist and any other free support program that there are. Depending on what you both agree on they can come to your house monthly, biweekly or weekly. It is not hospice people get palliative care confused with that. They are just a service paid for by your cancer center to make your life better. I am sorry to hear about your liver. Can I recommend a book that has helped me a lot. It is called How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger. I think you will find interesting. Your library should have it. I will keep praying for you. I tell myself this scripture many times a day. “I will not die but live to declare the illustrious acts of the Lord”. I say it over and over again. You can google Dodie Osteen and see what scriptures she used to beat her liver cancer.

MyMiracle13 profile image

Wow sounds like something from Star Wars! Hope the treatment works for you Barb.

Hi Barb,

I'm so pleased to hear that the treatment went well, although it was uncomfortable for you. Let us know how you get on.

I don't know about you, but I am so tired of the rain! It's looking sunny and promising at the moment though, so maybe we will miss it today! What do you think? Enjoy your afternoon tea this weekend. I love having afternoon tea. Some friends are organising an international street fair party at their home on Sunday if it doesn't rain. My husband and I are planning to make American food for the event.


Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Ha I know you like doing recipes and cooking...I’m the opposite and it’s nothing to be proud of!!!

I’ll be buying the whole lot from Sainsbury’s...

The sky is a bit brighter now..even a ray of sunshine!

All the best

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

I've got to be in the mood to cook though! Picking everything up from Sainsbury's isn't such a bad idea if I am not feeling up to cooking! It isn't unheard of for me to get inspired and start cooking late at night when I should be going to bed! I wasn't always like this. I don't know if I told you or not, but I had a phobia of cookers from the age of nine after my brother and I were accidentally burned by hot oil. So for many years I was too scared even to turn a cooker on, let alone cook. I don't know when I finally overcame my fear, but I did eventually get over my fear and I can now function in the kitchen. But I still get flashbacks occasionally when I am in the kitchen and I refuse to cook with hot oil.

The sun is shining here too. It's such a relief to finally see that bright ball in the sky! I was really fed up and miserable all week having to walk dogs in the rain, so at least I had nicer weather conditions for walking today.

Enjoy the rest of your day and have a lovely weekend!

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Thank you Sophie...yes you did tell me about the cooker accident...horrendous

Barb xx

Mindysooty profile image

Ah bless you Barb. You're entitled to a cry every now and then. It sounds like it wasnt the best experience and who wouldnt think how's it come to this. I dont have any experience or practical advice but sending you big hugs and positive vibes. Hope today's better for you. Xx

NPmary profile image

I am so sorry you 're going through this, Barb. Mine hasn't gone to the liver but l appreciate your description so l would be more prepared if it happens (l wasn't at all prepared for the hideous st off love been through in radiology!).

I hope you have have a really good outcome and break all their records for living well and long!

LeeannW710 profile image

Hi Barb!

Wow sounds intense! I can understand the tears. I cry during my scans. I am happy you are done and can put that part behind you! You will be in my prayers!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to LeeannW710

Oh at least I’m not the only one who cries during scans....I’m just so emotional about the sad state of my life ...cried when I got up this morning...trying to put mascara on...ridiculous!!

Barb xx

LeeannW710 profile image
LeeannW710 in reply to Barbteeth

Who can blame us? We all have been through and go through a lot with this disease! I used to love the thrill of rollercoasters, but this ride can definitely take its toll on the emotions!! I have my three month pet scan today and the scanxiety is there. First one since I started Ibrance and Letrozole. Buy waterproof mascara and keep on moving Barb! We have a lot of life left to live!! Xoxo

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to LeeannW710

Hi Leeann

The dreaded scan’s awful waiting for result...I doubt we’ll ever get used to it

Chin up

Barb xx

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to Barbteeth

Barb you are not the only one who cries. It's a good release for an intolerable situation.

in reply to Barbteeth

Barb, it's not ridiculous to cry! I remember shedding a few tears when I saw some elderly people in town last year. They were hobbling along really old and frail, but still getting on with life. I envied them their longevity and wondered whether I would make it to their age.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Oh Sophie I often do this but I also don’t want to end up old and lonely in a care’s quality not quantity

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Yes, I know what you mean, Barb. But when I see elderly people I think about all the things they have experienced and gone through in life and I want that too (just without the children). I don't want to die before I have sprouted a few grey hairs.

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

I know it’s heartbreaking sometimes...I also have a guilt thing that I’ve spoilt everything for everyone else

I know deep down that’s silly as it’s not my fault but the thought pops into my head ..

