So I went to see radiation oncologist today for mri results. He tells me decreased activity t4-9 but new spots t12 and L2. Talk about confusion.! I asked him how can there be healing n new disease- the two do not mix. He really could not give me an answer that I am comfortable with. Bottom line is wait and repeat in 4 months-if I have pain can do radiation sooner.
Part of me is saying screw this and just let it be but the other part is I want to understand what is going on. I never had mri of lumbar also and I don’t know if maybe it was there but just didn’t show up on pet scan in November. He said they are very small. So another damn unknown.
Did I say how much I hate this disease.?!
I am not down or up now- I don’t like not having clarity.
Hope your day is better sister warriors💕