My off week from Ibrance starts this Friday. I’ve decided to visit my mother this weekend since it’s a 3 day weekend and temperatures will be in the negative digits in St. Louis. What are some tips? I bought Emergen C and of course hand sanitizer.
Tips on traveling : My off week from... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Tips on traveling
Well I’ve been on two flights since I’ve been on Ibrance letrazole and not done anything different
I go to the cinema/theatre a lot as well and never had a problem
Up to you of course what you do but I sometimes think we can get a bit neurotic about keeping our distance from bacteria/viruses
That’s one reason I refused the flu jab
That’s just me
Barb xx
Hi Mjmom,
I hope you have a good time with your mum. I'm not on Ibrance, but I would suggest you keep away from anyone who is contagious, has a cold/flu or anything like that. I made the mistake of sitting in front of someone on the bus in November who was hacking away thinking I would be OK, but I came down with a cold, followed by another one and then an ear infection.
Enjoy yourself during your break!
Sophie x
I made it through a flight without getting sick ! (I get a sinus infection at the drop of a hat) I brought several masks which i did not put on, but I did bring disinfectant wipes and wiped down anything I might touch, tray, armrest ... I heard Kelly from that morning show say she always does this
I took airborne for a week prior.
Have fun
I recently saw a news video and was also told by the airline about wiping down your arm rests, belt buckles, head rest, table tray and the latch for the table tray. They indicated these areas as the worst for cleanliness as most times there is not enough time between flights to do more than pick up trash (no cleaning of any of the areas I mentioned).
This news report had nothing to do with having cancer either, just plan common sense about public spaces on the airplane. They advised to have sanitary wipes on hand to wipe these areas down. Most importantly too was the handle for the washroom!!
The last time I flew and my husband and I did this, it got contagious and quite a few other passengers around us started doing the same thing! You don’t know who was sitting in your seat previously and what they were doing!!!
Safe trip 😊! Enjoy your time.
When I travel By airplane I wear compression stockings and drink a lot water and walk so we can avoid clots
I always wear mask in airport / air plane. I wipe down every surface I touch and lots of times, the persons beside me ask for a wipe ♥️
I took 2 foreign holidays in November both involving 4 hr flights, only precaution I took was wearing flight socks. But I caught 2 really nasty colds from my daughter at home. First one started on 14th November, lasted til 23rd December, second started 24th December and is just starting to clear. My daughter has spent this week in bed with another cold so I'm expecting to start the next cold this weekend! I think flying is a lot safer than staying at home!