I’m having a miserable few days and have a lot of pain

Sorry Sophie to be morbid

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

You're not being morbid, Barb. I think that way too at times and want to beat and defy the odds by living for many more years to come until there is a cure. I don't want to leave my husband, dad or brothers behind.

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

I feel exactly the same...especially the thought of not seeing my girls is unbearable..hubby as well but not as much

I have to stop these thoughts or I shall go mad

I’m rearranging

my COC appointment till I’ve finished the radiotherapy..can’t deal with too much at once...emotionally that is

All the best

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

I wish you well with your radiotherapy, Barb. Let's hope it zaps those metastases and gets rid of them once and for all. I can understand why you would want to put your COC appointment on the back burner for the time being. Try to concentrate on the radiotherapy for now and then when that is over with you can move ahead with what is yet to come.

I'm off to a cancer conference at the education centre at my hospital tomorrow. I went last year too. It's a different chairman from last year, which alarmed me a bit at first because the chairman we had then was a fellow cancer patient. I hope he is still with us. Then next week I've got some tests coming up that Dr Callebout recommended. Once I get those results I will know more about what I can do to help myself.

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Oh do let us know if you glean anything from the conference

And good luck with your tests from Dr


Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

I will do. Thanks, Barb! If anything, I am looking forward to chatting in person with some other cancer patients.

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Apart from this site I have no contact with anyone with cancer...apart from a chap with prostate cancer but we don’t talk about it!!

I avoid group things or Maggie centres etc as I want to feel normal not talking about cancer...I delude myself I know !

As for the brave the shave thing..loads recently on makes me angry...there’s no bravery it’s attention seeking to me...there are other ways to raise money...I sound a bit nasty don’t I?... but I hate the smiley face brigade...if they only knew!!


Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

Well, I went to the cancer event I told you about yesterday and am back home again now. One of the first things I found out was that the chairman from last year died on Friday. I was upset to learn that. He was a great patient advocate. We were told that he wanted to attend, but he took a turn for the worse and died.

While it was good to hear about advances being made in getting our voices heard, a lot was being said about life "beyond" cancer. I told one lady that there is no "beyond" for some of us and that we have to live with this disease long term, but I don't think she understood what I was saying. Then another lady commented on how young I am (there wasn't anyone my own age there; almost everyone was elderly) and how she was diagnosed at the age of 70. So after weighing everything up I don't think I will attend again.

I have to agree with you about people who "brave the shave" to raise money and so on. You don't come across as being nasty at all. A lot of people are narcissistic. Why not do something less self-promoting when raising money for Macmillan or for other charities? Lately, my local pharmacy has been hosting cake sales to raise money. Last week was for cancer and a local child who has cancer, and this week was for Alzheimer's. I don't mind supporting those kind of events, but not the ones where people just want a pat on the back for shaving their heads. I find that insulting to the men and women who have lost their hair to cancer treatments. You wouldn't see someone walking around with a cannula in their hand or arm or wearing one of those oh so flattering hospital gowns we have to don when having a CT scan!

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Hi Sophie

Shame the cancer event wasn’t enlightening...I’m afraid I don’t do stuff like that I mentioned before....I avoid anything that involves cancer things....even the place where I go for my consultations has a big sign saying ‘Cancer Centre’ which still upsets me!!

It must be so much worse to be young....that feeling of ‘ being in the wrong place’ and ‘what the f... am I even doing here?... I totally get that

I’ve made my new appointment at COC next month after my radiotherapy finished...hope I don’t feel too awful...anyway I’m going...don’t want to put it off any longer...want to get going on the other drugs

How are you feeling on the COC meds??

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

I think I will take a leaf out of your book and not attend the cancer conference next year. I was the youngest person there! Most people were retired, and elderly. I thought there might be someone else around my own age there this time round.

I hope your appointment at the COC clinic goes well. I'm having my follow-up on 5th July. Are you travelling down to London or having a video chat? I'm doing well on the medications and will continue taking them. I had a bit of nausea recently, but that cleared up.

Dr Callebout ordered some tests for me after I saw him last month. I attended an appointment yesterday, and a nutritional therapist tried to do the blood test, but three of my veins collapsed. I had the choice of different hospitals or clinics to attend and so I chose one in Suffolk, so I wouldn't have to go down to London. When it didn't work out yesterday (she was very nervous and wouldn't draw blood from my one good vein I told her about) I ended up booking an alternative appointment in a clinic in Essex for next Monday. I had no idea things would work out like that. I was expecting a doctor or nurse to draw the blood, not a nutritional therapist (no offence to nutritional therapists). I was pretty fed up! I just hope this doesn't happen again on Monday. My veins are a bit tricky at times, as they are so small and hard to see, but I have never left an appointment after an unsuccessful blood draw before.

