Has anyone been able to purchase out of country medical insurance once they were diagnosed with MBC ? I live in Ontario , Canada and have attempted to get insurance but have not had ny luck.
Out of Country Travel Insurance - SHARE Metastatic ...
Out of Country Travel Insurance

Insurancewith sorted me out and very reasonably priced
I do live in UK and it was for travelling to Europe
Might be worth checking if they cover other countries..it was set up by a cancer sufferer who couldn’t get insurance
Barb XX
Thank you Barbara
We were hoping Portugal or even some where warm . Nothing too crazy
I actually think a lot of Canadians think they have coverage BUT it does not cover anything that is pre existing. If I had a heart attack out of country it would be covered but if in an accident and had a broken bone insurance would likely say it was due to Mets in bones.
I really find it frustrating that I am well enough at this point to still work but can’t get insurance to travel .
Yes, I have been able to get it through Skymed. No problem at all with them. Gives me total peace of mind while traveling.
I always buy Met Jet just in case.
I am from Canada and am in Florida right now. I am covered from everything but the cancer. I had 2 brokers and they said I would never get covered for that because it is considered active treatment. You will have to let me know if you find someone that will.
I am the same with no insurance for anything cancer related . We are heading to Florida on Wednesday for 10 days . This is my second time in the last month . I might be crazy but taking the chance. I even called to find out the price of medical flight home lol . Just in case .
Enjoy your vacation, soak up some sun !
Here in the uk insure with is about the best covers the cancer just came back from sri Lanka had to pay extra 90 pound but well worth it . My policy was 180 in total for the year and I was lucky enough to travel on 6 holidays with the policy . Have a fab time relax and enjoy x