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Bone mets/fracture

Onie54 profile image
24 Replies

Hello ladies!

Just found out on my last CT that I now have a fractured rib most likely from metastasis to the bone (prior was lung nodules and sternum). Don’t have any pain there so I wasn’t aware

of it.

Once you start having bone fractures/Mets does that mean your bones are more brittle now? I ask as my husband and I used to do a lot of cycling and I’m just wondering if I fall would I be possibly be breaking more bones? I know that can happen without having mbc but am I pushing it ?

Am going to ask oncologist on Thursday but thought to ask the opinions of my lovely ladies out there first. Any opinions welcome.


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Onie54 profile image
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24 Replies
Francesca10 profile image

I had same. Dr put me on xygeva to help strengthen bones as we can fracture easily.

Onie54 profile image
Onie54 in reply to Francesca10

Thanks for replying. I have been on zometa since starting treatment in 2018. I think it’s similar to xgeva.

Francesca10 profile image
Francesca10 in reply to Onie54

I would definitely not do anything with a fall risk. The rib fracture I had came from coughing?! After that I am so aware of my fragility of bones-so afraid of a fall. And my doc said same thing to me-don’t fall. Ugh😳

Onie54 profile image
Onie54 in reply to Francesca10

Should we be bubble wrapped? 😆

what about falling from a horse?

Barbteeth rides her horse and also has bone mets....

Francesca10 profile image
Francesca10 in reply to Onie54

Yes bubble wrap would be fine😳I know she also had a fracture. You can read her posts but if I remember correctly it was how mbc was found. Many find out they have mbc after having a fracture.

Maybe it’s my age- why so cautious. I have had fractures not mbc related and they were hell. That’s just me.

Onie54 profile image
Onie54 in reply to Francesca10

I know the feeling! I broke my elbow in 2010 the first time I tried my new road bike (the ones where your feet are clipped in). I wasn’t even moving when I fell over! 🙄

Then I slipped on ice over the Christmas holidays in 2017 and broke a wrist!

I found out I had mbc in March/April 2018 but not because of any broken bones, more because of a cold and cough. Just by chance my doc suggested an X-ray although he felt my lungs were clear (just a precautionary suggestion but it’s what caught the lung nodules).

I’m 54 now, first diagnosed with bc at 38.

Francesca10 profile image
Francesca10 in reply to Onie54

I am 65 now and mbc was found sept 2016. I am still working full time-am RN taking care of severely handicapped teenager. I am cautious there also-I don’t lift her or re-position her like I used to.

I was in college getting my RN degree at 55 when first br ca happened. Flew through b/l mastectomy, was back in college two weeks later-on letrozole 7 years, graduated 2011 and never thought about it again. Routine TM caught a mild rise- and here I am!!! I am so glad I went back and got my degree, people around me kept saying too old- won’t be able to do it. Well,!!!!

Like you didn’t expect this round at all. You are really in prime years now and need to do what you love. I wish there was a bubble to wrap you in on your bike💕😂I know you enjoy it..., just be super-careful?xo

Onie54 profile image
Onie54 in reply to Francesca10

Good for you for following your passion and getting your nursing degree! It’s never too late to do what you love.

Ive been involved with fundraising for cancer research since 2004. First with something called the Weekend to End Breast Cancer and now for the last 7 years with the Ride to Conquer Cancer. It’s cycling 🚴🏼 approximately 230 kms in & around the city/country roads in the Toronto area. It’s an amazing event with well over 5000 cyclists. My husband and I are quite passionate about it and I’m really bummed out 😞 that I’m not in any shape to be able to do it this year (haven’t exercised in a while and get out of breath easily). It takes place in about 10 days. My brother is taking my place and riding for me; my husband and I are doing all the fundraising. They will be riding together.

Like you I still work but only 5 hours per day. I find work helps make life more normal but my biggest issue is fatigue. Now the added bone mets! I’ll get a chance to ask more pointed questions on Thursday with onc appt.

Francesca10 profile image
Francesca10 in reply to Onie54

Yes I know the fatigue well. I just started taking supplements after weeks of reading posts and doing research- I am feeling a difference with the fatigue.

I am sorry you can’t do the ride this year; being a fundraiser keeps you involved.

I work to keep some sanity. I can’t sit home- then my thought are all around what if with this damn mbc. I do not do well home. I got a taste of it few weeks ago- had bronchitis and just felt lousy plus lo grade fever- saw onc- he said for me to not work would not be good for me psychologically;he put me on rest for 2 days. Thank God fever went away. I could not wait to get out!!