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Hi Sophie

I’m going down to London on 9th July

Before your blood test take a hand warmer...those things golfers use in their gloves and keep clenching your hand....very frustrating...I’ve had a few episodes when they’ve struggled getting blood and I feel like saying ‘ I’ll do the bloody thing myself!!’

Good luck

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

Thanks for the tip. The thing is, the lady is not a trained doctor or nurse. She trained as a nutritional therapist, but found that many patients were also after blood tests, so she trained for that. But she was very nervous and wasn't confident when she tried to draw the blood. During one of her attempts she couldn't even break the skin. She had the needle angled all wrong, but I didn't want to make her feel bad about herself, so I kept quiet and politely thanked her for trying.

Sophie x

Scandia68 profile image
Scandia68 in reply to

Hi Sophie sorry for jumping in but I have got scan attire down to a fine art and it makes me feel less like a patient. Leggings, vest top, soft bra no bones and no jewellery followed by floppy long top I can easily take off. They are happy with that and it makes it quicker.

Anne x

Red71 profile image
Red71 in reply to Scandia68

I do the same thing. No need to change and I feel less vulnerable in my clothes than in a hospital gown trying to keep my skinny rear end from hanging out! Lol!

in reply to Red71

I didn't have a scan yesterday, Elaine, but that's good you feel more comfortable wearing your own clothes during a scan.

in reply to Scandia68

Hi Anne,

I am the opposite when I have a scan (I didn't have a scan yesterday; it was a private test). I normally dress up really smartly, with make-up and high heels on and then get into the hospital gown. But it is satisfying being able to get back into my own clothes again afterwards.

Sophie x

mariootsi profile image


I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this.

I went through the scans and tatooing my first go round with cancer. Very intimidating amd scary. But radiation was not bad. Just alot of fatigue.

I wish you the best with all this nonsense. Damn cancer!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to mariootsi

Did the fatigue last a long time?... it’s awful when can’t do what you want

Barb xx

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to Barbteeth

The fatigue lasted a long time because I had 33 sessions, everyday for 6 weeks! It sounds like yours will be short and quick.

You are strong. You will fight through the fatigue just as you are doing now!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to mariootsi

Oh I do hope so...I’m really at the end of my tether...very weepy and sad...just sick of having things done to compromise

Barb xx

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to Barbteeth

It does get overwhelming. I wish I were in the UK. I would visit and go with you!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to mariootsi

I also wish we all lived closer...we could get together and have some good times..ah well!!

Barb xx

Have-faith profile image

Oh Barb. Hugs coming to you from across the ocean. I haven't had this done, but I can imagine how you felt. I recall having the same "WTF am I doing here moment" while hooked up to stuff and in a machine. Horrible. I hope you are in your cost place now and ok. Faith

Have-faith profile image
Have-faith in reply to Have-faith

Should have been cozy not cost place if you haven't figured out my spell check.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Have-faith

Haha..I realised!!.. actually just been up to see my horses...fetched them in for a feed...didn’t ride As feel rubbish

Barb xx

Benoahmom profile image

I’m sorry. I hate all this waiting for this and that and for the next shoe to drop.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Benoahmom

It’s horrendous and some days I wonder is it worth it?... then I pull myself together and get on with my crap main symptom is constant pain

Barb xx

Benoahmom profile image
Benoahmom in reply to Barbteeth

I hate hearing that you are in constant pain.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Benoahmom

It’s awful....I have to plan the best time to do the maximum painkillers for when I want to be active e.g if I want to ride my horse I take big doses an hour before I get to the yard...then I do what I want to before they wear off

Strangely I don’t feel pain during yoga classes...must be the stretching and breathing that takes my mind off it

I’m sure the letrazole makes it all worse but what can I do?.. have to take it

I’m going for a Korean massage at the yoga centre this morning...a treat for me!!!

