Support service organization is looking for a peer for a volunteer who is taking Halaven (Eribulin) for metastatic breast cancer? She is now mets to her liver and will be starting this soon.
looking for someone taking Halaven (E... - SHARE Metastatic ...
looking for someone taking Halaven (Eribulin) for metastatic breast cancer?

I just had my first Eribulin so I don't know how I will respond and do not know what side effects I will encounter, therefore I would not be a good peer support candidate. Wishing you good luck in finding just the right person.
I took it - it didn't work for me - I hope it works for you - may you be the outlier for this drug
Good luck to tiuvtoo
I have triple negative MBC. I am on eribulin for over a year. I could not stay on Xeloda as I had a severe reaction to it. Eribulin gives me neuropathy in my hands and feet that puts me off balance. I had a break for 3 months and it all went away, but within two months of restarting my treatment, the neuropathy returned. It is not as severe this round because my doctor lowered the dose, but it still makes me walk funny. In addition I have trouble with computer keyboards and use special arthritis tools to open jars, etc. I also can't wear heels or slip on shoes. (Not a big deal, but it is frustrating. 😊) I get very fatigued and some days are worse than others. I also have very thin hair and need to wear wigs and scarves as it continues to fall out. The good news it is keeping my cancer from growing and spreading. For this, I will take the aide effects. A super woman in comfortable shoes!