Question. Does anyone take RX for pain? I do have Vicodin prescribed. Everytime I go to the Dr for monthly visits I see a different Dr. After 4 months the last Dr ask me "why am I taking it"?. I said because I'm in pain. Has anyone had this issue of almost having to jump through hoops to get pain meds?
Pain meds: Question. Does anyone take... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Pain meds

I am on a Fentanyl patch with Dilaudid for any breakthrough pain. I was told last month that my pain levels will not improve from where they are now because of the amount of damage to my bones before diagnosis. Fortunately I have no evidence of disease (NED) just 10 months after starting Ibrance and Letrozole. T 10 and 12 compression fractures are what led to my diagnosis with bone mets 8 years after my original cancer so I started out with lots of pain. My oncologist wants me to do any and all activities that I want to do and is generous in prescribing the pain meds but I’m pretty conservative about taking the extra Dilaudid. I see my own oncologist one month and his nurse practitioner who is the pain specialist the next month, so I don’t have to reintroduce myself and what I need to new practioners. It’s also helpful that my oncologist is the same one I had eight years ago and we had developed a great relationship then. So the short answer is yes, I’m on a fair bit of pain meds but I don’t have to jump through hoops to get them. Good luck! Elaine
I have a variety of prescription pain meds slow release morphine and shortec (oxycodone).. had no problem with getting fact I refused them to start with as I didn’t want to take strong stuff...I still only do so if I’m doing anything active..going for a walk or riding my horse..I had a compression fracture hence the diagnosis after 24 years...if it wasn’t for the pain I would feel great..wears me down as can’t do what I used to
Your docs don’t seem very maybe need to insist on some better pain’s their job to make sure you’re comfortable
Barb xx
Hi Miffy,
When I first started treatment I was in quite a bit of pain from the Letrozole. I was so stiff and sore that even bending down to tie my shoes and getting dressed was a challenge. When I saw my oncologist soon after that she quickly prescribed several boxes of codeine. I only used about two or three tablets, as the pain soon passed. I also used ibuprofen and paracetamol when needed. You should not have to justify your legitimate need for pain relief. Could you ask to see the same doctor so that he/she is familiar with your situation? If not, can you take someone with you to appointments who can speak up for you if need be?
I hope you feel better soon.
Sophie ❤
Yes I am taking morphine for my pain.
One thing I forgot to mention to everyone is I go through the VA for my care. So that's why I see a different Dr (intern) each visit. That is also why things are asked like "why are you taking vicidin"?. It's frustrating however for the most part I feel they are addiqute in their care.
I use Gabapentin combined with celecoxib. Morphine has been offered multiple times, but so far I've declined as I'm really frightened about using a narcotic. (There is such a dreadful propensity for narcotics addiction in my family, and I'm afraid to "open Pandora's box.") Eventually, I will depend on a palliative care specialist to help guide me through the non-narcotic pain relievers that are available. That said, don't be afraid to use whatever medication is needed so you can function at the level you desire.
I'm sorry that you are required to explain and re-explain your purposes for requiring the Vicodin. Clearly your chart has not been reviewed before the medical personal walks into the room. Sad commentary. I would probably be snarky (I'm old and bold now) and say something like "IF you had checked my chart you would see...." but you might not be comfortable calling a physician or PA or nurse on the carpet. Perhaps this is where a personal advocate can step in. Either way, be sure your observations end up at least on a comment card. The VA has been more responsive as of late.
I am too far afield to use the VA, but am on Tricare as my secondary after Medicare. There has been no problem obtaining any of the meds prescribed.
Good luck...and don't doubt yourself. kc
I have several opioids but refuse to use them unless the pain is crushing my spine (mets to t5 t-11 t-3 etc) with high dose rads so it feels as if a 200 lb man is standing with one foot balancing on my spine. But has anyone used THC and or CBD??
I see no reason to stay with a pain level that keeps you from your everyday activities. The way I look at it, I have MBC that has done damage to my sacrum, lower spine and hips. Although my chemo treatment which is ongoing ( Eribulin and Anastrozole) has halted the progression of the bone mets, the damage that had been done causes pain. I take 1 Tramadol ER 100mg(time released) and 1/2 hydrocodone 7.5-325 in the morning. Any breakthrough pain, which only happens when I have a very active day, is quelled with 2 or 3 ibuprofen. At bedtime, I take 1 75mg Lyrica for the painful neuropathy which certainly doesn't make the neuropathy go away, but does make it manageable.
We all have different levels of pain from MBC. You shouldn't have to live your life in pain. When you see your doctor (s) next visit, insist that you need something to improve your everyday life and not to get high.
Good luck.
Birdnut in Folsom, Louisiana
I take 6mg hydromorphone contain twice and day and 500mg Vimovo twice a day with 2mg hydromorphone for break through. I was leery of taking it as you hear about addiction but my doctor said it is foolish to be in pain and she is right. Enough suffering so why be in unnecessary pain. Just went to the Cannibis clinic and will be starting CBD oil shortly to help with pain, depression and exhaustion.
Wow!! I am having the same problem. It's like he doesn't want to give me anything for pain. I work full time when I get home in in pain and I feel like I should be given something for pain.
It’s difficult to get pain meds. My first oncologist here in a new place doesn’t “do” pain pills. I have switched oncologist’s so now I have a 50 mile trek to zimmer cancer center in Wilmington,NC. Luckily, I had already started going to a pain dr. because this one was also reluctant to prescribe pain pills. I tried non narcotic ones at first but insurance wouldn’t cover them. I take OxyContin 3 times a day and levorphanol for break through pain. That is a similar drug to oxycodone but it’s man made rather than natural.
When I was diagnosed with Mets my oncologist said I could take the oxicontin 3x a day. That really scared me because he was so against them before! So now I’m on a range that doesn’t change my personality but still controls the pain. Maybe you can get a pain control doctor. Mine means a lot to me, he’s the only one who really listens. He seems to know more, he could expain how ibrance works. Good luck to you and I hope the V.A. Comes through for you,'
Yes it's terrible getting pain meds.Because of all the opioid abuse. They treat us like we are drug addicts! When we are really in need. Your palliative care doctor should be able to take care of this. Mine did.