We have been planning to go away (booked since dec 2018). This was before my wife had the diagnosis. Unfortunately we hadn't arranged travel insurance at that point as we had only paid the deposit.
The Onc says it is a little early to say 'Yes! Definitely you can go on holiday'. However She is feeling much better and the Onc agrees that providing everything keeps going in the right direction she will be well enough.
So that leaves the challenge of Travel Insurance. The big sticking point here is the word 'Terminal'. As in 'Is your condition Terminal'. I spoke with the doctor asking their opinion of the difference between 'Incurable' and 'Terminal'. And they were of the opinion that Terminal is the 'exhaustion of treatment options'.
The problem is that Insurance companies seem to be very wooly on this wording. By the definition above, my wife is not living with a terminal diagnosis. Just a sliding scale of expected survival based on known parameters.
I found this comparison site medicaltravelcompared.co.uk and providing I pick 'Not Terminal' and put in the condition I get prices from the likes of 'Free Spirit', 'The Post Office' and others. I have not tried the Terminal option as yet as I don't feel like I need to...
So I am wondering how any of you managed this situation, did you find one insurer better than another, did you have problems with negotiating the terms while being diagnosed with Secondary Cancer?