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Kyphoplasty procedure for vertebral fracture

Barbteeth profile image
39 Replies

Hi ladies

I’m having the bone cementing procedure (kyphoplasty) on Friday..hopefully it will restore my fractured vertebrae to something like normal!!

It’s taken me months to make the decision but I’m going for it!!

To cheer myself up today..I bought a little bunny rabbit..he’s a Rex breed black and white..gorgeous and I love him already (bonkers I know!) trying to name him now

Barb xx

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Barbteeth profile image
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39 Replies

Hi Barb!

I wish you all the best with your surgery on Friday. Hopefully it will work and you will soon be feeling the benefits of the procedure. It's amazing how many procedures are available to help us manage our condition, and even restore parts of our bodies.

Enjoy your new rabbit. How about naming him Domino?

Take care,


Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Hi Sophie

Thanks for your good wishes and fingers crossed I benefit!!

Our last bunny was called domino!!.. brilliant name but I don’t want to use the same one again..will ponder

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

You're welcome!

I hear you about not wanting to name your new rabbit the same name as your previous one. The first cat my husband and I adopted was called Jake. When he died, we adopted a new cat, and we wanted to give him a similar sounding name, so we named him Jack. How about calling the new rabbit Dominic?

Take care,

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to


Dominic’s nice..will have a think..I suspect he’ll end up being called ‘Bunny’!

Barb xx

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to Barbteeth

Good luck ! 🍀

And how about Kiko , or Guinness ? ( I’m married to an Irishman !) x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Teddielottie

Haha Guinness is a good doors black Labrador called that though..hmm

I’m terrible choosing of my daughters was called ‘the baby’ for nearly a week before we chose her name..AND I knew I was having a girl as well!!

Barb xx

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to Barbteeth

And Kiko Bun is a reggae singer ! Lol x

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to Teddielottie

Anyway animal therapy a good distraction ! Enjoy x

Teddielottie profile image
Teddielottie in reply to Teddielottie

Or Orio ( as in the biscuit !) Lol !

Betbop profile image

Best of luck to you with your surgery keep us updated. Enjoy your new fur baby.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Betbop


Thank you for your good wishes

I love my new fur baby!!

Barb xx

Wintervt profile image

Hope your surgery on Friday is successful! Sending ❤️ from across the pond!

Rotagirl profile image

Best of luck on Friday, it's amazing what can be done to help, and enjoy your new bunny, he sounds lovely. Fay

NPmary profile image

Praying for the very best outcome for you ♥️

monalbaki profile image

Praying that the procedure goes well. Hugs 🤗

Nelsonyong profile image

Hi Barb, this is a very effective and safe surgery. You will be able to regain your normal within days! Best of luck!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Nelsonyong


Oh I hope horse needs exercising and so do I!!! Can’t wait to be able to do a bit more as I’ve always been fairly fit and outdoorsy

Thanks for your good wishes

Barb xx

Animals are such great companions. Wishing you a fabulous result. Kudos for taking it on and going forward! What’s the bunny’s name?

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to


Still haven’t chosen a name..obviously there’s the roger, bugs, peter etc but I want something different..there’s the watership down bunny names

Bunny will have to do for now!!

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

It took me almost a month to name my kitten. Every few days we gave her a new name. She finally wound up being called Pip, short for Pippa. She sure is a Pip and a very affectionate rascal.

lmiller046 profile image

Hi Barb,

I had my kyphoplasty done in February and it has been amazing. I was in so much pain.

It is amazing what they can do now. The procedure is safe. You will be feeling better soon and will be glad for it.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to lmiller046


You’ve really cheered me up..I know of very few people who have had this done so I had been putting it off as was scared it would go I wish I’d not dithered and had it done months ago...ah well

All the best to you

Barb xx

Kimr2081 profile image

Best of luck to you and pray that your surgery goes well and you have a quick recovery.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Kimr2081


Oh thank you for your good wishes..will let you ladies know how I got on

Barb xx

PJBinMI profile image

I haven't had kyphoplasty, but I have had two back surgeries unrelated to cancer and in the same part of the spine where there are bone mets. I'd heard horror stories about back surgery going badly and was pleasantly surprised by how easy my recovery was. I also learned that current surgical techniques and the current anesthesia make surgery much easier on the patient and much much much less risky than in the past (like when I was growing up in the 1950s!). I've also known women who have had kyphoplasty and it has given them very positive results with pain gone and much better mobility. I hope it will be like that for you and think you have every reason to be optimistic.

