Skeert! And Scanxiety!!!: I’m so... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Skeert! And Scanxiety!!!

Pookie510 profile image
10 Replies

I’m so scared to be off all my treatment but I guess it’s necessary until we figure out what keeps causing my fevers and this lump on the roof of my mouth and swelling under my eye which I’m certain it’s from a bad root canal. Hopefully I’ll feel better once it’s taken care of but I’m scared to be off treatment since it’s already been three weeks and it’ll probably be another three weeks .

I had my PET scan and my CT scan yesterday back to back and after my CT scan I threw up. That’s never happened before. That makes me kind of nervous but so does everything else so I guess I have to deal with it. I just hope my scans come back OK and I hope they figure out what the CT scan what’s going on with the left side of my face.

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Pookie510 profile image
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10 Replies
Barbteeth profile image

Oh you poor sweetie having to worry like this

In the whole scheme of things a month or two without treatment won’t be a dealbreaker..think of all the months (in my case years) when we weren’t diagnosed and not on any treatment..nothing happened!

Just trust in your oncologist..wait for scan results and go from there

This is me talking..the worst worrier in the planet..I know how things can get eggage rated in your head and I really really understand the torment we all go through month after’s awful

Look after yourself

Barb xx

hdhonda profile image

Pookie, I agree with Barb. My first cat scan was in 2013 and was to check gall bladder and no one bothered to mention the nodules in my lungs. I found out in 2016 and everyone waited because they were too small to show up on PET scan. In 2017 a cat scan showed tumor in my left breast where I had mastectomy and reconstruction. I had mammograms every year on both breasts, but radiologist did not see it even though it was clearly visible.

I am rambling but Ibrance has worked well for me since starting spring of 2017. The delay did not negatively effect me. My best to you. Blessings, Hannah

Jerseygirl45 profile image

I know haw you feel about being off treatment. We are afraid it will run rampant until we get back on.

But don't worry, I was off for 5 months waiting to start chemo and everything was fine. Markers did not go up kthat much and I actually felt so much better through the holidays. Not tired or nausea.

Hopefully they will figure it out and you will get on treatment again. Will be thinking of you.


Shirlbird54 profile image

Hello this is my first time posting. This is ny second go round with cancer. Now I have stage 4 breast cancer with bone mets and now all over. I was on 4 chemos and had started my fifth when I decided to stop it. I was so sick on the last 2 chemos. No life. Now I'm feeling so much better. My dr told me I could start back anytime but I'm enjoying my life. I have a 4 year old granddaughter who means the world to me. I have a great support system so I'm doing well. My Dr told me I have a year maybe. I'm going to prove him wrong. Have a lovely day and may God bless you 😘

in reply to Shirlbird54

Hi Shirl,

Welcome to this site!

It sounds like you have a great support network, which is wonderful. I think it was wrong of your doctor to say you only have a year left. How can they know that? My friend's daughter was told she only had six months left to live after she was diagnosed with leukaemia, but she lived for seven years. So I would say prove them wrong! I intend to continue to improve my health until there is a cure for metastatic breast cancer.

Take care,

Sophie ❤

mariootsi profile image

Omg! I feel so badly that you are going through all this! Scanxiety is real! Being off meds will let your body recover. Try to relax and trust your onc! I will be praying for good scan results and an explanation of what is going on. Once we know what's going on we and our onc can deal with it! Love and hugs, Marianne

PLASEM profile image

I know is natural to be anxious if you are not taking any medication, have faith and I will keep you on my prayers

Hi Rhonda,

I agree that fear of the unknown is awful. Not knowing what is coming up next can have a really bad affect on us. For now, I would trust that your oncologist is working hard to figure out what is going on rather than focus on being off all treatment. I know that is easier said than done.

Perhaps you threw up because you had the PET CT scan and CT scan so close together. Did you ask what may have caused that reaction?

Hopefully you will soon have some answers to your questions and you can resume treatment. I never realised how much I would value my treatment until I started and I'm sure that's how you feel too. Just remember that your oncologist has taken the decision to take you off your treatment for the time being because he or she felt it would be beneficial to do so. It won't be for much longer.

Take care,

Sophie ❤

Francesca10 profile image


Am sorry to hear this happening to you now. That damn fear of the unknown is so wicked but...keep the faith. I probably had my mbc for months before it was found. Am still here fighting alongside all of you. I am sure the answer will show it’s probably an abscess that caused an infection. Once they know they can treat it. You are in my prayers hugs💕

I understand your anxiety. I have been off Ibrance for 3 weeks at a time each month due to low neutrophils and off 7 weeks due to hip replacement surgery and my scans have stayed the same. Try not to panic, although that is easier said than done.

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