Hope you r having good day💕

Puppy_love profile image

The bones become more brittle from the estrogen blockers. Not sure what you’re taking. I fractured a rib too but I was in a lot of pain and it was from trying to remove a light cover that was stuck. I take supplements and I really think they help as long as you tell your oncologist what they are.,

AnnaChurch profile image

I have strict instruction not to fall! do make an effort to be careful.

Ibelong profile image

It’s a good idea to talk to your oncologist. Especially if you remain and wish to remain active. In fact you and your oncologist should be discussing this and how to maintain your lifestyle and quality of life you want to lead. So it’s important to understand how your treatment will work for you. I know some of the treatments I have had actually does weaken the bones even though I had bone mets it was a treatment for mets. When on these treatments I was given an Xgeva an injection to help the bones. I would ask about treatments to help the bone as well as test to help indicate the strength of the bone and when you should have these or if either are right for you.

The best of wishes for your up coming appointment.

Onie54 profile image

Thanks Sandra. I guess I won’t be playing rugby!

I just have to start slow again as I haven’t done much exercise since diagnosis. Shortness of breath is an issue but with cycling that’s only when there are hills!!

in reply to Onie54

Onie - after years of riding a road bike, I treated myself to a Cannondale pedal assist e bike. It’s terrific! The area near our home can be hilly and the e bike allows me so much more range to explore areas I avoided. Those interesting streets I didn’t explore because I realized I’d have to ride back uphill? Not an issue any more!! I rode 23 miles on Saturday and it’s great! I’ll still use my road bike when I visit areas like Cape Cod which have lots of level terrain. But my e bike is so much fun on hills. Good luck.

Onie54 profile image
Onie54 in reply to

I had just picked up a new bike before all this happened. I have been thinking of an e-bike but they are so expensive! I would now have 4 bikes! Have to seek a few before I guess. We tried e-bikes in mont tremblant in the fall and had a blast! I agree the hills were no problem.

Is the cannondale bike much lighter in weight than other e-bikes?

Onie54 profile image
Onie54 in reply to Onie54

Autocorrect-sell not seek

in reply to Onie54

Yes, this Cannondale is much lighter than others I tested. Better powered too for handling hills. It resembles a regular hybrid bike with regular tires rather than fat, heavy tires like other e bikes I tried. I shopped for over a year and this was the best in range, ride and weight. I surely can’t take the money with me when I go so I splurged. Cycling is one of my joys. It’s not just physical exercise but it’s good for my head. When I’m feeling blue, a ride helps ease my brain. It’s my own brand of therapy. I think the e bike — unless I remove the battery — will be too heavy to hoist onto my car’s bike rack. Which is another reason I’m keeping my old racing bike — it is easier to transport and lash onto the bike rack than my e bike. My oncologist knows how important riding is and reminds me to be careful. She doesn’t discourage it, saying she thinks patients need to live their lives until bigger problems present. I’m very careful where I ride and how I ride. Sell one or two of your four bikes and treat yourself to an e bike. You won’t regret it and you deserve it!!

in reply to

Definitely talk to your Dr. I had to have a complete hip replacement in October due to my bone Mets and my surgeon said my bones were too hard and could break easily. He didn’t use the term brittle. He said the bones go like two ways but both can be prone to breakage so be careful.

Sandra - I recommend test riding an e bike up a hill near the bike shop. When I tested one bike up a modest hill, it was underpowered. I was doing too much work. The e bike is heavier than a regular bike so the battery needs to account for that. Make no mistake — you still need to pedal.. It is not a moped. But it should give a proper boost. It remains a fun workout.

Great. Please let me know what you think when you test ride them. Enjoy.

8576 profile image

Hi: You sent a reply to my question about Tamoxifen. Unfortunately, I can't get your full reply to display. I am in Ontario, Canada as well.

Cheers, June S.

Onie54 profile image
Onie54 in reply to 8576

Hi JuneI got mixed up when you mentioned your dose. I realized after that you were talking about tamoxifen and not about letrozole !

I was on tamoxifen back in 2003-2008 then letrozole from 2008-2013. Then became MBC in 2018 so back on letrozole and added Ibrance.

Sorry for the confusion!! BTW, I’m in Mississauga.


8576 profile image
8576 in reply to Onie54

No problem Susie. We are not to far. Recently moved to Burlington from Barrie. I have two daughters living here. I will be getting cat scan results on Tuesday.

Cheers, June S.

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