My hubby and daughters are off to the Lake District to climb Scafell Pike so I’m on my own for the weekend...have my fur babies for company though

All the best to you

Barb XX

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to Benoahmom

Me too. That's exactly what all this feels like. Waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Pollingxx profile image

Sorry to ask again , how did they decide on that treatment please x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Pollingxx

Mainly because it’s a solitary lesion that’s just started to grow after a year

Also I don’t want to change medication too soon as it’s working on bone mets

That’s all I was told

Barb xx

Pollingxx profile image
Pollingxx in reply to Barbteeth

Ahh ok thank you x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Pollingxx

You’re welcome...oncologists do different things and it can be bewildering...

Wish you the best

Barb xx

Pollingxx profile image
Pollingxx in reply to Barbteeth

Thank you , this site is wonderful an amazing support system.

Well off to work I go , keep in touch x

diamags profile image

Hi Barb. I had a friend who had colon cancer who had your therapy for his lung mets. He was delighted with the results. He'd be in the hospital a few days after (collapsed lung was a side effect), but he really liked not being on chemo. Said he felt great.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to diamags

Oh you’re the first person who knows someone who’s had this done..that’s reassuring

The centre where I’m having this is using me as a guinea pig eeek!!.. they’ve not done it before...wish they’d not told me that

Barb xx

diamags profile image
diamags in reply to Barbteeth

He used to go somewhere in London. I know they've been doing trials with it here, have not heard any results. But I haven't been looking either. I'm confident it will go well. He was crazy for it.

Mimigram profile image

Prayers sent your way for good results!

Godbeforme profile image

no, they didn't have that technology when they did mine. we will just have faith that you got the very latest and bestest! <3 xo

lashinator profile image

Sounds horrible, but the worst is over!

Best of luck- will be sending you good thoughts.

Sunnydaz profile image

Barb, I’m sorry they didn’t prepare you for your procedure. Of course it felt surreal. You will get through this and move forward again. Ive been getting that wtf feeling as well. I had my liver biopsy two days ago and I’m waiting for results. Also I’m starting a new med on Monday.

Your girls tea sounds lovely. I hope the sun comes out for you! 🌞 Sending you hugs.

Robin xo

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Sunnydaz

Hi Robin

Nightmare isn’t it..had the final scan today..cried again!!.. the pictures were taken at the end of exhalation and I had to hold that each time for 15 second...that’s a long time when your lungs are empty..I was a good girl though

Hope your biopsy is what you’re wanting and new treatment is tolerable

All the best

Barb xx

Sunnydaz profile image
Sunnydaz in reply to Barbteeth

Thanks Barb, I cried after it was over and I was in recovery. It’s so hard to revisit this nightmare again. I remember crying while getting rads in 2007. I was just so exhausted on every level with the entire experience. The best to you too!


mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to Sunnydaz

Robin, thinking of you for good results and no side effects on new meds.



Sunnydaz profile image
Sunnydaz in reply to mariootsi

Thanks Marianne 💕

Barbteeth profile image

Haha..Barb the pioneer !!


Hi Sandra,

Thank you! I had an idea of what to expect, and so there were no real surprises there, other than learning that Bob had died. I did have an inkling that he may have died. He was very ill when he chaired the event last year, but I was hopeful about seeing him again.

I suppose I was expecting the other cancer patients to be more understanding, but of course they weren't, as many have overcome the disease and are able to look back and speak about cancer with relief that they are still alive. When one lady pressed me about my disease I said it was metastatic and she said "What's that?" So I explained what it means. There was one couple there who were right at the beginning. The husband has only just been diagnosed, and he has not started treatment yet. I don't envy him and his wife that, as the beginning is horrible, as we all know.

I get questioned a lot and as you say, when we don't look sick people tend to think we have recovered or that we are not very sick at all. I actually have a really healthy glow and look and feel healthy, which is probably why people think I am in remission.

Thanks again,


Eliactida1955 profile image

My prayers to you be strong- I’ve never had it but they are doing what they have to to keep you alive.hopefully all will be good results.🌹

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Eliactida1955

Hi there

Very kind of you

Thank you

Barb xx

Kimr2081 profile image

No I have never heard of that process. My oncologist has not mentioned radiation. I see him Friday and am going to ask him about that. You are very brave and hell if it hurts cry. I had two liver biopsies and the first one i had was relatively pain free and the second one hurt so much that i was really crying and I wanted to punch the radiologist in the face. haha - the crap that we have to go through!! Hang in there!!


Francesca10 profile image


Sorry late with my reply- have been reading all the posts. I have been down and haven’t been posting.