I don't have rabbits but our four footed house mates certainly add joy and love to our lives! All rescued animals of one sort or another. My little boy dachshund is the first dog i have ever had who truly believes he is mine! When I take him for a walk, he is all perky and bouncy and happy. When my husband takes him, he is droopey and wants to get back to me as soon as he can! We got a kitten the first week in July--one of our grown daughters found him in her woodpile and he was way too little to be away from his mother! She couldn't take care of him so we adopted him and I fed him milk with an eye dropper for a few weeks. Now he looks more cattish than kittenish, but is still a bundle of playful energy. Our granddaughter named him Boston and that quickly morphed into Bossy, which he is! lol One of the things I really appreciate about our dogs and cats is that they live totally in the moment, something I need to be reminded to do, and they help me focus on what's happening now!

Enjoy Bunny!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to PJBinMI


I’m feeling a bit more optimistic about my surgery now thanks to the ladies on this’re all so caring

I was born in 1954 so as you said..back procedures are much more straightforward thank goodness

Already bunny is happy to be picked up and held..he’s tried some carrot and a snip of celery and is scoffing his rabbit nuggets

My 2 cats are fascinated and giving him ‘death stares’ idea why as we’ve had rabbits before..a bit of jealousy I suspect!!!

I would love a dog..a Bedlington or a poodle but my husband dislikes dogs it’s him or a dog..tricky!!lol only joking

Anyway I’ve got the horses so hopefully I’ll be riding soon with less pain

Barb xx

diamags profile image

Barb, best wishes on the surgery. My husband had it and it worked great. Name the bunny "Kyphoid Mary!"

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to diamags’s a boy bunny though!

Barb cx

mariootsi profile image

Barb wishing luck and a quick recovery from your surgery. Sending prayers your way! Marianne

Clair19 profile image

I’m so glad you are having that done for your spine. Also glad you got a bunny to love and take care of. Good luck on Friday and keep us posted.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Clair19

Hi Clair

I’ll let you ladies know how I got’s an overnight stay so hope I’ll be ok for tickets for’s a live transmission from the Met..will be amazing

Barb xc

RLN-overcomer profile image

greetings: I pray God will guide the surgeons hands, and that you will have a supernatural recovery. I am glad your new bunny is bringing you such joy. If you get a girl bunny, you will be over run with bunnies here, there, and everywhere. LOL XoXoXo

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to RLN-overcomer

Hmm best not get a lady bunny then 😆🐇🐇🐇

Barb xx

13plus profile image

Best of luck for Friday! Sounds like people have had great success with this so here's hoping for you too.

Enjoy your bunnie :) I'm not much good with names either, perhaps after the surgery something appropriate will come to you.

Best wishes!

SusieIM profile image

I had that done about five months ago. It has helped, hope everything goes well for you. Take care.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to SusieIM

Thank you Susie

I hope so too..feeling nervous!!

Barb xx

Alive-today profile image

Just saw your post, hope all went well, stay positive

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Alive-today

Hi there

I don’t have pain where I did before the procedure but in my shoulder blades..saw spine chap last Saturday and he said I need to have some massage therapy as it’s most likely muscular.he seemed happy with the follow up X-ray...having a shiatsu massage next week so hope it on my horse today just for a little walk/trot..did take painkillers but it cheered me up..the woods where I ride are beautiful this time of year and he behaved which was a bonus..can be a bit naughty sometimes but I love him to bits

Thanks for replying..

Barb xx

Sharon0122 profile image

I just had it done yesterday and no pain, except where they did the procedure. I haven’t been able to walk without pain for at least nine months. It’s a miracle! I’m sure you’ll be happy when it’s all over. Hugs!

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