I am praying for you and sending hugs and love to you. You are so very brave and I admire your tenacity. I know how lonely and painful this damn mbc is and not just physically. I think I told you one of my ex’s had it done and it zapped the cancer. It is done here in NYC for quite few years already. I remember when it was new and “cutting edge” therapy. I know another mbc survivor who had it 2 years ago and she did well. You will do fine- the test was probably the worst part. It will work.



Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Francesca10

Hi Francesca

Thank you for your good wishes..means a lot when you ladies take the time to be of comfort

I’m so sad you’re feeling a bit down...I get days like that...I sometimes wake up and remember about the predicament I’m in and I cry...other days I’m ok so it’s totally normal to have periods of sadness ...panic fear etc

I felt rubbish yesterday but today ok so I went for a ride...nearly had an accident...bloody dog shot out of the undergrowth...freaked Bugsy out and he reared up then tanked off...god knows how I stayed on!!!... then he was silly the rest of the ride...maybe I’ll get killed coming off my horse and not mbc...good for thought although a bit morbid

All the best to you sweetie

Barb xx

Francesca10 profile image
Francesca10 in reply to Barbteeth


♥️♥️Still have your sense of humor I see😍. Yes I am a mess this month-rashes all over my torso, couldn’t get my dr, having nightmares—ugh. This mbc shit is a daymare!?hate it. Finally spoke to him today- he spoke to an allergist- I am going tomorrow. Treatment suspended. Another damn pet scan he wants. I am so tired in every sense—need to cry and can’t. That’s me-in a storm I keep pushing them cry after. Ugh!

You are in my thoughts and heart. Thank you Barb for you♥️And being there♥️♥️

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Francesca10

Hi Francesca

You poor darling...I’ve not heard of anyone having this vile rash...I guess it’s from Ibrance?

I’ve had to stop mine for 5 weeks while I’m having this radiotherapy done...I was expecting to feel better but I don’t feel any fact I’ve had a couple of days with worse bone pain so I suspect a lot of my symptoms are from the letrazole...and I always blamed the Ibrance

Yesterday was hideous for pain but we had tickets to see ‘The Mousetrap’ Agatha Christie play so I dragged myself to the theatre ...fidgeted through the first half as I was so uncomfortable but wierdly the pain went away during the second half....probably because I was engrossed in the play...distraction seems to help

Let’s hope the doctor you see can help with the rash

All the best

Barb xx

Francesca10 profile image

Thanks Sandra—this has been rough month. Finished ibrance cycle and my torso is a mess with rashes. Dr was out 10 days-finally got him today- seeing allergist tomorrow. Doc wants another pet which I really am not wanting to do. All treatment suspended for now. It has stressed me so much. Not sleeping well even with ambien😳Just crazy head right now. Thank God I work cos I can focus on my patient and relieve my nerves♥️♥️I hate this shit.

I love you for being there for all of us and being you. ♥️


Hi Sandra,

Thanks for your support. When she emailed me later on to recommend another practitioner, she said she will ask to see pictures of the inside of people's arms from now on to see if their veins are OK! I was trying to avoid going to London for the test as it's such a pain to go there, and I had a list of alternatives. I had the pick of two places in my home county, a hospital or a physiotherapy practice. I should have picked the hospital.


Barbteeth profile image

I agree with you Sandra

It’s bad enough with an experienced practitioner...but someone who clearly hasn’t a clue...eek

Barb xx

Barbteeth profile image


I hope you’re wrong too!!

Best of luck on Monday

I feel as if I just lurch from one scan to the next and it’s totally bewildering

Barb xx

Barbteeth profile image

Barb xx

Barbteeth profile image

I’m afraid I can’t open this but thank you for thinking of me

Seems like it must be apositive article from what you said so I’ll settle for that!!

Barb xx

Barbteeth profile image

I’ve just had a look at that

Very interesting

Barb xx

Lemur2015 profile image

Hi Barb. If your liver met has increased and you are un so much discomfort why haven't they tried changing your ibrance and letrozole? I have monthly blood draws one being ca27.29. once they saw bump in tumor marker they did a repeat after 1 week and saw another bump in marker. I had ct scan which saw liver lesion progression confirming that drug combo was no longer working so they changed both drugs.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Lemur2015

Hi there

Well the bone mets have been responding to Ibrance letrazole combo...just not the liver nodule so she doesn’t want to change my meds ...there is just one liver nodule at the moment so hence the radiotherapy

Barb XX

Lemur2015 profile image
Lemur2015 in reply to Barbteeth

ok. it just saddens me to see you in so much pain. no one should have to endure that kind of discomfort.

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